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Ms Tai Frater
Senior Lecturer (Education) in Occupational Therapy

Mary Seacole

Research grants and projects

Research Projects

Project details

Funded Projects:

Winston Churchill memorial Trust Fellowship (2019) £7,530. Coaching parents in children's occupational therapy practice: Perspectives from New Zealand, Canada and the USA. Frater T.

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) Northwest London (NWL). (2016). £7,000. Shared decision making and evidence based practice in a service for children with brain injuries: A quality improvement project. Improvement Leader Fellowship. Frater T.

Heath Education Northwest London. (2016). £20,000. Educating undergraduate occupational therapy and physiotherapy students in Motivational Interviewing: Feasibility and effectiveness. Fortune J, Frater T, Norris M & Eva G. 

Brunel Educational Excellence Centre. (2015). £6,333. Resilience building through technology assisted learning: A Pilot Study to Support Student Transitions through University. Rajan-Rankin S (PI), McKay E, Naylor S, Frater T & Levitan N

Knowledge Exchange Partnership British Council. £57,853. (2014). Developing Inclusive Education in Pakistan: A collaborative project between British and Pakistani Occupational Therapists and Teachers. Kramer-Roy D (PI)

Widening Participation Programme, Brunel University London. (2013). £3000. “To Stay or Go” exploring reasons why students with disabilities leave their university studies. McKay E (PI), Frater T. Kramer-Roy D, Gnanasekaran L & Beech G

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