Dr Robyn Smith
Visiting Research Fellow
Heinz Wolff 206
- Email: robyn.smith2@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265624
Clevenger, SM., Rick, OJC., Weber, EJ. and Smith, R. (2024) 'Podcasting as a Knowledge Translation Tool for Sport and Physical Activity Research', in Rich, KA., Smith, R. and Giles, AR. (eds.) Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 211 - 223. ISBN 10: 1-003-43033-3. ISBN 13: 978-1-032-55369-6.
Smith, R., Danford, M., Darnell, S., Doane, B., Larrazabal, MJL., Dinunzio, D., et al. (2024) 'Partnership Work in Participatory Action Research: “Trust Doesn’t Happen on a Timeline”', in Rich, KA., Smith, R. and Giles, AR. (eds.) Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 17 - 30. ISBN 10: 1-003-43033-3. ISBN 13: 978-1-032-55369-6.
Giles, AR., Smith, R., Oncescu, J., Ritondo, T. and Peterson, B. (2024) 'Secondary Traumatic Stress and Community-Based Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity', in Rich, KA., Smith, R. and Giles, AR. (eds.) Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 70 - 83. ISBN 10: 1-003-43033-3. ISBN 13: 978-1-032-55369-6.
Rich, KA., Smith, R. and Giles, AR. (2024) 'Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity'. Abingdon: Rioutledge. ISSN 10: 1-003-43033-3 ISSN 13: 978-1-032-55369-6
Rich, KA., Smith, R. and Giles, AR. (2024) 'Introduction', in Rich, KA., Smith, R. and GIles, AR. (eds.) Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 1 - 14. ISBN 10: 1-003-43033-3. ISBN 13: 978-1-032-55369-6.
Rich, KA., Smith, R. and Giles, AR. (2024) 'Conclusion', inParticipatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity. Routledge. pp. 238 - 246.
Webster, C. and Smith, R. (2024) 'Participatory research in sport, leisure, and forced migration: Where is the social justice?', in Lawrence, S., Hill, J. and Mowatt, R. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sport, Leisure, and Social Justice. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 518 - 530. ISBN 10: 1-003-38968-6. ISBN 13: 978-1-032-48560-7.
Mansfield, L., Daykin, N., OConnell, NE., Bailey, D., Forde, L., Smith, R., et al. (2024) 'A mixed methods systematic review on the effects of arts interventions for children and young people at-risk of offending, or who have offended on behavioural, psychosocial, cognitive and offending outcomes: A systematic review'. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 20 (1). pp. 1 - 35. ISSN: 1891-1803 Open Access Link
Smith, R., Mansfield, L. and Wainwright, E. (2023) '‘Should I really be here?’: Problems of trust and ethics in PAR with young people from refugee backgrounds in sport and leisure', in Spaaij, R., Luguetti, C. and De Martini Ugolotti, N. (eds.) Forced Migration and Sport. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 33 - 51. ISBN 10: 1-003-43019-8. ISBN 13: 978-1-032-55337-5.
Mansfield, L., Daykin, N., OConnell, NE., Bailey, D., Forde, L., Smith, R. and et al. (2023) 'PROTOCOL: A mixed methods systematic review on the effects of arts interventions for at‐risk and offending children and young people on behavioural, psychosocial, cognitive and offending outcomes'. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19 (1). pp. 1 - 10. ISSN: 1891-1803 Open Access Link
Smith, R., Mansfield, L. and Wainwright, E. (2023) '‘Do know harm’: Examining the intersecting capabilities of young people from refugee backgrounds through community sport and leisure programmes'. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58 (7). pp. 1135 - 1153. ISSN: 1012-6902 Open Access Link
Kerner, C., Prescott, A., Smith, R. and Owen, M. (2022) 'A systematic review exploring body image programmes and interventions in physical education'. European Physical Education Review, 28 (4). pp. 942 - 967. ISSN: 1356-336X Open Access Link
Smith, R., Mansfield, L. and Wainwright, E. (2021) '‘Should I really be here?’: Problems of trust and ethics in PAR with young people from refugee backgrounds in sport and leisure'. Sport in Society, 25 (3). pp. 434 - 452. ISSN: 1743-0437 Open Access Link
Smith, R., Danford, M., Darnell, SC., Larrazabal, MJL. and Abdellatif, M. (2020) '‘Like, what even is a podcast?’ Approaching sport-for-development youth participatory action research through digital methodologies'. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13 (1). pp. 128 - 145. ISSN: 2159-676X Open Access Link
Smith, R., Spaaij, R. and McDonald, B. (2018) 'Migrant Integration and Cultural Capital in the Context of Sport and Physical Activity: a Systematic Review'. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 20 (3). pp. 851 - 868. ISSN: 1488-3473 Open Access Link