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Dr Giannis Efthymiou
Senior Lecturer in Education


Efthymiou, GS. (2024) 'Schooling in a democracy: returning education to the public service by Richard Riddell, Policy Press, Bristol University Press, 2023, £24.99 (Paperback), ISBN: 978-1447362937'. Journal of Education Policy, 0 (ahead of print). pp. 1 - 2. ISSN: 0268-0939

Journal article

Efthymiou, G. (Accepted) 'Democratic Education', in Winn, MT., Winn, LT., Bourn, D. and Pasha, A. (eds.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education. Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. , Global Education.

Book chapter

Efthymiou, G. (2024) 'Book Review: Schooling in a Democracy: returning Education to the Public Service, by Richard Riddell'. Journal of Education Policy. ISSN: 0268-0939

Journal article

Efthymiou, G. (2023) 'Global learning enabling teacher voices in one Greek primary school: mixed methods including action research and interviews', in Bourn, D. (ed.) Research in Global Learning Methodologies for Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development Education. London : UCL Press. pp. 111 - 130. ISBN 10: 1800083092. ISBN 13: 9781800083097.

Book chapter

Efthymiou, G. and de Vries, M. (2022) 'Teachers reflecting on teaching global issues: “Because I’m also part of the problem”'. Sinergias – diálogos educativos para a transformação social, 13. pp. 41 - 57.Open Access Link

Journal article

Efthymiou, G. and Papanikolaou, P. (2022) 'Global Citizenship Education in Greece's primary schools: opportunities and challenges (Παιδεία του Πολίτη στο Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα του Ελληνικού Δημοτικού Σχολείου)', in Καλδή, Σ., Ρουσσάκης, Ι., Τζίκα, Β., Χατζή, Μ. and Μαλαφάντης, Κ. (eds.) School in democracy, democracy in schools (Το σχολείο στη δημοκρατία, η δημοκρατία στο σχολείο). Volos : Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Θεσσαλίας. , Α. pp. 384 - 393. ISBN 10: 960-9439-78-0. ISBN 13: 978-960-9439-78-7. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Efthymiou, GS. (2021) 'Book review: Research on Teaching Global Issues: Pedagogy for global citizenship education, edited by John P. Meyers'. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 13 (1). pp. 61 - 64.

Journal article