Professor Zhongyun Fan
Director - BCAST - (Professor)
Gardiner Building 001d
- Email:
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266406
Fan, Z. and Men, H. (2022) 'Heterogeneous Nucleation and Grain Initiation on a Single Substrate'. Metals, 12 (9). pp. 1 - 19.Open Access Link
Wang, Y., Fang, C., Zhou, L., Hashimoto, T., Zhou, X., Ramasse, QM. and et al. (2018) 'Mechanism for Zr poisoning of Al-Ti-B based grain refiners'. Acta Materialia, 164 (1 February 2019). pp. 428 - 439. ISSN: 1359-6454 Open Access Link
Ji, S., Yang, W., Gao, F., Watson, D. and Fan, Z. (2013) 'Effect of iron on the microstructure and mechanical property of Al-Mg-Si-Mn and Al-Mg-Si diecast alloys'. Materials Science and Engineering A, 564. pp. 130 - 139. ISSN: 0921-5093 Open Access Link
Li, HT., Wang, Y. and Fan, Z. (2012) 'Mechanisms of enhanced heterogeneous nucleation during solidification in binary Al-Mg alloys'. Acta Materialia, 60 (4). pp. 1528 - 1537. ISSN: 1359-6454 Open Access Link
Fan, Z. and Stone, IC. (2011) 'Solidification Science and Technology'. Uxbridge: Brunel University Press. ISSN 13: 978-1-902316-99-4
Aldrich, DE. and Fan, Z. (2001) 'Microstructural characterisation of interpenetrating nickel/alumina composites'. Materials Characterization, 47 (3-4). pp. 167 - 173. ISSN: 1044-5803
Peng, HX. and Fan, Z. (2001) 'Immiscible systems produced by squeeze casting of engineered metallic foams'. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 20 (19). pp. 1769 - 1771. ISSN: 0261-8028
Qin, RS. and Fan, Z. (2001) 'Fractal theory study on morphological dependence of viscosity of semisolid slurries'. Materials Science and Technology, 17 (9). pp. 1149 - 1152. ISSN: 0267-0836
Peng, HX., Fan, Z. and Evans, JRG. (2001) 'Bi-continuous metal matrix composites'. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 303 (1-2). pp. 37 - 45. ISSN: 0921-5093
Ji, S., Fan, Z. and Bevis, MJ. (2001) 'Semi-solid processing of engineering alloys by a twin-screw rheomoulding process'. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 299 (1-2). pp. 210 - 217. ISSN: 0921-5093
Zhang, J., Fan, Z., Wang, YQ. and Zhou, BL. (2001)
'Equilibrium pseudobinary Al - Mg
Yan, M. and Fan, Z. (2001) 'Durability of materials in molten aluminum alloys'. Journal of Materials Science, 36 (2). pp. 285 - 295. ISSN: 0022-2461
Peng, HX., Fan, Z. and Evans, JRG. (2001) 'Cellular arrays of alumina fibres'. Journal of Materials Science, 36 (4). pp. 1007 - 1013. ISSN: 0022-2461
Fan, Z., Ji, S. and Zhang, J. (2001) 'Processing of immiscible metallic alloys by rheomixing process'. Materials Science and Technology, 17 (7). pp. 837 - 842. ISSN: 0267-0836
Ji, S. and Fan, Z. (2001) 'Improving the roundness of foundry sands with artificial processing'. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 14 (1). pp. 37 - 42. ISSN: 1364-0461
Zhang, J., Fan, Z., Wang, YQ. and Zhou, BL. (2000) 'Effect of cooling rate on the microstructure of hypereutectic Al-Mg2Si alloys'. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 19 (20). pp. 1825 - 1828. ISSN: 0261-8028
Ji, S., Fan, Z., Wan, L. and Zhang, J. (2000) 'Moulding characteristics of sand mixture with partial vacuum suction techniques'. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 13 (3). pp. 161 - 165. ISSN: 1743-1336
Peng, HX., Fan, Z., Evans, JRG. and Busfield, JJC. (2000) 'Microstructure of ceramic foams'. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 20 (7). pp. 807 - 813. ISSN: 0955-2219
Zhang, J., Fan, Z., Wang, YQ. and Zhou, BL. (2000)
'Microstructural evolution of the in situ Al-15wt.%Mg
Zhang, J., Fan, Z., Wang, YQ. and Zhou, BL. (2000)
'Microstructural development of Al-15wt.%Mg
Peng, HX., Fan, Z. and Evans, JRG. (2000) 'Factors affecting the microstructure of a fine ceramic foam'. Ceramics International, 26 (8). pp. 887 - 895. ISSN: 0272-8842
Zhang, J., Fan, Z., Wang, Y. and Zhou, B. (2000)
'Hypereutectic aluminium alloy tubes with graded distribution of Mg
Yan, M. and Fan, Z. (2000) 'Erosion of H21 tool steel in molten A380 alloy'. Journal of Materials Science, 35 (7). pp. 1661 - 1667. ISSN: 0022-2461
Peng, HX., Fan, Z. and Wang, DZ. (2000)
'In situ Al
Ji, S., Vuorinen, JJ. and Fan, Z. (1999) 'A casting classification and coding system suitable for a CIMS in casting production'. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 12 (3). pp. 161 - 165. ISSN: 1364-0461 Open Access Link
Zhang, J., Fan, Z., Wang, Y. and Zhou, B. (1999) 'Microstructural refinement in Al-Mg2Si in situ composites'. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 18 (10). pp. 783 - 784. ISSN: 0261-8028
Yan, M., Fan, Z. and Bevis, MJ. (1999) 'Erosion behaviour of Inconel 718 in molten A380 alloy'. Scripta Materialia, 40 (11). pp. 1255 - 1261. ISSN: 1359-6462
Fan, Z. (1997) 'High temperature creep resistance of metal matrix composites'. Materials Science and Technology, 13 (4). pp. 327 - 330. ISSN: 0267-0836
Fan, Z., Guo, ZX. and Cantor, B. (1997) 'The kinetics and mechanism of interfacial reaction in sigma fibre-reinforced Ti MMCs'. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 28 (2). pp. 131 - 140. ISSN: 1359-835X