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Approach to judging the 'value' of a degree needs overhaul


Brunel University London's Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Julia Buckingham CBE, gave a keynote address this morning at Advance HE's 'Let's Talk Value' conference in London, during which she spoke out about higher education's need to better explain its benefits.

Measures used to assess the value of a degree course could be completely overhauled under proposals to government put forward by Universities UK (UUK).

In future, government and universities would be able to use a new tool which measures the value of individual subjects beyond just graduate earnings. This could be to the benefit of students themselves as well as to wider society and the economy.

In a major speech on the topic of value in higher education, UUK President Professor Julia Buckingham called on government to broaden its definition of ‘value’ beyond a student’s expected future salary alone and to recognise the less celebrated, yet vital benefits of studying for a degree. She also issued a rallying call to the sector to do more to address concerns around value and respond more effectively where there are legitimate concerns.

To support the government in adopting a new approach, UUK is outlining proposed new measures against which it believes universities can demonstrate the success and contribution of their courses. These include the proportion of graduates working in essential public services, the number taking positions in sectors and regions with skills shortages, or the likelihood of a graduate starting their own business. The tool would allow universities to assess and illustrate the wider benefits to students of university life, such as their life satisfaction, personal health and opportunities to get involved in volunteer work.

Professor Julia Buckingham CBE, President of Universities UK and Vice-Chancellor and President of Brunel University London, said: “While universities need to work collectively and respond more effectively to legitimate challenges around the value of some university degrees, government also needs to broaden its current narrow definition of success based on salaries alone. This is a blunt tool which does a disservice to students and recent graduates, while failing to consider the wider student experience.

“A much broader approach which takes account the other benefits of a university degree would better reflect what is important to students, parents, employers and society.

“We need to look beyond an individual’s P60 and think about the total package of what they have learnt and achieved through their time at university.”

As part of its response to the Augar Review of post-18 education and funding, UUK established a number of Vice-Chancellor working groups to consider the issues raised in the report.

Following research showing that students themselves do not see future salary as the driving factor in their higher education choices, the group exploring the value of a university education is committed to making the case to government to adopt a broader definition. This new framework will shortly be presented to government to help identify what the wider themes of that approach might be.

For further detail, read Professor Buckingham's comment piece in today's Telegraph: 'Don't judge universities on graduate salaries alone – there's more to success than money'

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