Professor Veena Kumari
Professor - Psychology
Quad North 148
- Email: veena.kumari@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 268053
Research Interests
- Cognitive and affective deficits in schizophrenia and personality disorders
- Neurobiological effects and predictors of outcome following drug and psychological treatments
- Neurobiology of violence and addiction
- Sleep deprivation and mental health
- Neuroscience of mindfulness
- Cognitive psychopharmacology, particularly the effects of psychostimulants, antipsychotics, nicotine and anxiolytics
- Neurobiology of sex and sexual-orientation related differences
- Personality neuroscience
Research grants and projects
Research Projects
Project details
Research Projects – Select
Childhood Maltreatment: Emotional Consequences and Potential Intervention
Funded by Medical Research Council, UK (Newton Fund)
Lau, J., Kumari, V.
Effect of D-Serine on Social Threat Processing
Funded by - Biomedical Research Centre, SLAM & KCL
Kumari, V. (PI), Peters, E., Williams, S, Mehta, M.
Imaging Avatar Therapy for Hallucinations in Psychosis (PI)
Funded by - Biomedical Research Centre, KCL
Kumari, V. (PI), Craig, T., Garety, P.
£34,880 (fMRI scanning)
Cognitive and Neural Processes in the Pathway to Psychosis
Funded by - Biomedical Research Centre, KCL
Kumari, V. (PI), Simmons, A., Peters, E.
£10,900 (fMRI scanning)
The Mindful Eye: Smooth Pursuit and Saccadic Eye Movements in Meditators and Non-meditators
Funded by - BIAL Foundation, Portugal
Kumari, V. (PI), Antonova, E.
01/04/15 – 31/03/16
One ear is better than two; but why and when?
Funded by - BIAL Foundation, Portugal
Kumari V. (PI), Antonova, E.
01/04/13 – 31/12/14
Neural Effects of Mindful Attention on Sensory Information Processing
Funded by - John Templeton Foundation, USA
Antonova, E. (PI), Chadwick, P., Kumari, V., Williams, S.
01/01/11 – 31/12/12
Biosocial Basis of Violence in Mental Disorders
Funded by - British Academy, UK
Kumari, V. (PI), Gudjonsson, G.
01/03/10 – 28/02/11
A Pharmacological Validation of the Joystick Runway Task as a Repeatable and Objective Behavioural Assay of Anxiety in Humans
Funded by - Medical Research Council (MRC), UK
Perkins, A. (PI), Kumari, V., Williams, S.
01/10/10 – 31/08/11
Personality and Reproductive Fitness
Funded by - British Academy, UK
Kumari, V (PI), Ettinger, U.
01/02/09 – 31/07/09
The Neurobiological Aetiology of Emotional Dysfunction in Reactive and Instrumental Violence
Funded by - Department of Health, UK
Blackwood, N., Ffytche, D., Hodgins, S. (PI), Kumari, V.
01/09/06 – 31/07/10
The Neuroanatomical Basis of Frontal Lobe Cognitive Dysfunction in Frontal Lobe and Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies
Funded by - Wellcome Trust, Uk
Richardson, M. (PI), Barker, G., Kumari, V.
01/07/06 – 31/05/10
Sex Differences in Sensory Processing
Funded by - British Academy, UK
Kumari, V. (PI), Cleare, A.
01/04/05 – 30/06/07
Neural Correlates of Response to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Schizophrenia: A Functional MRI Investigation
Funded by - Wellcome Trust, UK
Kumari, V. (PI)
01/10/02 – 31/ 05/09
Insight in Schizophrenia: Relationship to Deficits in Brain Functions and Structures, and Responsiveness to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Funded by - Wellcome Trust, UK
Kumari, V. (PI, Prize PhD studentship for Cooke, M.), Peters, E., Williams, S.
01/06/03 – 31/05/06
Neural Correlates of Deficient Information Processing in "Psychosis-Prone" Healthy Individuals: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Funded by - British Academy, UK
Kumari, V. (PI)
01/06/02 – 31/05/03
Cognitive Enhancement with Rivastagmine in Schizophrenia
Funded by - Stanley Foundation, USA
Kumari, V., Sharma T
01/02/01 – 31/01/04
Information Processing Deficits in Schizophrenia: Effects of Atypical as Compared to Typical Antipsychotics
Funded by - Beit Memorial Foundation, UK
Kumari, V. (PI)
01/10/99 – 30/09/02
Differential Efficacy of Atypical and Conventional Antipsychotics in Normalising Information Processing Deficits in Schizophrenia: A Functional MRI Investigation
Funded by - NARSAD (Brain and Behavior Research Foundation), USA
Kumari, V. (PI)
01/07/99 – 30/06/02
Schizophrenia and Violence - a Whole Brain functional MRI study
Stanley Foundation
Kumari, V., Sharma, T.
Research links
Co-author network
- Dr Elena Antonova
- Dr Ben Jennings
- Prof Piyal Sen
- Dr Ray Norbury
- Dr Terry Dovey
- Prof Alex Blakemore
- Prof Costas Karageorghis
- Dr Dominik Havsteen-Franklin
- Dr Daniel Low
- Dr Amir Mohagheghi
- Dr Rachel Bennetts
- Dr Aiyana Willard
- Dr Andrew Parton
- Dr Justin O'Brien
- Visualise network
Similar research interests
- Professor Zidong Wang
- Dr Justin O'Brien
- Professor Maria Tsouroufli
- Professor Asoke Nandi
- Professor Xiangming Zhou
Research group(s)