Althonayan, A. and Andronache, A. (2018) 'Shifting from information security towards a cybersecurity paradigm'.ICIME 2018: 2018 10th International Conference on Information Management and Engineering. Univ Salford, Manchester, ENGLAND. 22 - 24 September. ACM. pp. 68 - 79.
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Mahmood, M., Weerakkody, V. and Chen, W. (2018) 'The Influence of Transformed Government on Citizen Trust: Insights from Bahrain'. Information Technology for Development, 25 (2). pp. 275 - 303. ISSN: 0268-1102 Open Access Link
Balmer, J. and Chen, W. (2018) 'Editorial [Corporate Brands: Ignored, Accepted and Now Celebrated]'. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 27 (1). pp. 1 - 2. ISSN: 1061-0421 Open Access Link
Alsaggaf, MA. and Althonayan, A. (2018) 'An empirical investigation of customer intentions influenced by service quality using the mediation of emotional and cognitive responses'. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 31 (1). pp. 194 - 223. ISSN: 1741-0398 Open Access Link
Althonayan, A. and Жунусова. (2017) 'Strategic aspects of critical thinking in Abay's literary heritage'. Карагандинского Государственного Университета, 87.
Balmer, JMT. and Chen, W. (2017) 'Corporate heritage brands, augmented role identity and customer satisfaction'. European Journal of Marketing, 51 (9-10). pp. 1510 - 1521. ISSN: 0309-0566 Open Access Link
Althonayan, A. and Althonayan, M. (2017) 'E-Government System Evaluation: The Case of Users Performance using ERP systems in Higher Education'. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 11 (3). pp. 306 - 342. ISSN: 1750-6166
Singh, S., Batsakis, G. and Azar, G. (2017) 'Added Distance, Entry Mode Choice, and the Moderating Effect of Experience: The Case of British MNEs in Emerging Markets'.AIB 2017 Annual Meeting. Dubai, UAE. 2 - 5 July. Wiley. pp. 581 - 594. ISSN: 1096-4762 Open Access Link
Pfajfar, G., Shoham, A., Makovec Brenčič, M., Koufopoulos, D., Katsikeas, CS. and Mitręga, M. (2017) 'Power source drivers and performance outcomes of functional and dysfunctional conflict in exporter–importer relationships'. Industrial Marketing Management, 78. pp. 213 - 226. ISSN: 0019-8501 Open Access Link
Althonayan, A. and Тарасова. (2017) 'Маркетинговая стратегия вузов: отечественный и зарубежный опыт'. Вестник Белгородского университета кооперации, экономики и права, 63.
Balmer, JMT. and Chen, WF. (2016) 'Advances in Chinese Brand Management'. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 13: 978-1-352-00010-8
Singh, S., Wood, G., Alharbi, J. and Darwish, TK. (2016) 'Control mechanisms of MNEs: an empirical study'. Multinational Business Review, 24 (3). pp. 279 - 300. ISSN: 1525-383X
Althonayan, A., Sultan., Isauly., Kenish. and Abildaeva. (2016) 'Skills of Critical Thinking: Comparative Study Among British And Kazakhstan Students’'. Pedagogical Journal Of Bashkortostan.
Althonayan, A., Sultan. and Banning. (2016) 'Assessment of Critical Thinking Abilities of Students in Kazakhstan and Great Britain'. in Journal of Studies in Higher Education.
Althonayan, A., Tarasova. and Shein. (2016) 'Improvement of methodical approaches to universities’ sites functioning as a tool of marketing activity and their approbation // Urgent problems of modern science and practice'.International research conference of the academia and postgraduates. Proceedings of the International research conference of the academia and postgraduates.
Kurmanbayeva, AS., Russell, A., Zhumabayeva, SE., Gazdiyeva, BA., Althonayan, A., Ali, M., et al. (2016) 'Air pollution and public health risk assessment: case of the Akmola region'. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Biological and Medical Series), 6. pp. 23 - 23.
Balmer, JMT. and Chen, WF. (2016) 'Corporate heritage tourism brand attractiveness and national identity'. Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 25 (Iss: 3,). pp. 223 - 238. ISSN: 1061-0421 Open Access Link
Singh, S., Darwish, T., Wood, G. and Abdullah, A. (2016) 'Indigenization of Staffing in MNEs: The Case of Saudi Arabia'.Academy of International Business. New Orleans USA. [unpublished]
Balmer, JMT. and Chen, WF. (2016) 'Corporate heritage tourism brand attractiveness. The case of Tong Ren Tang and Chinese national identity.'. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 25 (3). pp. 223 - 234. ISSN: 1061-0421 Open Access Link
Maki, THA., Singh, S., Eldabi, T. and Elali, W. (2016) 'Organizational effectiveness in secondary schools: An empirical study'.Workshop on Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century II. Ahila Univ, BAHRAIN. 1 - 19 May. CRC Press. pp. 117 - 127.
Darwish, T., Singh, S. and Wood, G. (2015) 'Human Resource Management in India: Strategy, Performance and Complementarity'.Academy of International Business. Bangalore, India. 27 - 30 June.Open Access Link
Balmer, JMT. and Chen, W. (2015) 'Corporate heritage brands in China. Consumer engagement with China’s most celebrated corporate heritage brand – Tong Ren Tang: 同仁堂'. Journal of Brand Management, 22 (3). pp. 194 - 210. ISSN: 1479-1803 Open Access Link
Balmer, JMT. and Chen, W. (2015) 'China’s brands, China’s brand development strategies and corporate brand communications in China'. Journal of Brand Management, 22 (3). pp. 175 - 193. ISSN: 1479-1803 Open Access Link
Pastra, A., Gkliatis,, I. and Koufopoulos, D. (2015) 'Board Characteristics and the Presence of Women on the Board of Directors: The case of Greek Shipping Sector', in kITADA, M., wILLIAMS, E. and fROHOLDT, L. (eds.) Maritime Women: Global Leadership. bERLIN : Springer. , 3. pp. 1 - 304. ISBN 10: 3662453843. ISBN 13: 9783662453841.
Chen, W. and Balmer, JMT. (2015) 'Guest Editorial'. Journal of Brand Management, 22 (3). pp. 173 - 174. ISSN: 1479-1803 Open Access Link
Koufopoulos, D. and Pastra, A. (2014) 'Boards in Greek maritime listed companies: Findings from the fifth annual research; Review of the HOCG, Dec 2014, Vol 7, No 2, 5th Study of Greek Maritime firms'. Place of publication: Hellenic Observatory of Corporate Governance. Available at: ISSN: 1759-0108 Open Access Link
Giannopoulos, M. and Koufopoulos, DN. (2014) 'The impact of post-merger integration on cost savings: The case of Greece'. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 7 (4). pp. 303 - 324. ISSN: 1746-966X
Koufopoulos, D. and Nastos, G. (2014) 'The Board of Directors in Greek Football Clubs: 2005-2014; Review of the HOCG, Dec 2014, Vol 7, No 1, 2nd Study of Greek Football Glubs'. Place of publication: Hellenic Observatory of Corporate Governance. Available at: ISSN: 1759-0108 Open Access Link
Fallon, G. and Chen, W. (2014) 'Exploring the determinants of inbound FDI location in Kazakhstan since the break-up of the former Soviet Union'.
Zafeiropoulou, FA. and Koufopoulos, D. (2014) 'The influence of the relational marketing paradigm on the governance of the novel channel format named social franchising: An exploratory qualitative analysis of four social franchises from the UK'. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 19 (2). pp. 1450013 - 1450013. ISSN: 1084-9467
Tran, Q., Koufopoulos, DN. and Warner, B. (2014) 'The effectiveness of boards of directors in two-tier board system: Vidence from vietnamese-listed enterprises'. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 1 (1). ISSN: 2328-8272
Althonayan, A., Keith. and Killackey. (2013) 'Transitioning into ERM Culture to ensure sustainable competitive advantage'. Journal of Risk Research. ISSN: 1366-9877
Althonayan, A. (2013) 'Investigating the Role of Transformational Leadership on Followers’ Creativity through Mediating Support for Innovation and Workplace Relationship: A Conceptual Approach'. Journal of Information and Management.
Althonayan, A. and Alarifi. (2013) 'The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Followers’ Creativity in Public Sector'.International Conference on Management, Behavioural Sciences and Economics Issues.
Gkliatis, IP. and Koufopoulos, DN. (2013) 'Strategic planning practices in the Greek hospitality industry'. European Business Review, 25 (6). pp. 571 - 587. ISSN: 0955-534X
Darwish, TK. and Singh, S. (2013) 'Does strategic human resource involvement and devolvement enhance organisational performance?: Evidence from Jordan'. International Journal of Manpower, 34 (6). pp. 674 - 692. ISSN: 0143-7720
Alharbi, J. and Singh, S. (2013) 'Knowledge transfer, controls, and performance of MNE subsidiaries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia'. Foresight, 15 (4). pp. 294 - 306. ISSN: 1463-6689
Althonayan, A. and Althonayan, M. (2013) 'The impact of Service Quality on ERP Systems Stakeholders’ performance in Higher Education'. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. ISSN: 0963-8687
Zafeiropoulou, FA. and Koufopoulos, DN. (2013) 'The Influence of Relational Embeddedness on the Formation and Performance of Social Franchising'. Journal of Marketing Channels, 20 (1-2). pp. 73 - 98. ISSN: 1046-669X
Darwish, T., Singh, S. and Mohamed, F. (2013) 'The role of strategic HR practices in organisational effectiveness: an empirical investigation in the country of Jordan'. The International Journal of Human Resource Management (online March:, Online first (17). pp. 3343 - 3362. ISSN: 0958-5192
Ramirez, M., Li, X. and Chen, W. (2013) 'Comparing the impact of intra- and inter-regional labour mobility on problem-solving in a Chinese science park'. Regional Studies, 47 (10). pp. 1734 - 1751. ISSN: 0034-3404 Open Access Link
Chen, W., Woods, A. and Singh, S. (2013) 'Organisational change and development of reformed Chinese township and village enterprises'. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 26 (2). pp. 353 - 369. ISSN: 0953-4814 Open Access Link
Singh, S., Mohamed, AF. and Darwish, A. (2013) 'A comparative study of performance appraisals, incentives and rewards practices in domestic and multinational enterprises in the country of Brunei Darussalam'. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24 (19). pp. 3577 - 3598. ISSN: 1466-4399
Athreye, S., Batsakis, G. and Singh, S. (2013) 'Subsidiary embeddedness is a strategic choice: Complementarity and the factors associated with different types of embeddedness'. Place of publication: Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics. Available at:
Althonayan, A., Killackey. and Keith. (2012) 'Developing Enterprise Risk Management Culture to Enhance Competitive Advantage’'.ERM Symposium. Washington DC, USA. 10 - 14 December.
Mohamed, AF., Singh, S., Irani, Z. and Darwish, TK. (2012) 'An Analysis of Recruitment, Training and Retention Practices in Domestic and Multinational Enterprises in the country of Brunei Darussalam'. International Journal of Human Resource Management (online 4/10/12:10.1080/09585192.2012.723021), Online first (10). pp. 2054 - 2081. ISSN: 0958-5192
Heaslip, G., Sharif, AM. and Althonayan, A. (2012) 'Employing a systems-based perspective to the identification of inter-relationships within humanitarian logistics'. International Journal of Production Economics, 139 (2). pp. 377 - 392. ISSN: 0925-5273
Athreye, S., Batsakis, G. and Singh, S. (2012) 'The Multiple Embeddedness of MNEs’ Foreign R&D Subsidiaries in External Home, External Host and Internal Networks'.Academy of Management. Boston, MA. [unpublished]
Singh, S., Darwish, T., Costa, AC. and Anderson, N. (2012) 'Measuring HRM and organisational performance: Concepts, issues, and framework'. Management Decision, 50 (4). pp. 651 - 667. ISSN: 0025-1747
Koufopoulos, D. and Pitt, MR. (2012) 'Essentials of Strategic Management'. Sage Publications Ltd. ISSN 10: 1849201862 ISSN 13: 9781849201865