Professor Allan Tucker
Wilfred Brown Building 218
- Email: allan.tucker@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266933
I have designed and led the following modules:
- Business Intelligence (MSc) - at Brunel (~150 students) and NITH, Oslo (~30 students) for 1 year.
- Machine Learning (MSc) - at Brunel (~10 students) for 3 years.
- Logic and Computation (Level 1) - at Brunel (~200 students) for 4 years.
- Artificial Intelligence option (level 3) - at Brunel (~200 students) for 4 years.
- High Performance Computational Infrastructures (MSc) - at Brunel (~30 students) for 1 year.
Other teaching: • JAVA programming (level 1) - at Brunel (~200 students) for 5 years. • Masters level Statistics course - at Brunel Graduate School (~10 students) for 1 year.