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Dr Derek Groen
Reader in Computer Science


I am a Lecturer in Simulation and Modelling at Brunel University. I'm also an Emeritus Fellow for the EPSRC-funded 2020 Science Network, a Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute, and a Visiting Lecturer at the Centre for Computational Science at University College London. I completed an MSc in Grid Computing at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in 2006, and a PhD in Computational Astrophysics both at the UvA and Leiden University in November 2010. After my PhD I worked as a post-doctoral researcher on EU projects about distributed multiscale computing (MAPPER) and high-performance computing towards the Exascale (CRESTA). I received a 1-year position as a Fellow of 2020 Science in January 2015, and funded myself for two months through an EPSRC eCSE to work on new approaches for domain decomposition. I joined Brunel University in September 2015 to become a Lecturer and I currently collaborate in the EU ComPat project about multiscale computing towards the Exascale.

I have published >20 peer-reviewed journal papers in venues such as IEEE Computer, IEEE CiSE, Journal of Computational Science, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A., Physics Review E., the Astrophysical Journal and eLife. In addition, I was second author of the first ever feature article in Advanced Materials, which was on multiscale modelling of clay-polymer nanocomposites and received news coverage from the Daily Telegraph and the BBC. I currently run Science Hackathons to efficiently establish new interdisciplinary collaborations.

Newest selected publications

Ghorbani, M., Suleimenova, D., Jahani, A., Saha, A., Xue, Y., Mintram, K., et al. (2024) 'Flee 3: Flexible agent-based simulation for forced migration'. Journal of Computational Science, 81. pp. 1 - 14. ISSN: 1877-7503

Journal article | Open Access Link

Boesjes, F., Jahani, A., Ooink, B. and Groen, D. (2024) 'Analysing the effect of a dynamic physical environment network on the travel dynamics of forcibly displaced persons in Mali'. International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence, 3. pp. 1 - 9.

Journal article | Open Access Link

Groen, D., Papadopoulou, N., Anastasiadis, P., Lawenda, M., Szustak, L., Gogolenko, S., et al. (2023) 'Large-scale parallelization of Human Migration Simulation'. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 11 (2). pp. 2135 - 2146. ISSN: 2329-924X

Journal article | Open Access Link

Groen, D., Suleimenova, D., Jahani, A. and Xue, Y. (2023) 'Facilitating simulation development for global challenge response and anticipation in a timely way'. Journal of Computational Science, 72. pp. 1 - 11. ISSN: 1877-7503

Journal article | Open Access Link

Groen, D., Arabnejad, H., Suleimenova, D., Edeling, W., Raffin, E., Xue, Y., et al. (2022) 'FabSim3: An automation toolkit for verified simulations using high performance computing'. Computer Physics Communications, 283. pp. 1 - 18. ISSN: 0010-4655

Journal article | Open Access Link
More publications(35)

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