Dr Zear Ibrahim
Associate Lecturer (Education)
Wilfred Brown 203
- Email: zear.ibrahim@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 268574
Zear Ibrahim is an associate lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Brunel University London, where he also received his Ph.D. and B.Sc. respectively. Prior to embarking on a fully funded EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership in 2017, he worked as developer and analyst implementing Oracle Enterprise Business solutions at the National Physical Laboratory. Zear’s research focuses on exploiting recent developments in the open-sourced 3D/AR/IR structure sensor research domain to enable accurate, efficient and non-invasive Assistive Technologies for Health Care Provision in older-adults. Additionally, Zear also has lecturing experience on a number of undergraduate modules, which are primarily focused on the programming fundamentals.
- PhD - Computer Science - Computer Vision & Biomedical Engineering
- BSc - Computer Science - Software Engineering
- SAS - Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9
- Computer Science - Academic Admission Tutor
- Computer Science - Swiftbot Infrastructure Technology Lead
- Computer Science - CS1603 - Introductory Programming Module Lead
- Computer Science - PGT - SAS Certified Base Programmer Certification Training Lead