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Madan, T., Reid, KB., Singh, M., Sarma, PU. and Kishore, U. (2005) 'Susceptibility of mice genetically deficient in the surfactant protein (SP)-A or SP-D gene to pulmonary hypersensitivity induced by antigens and allergens of Aspergillus fumigatus'. Journal of Immunology, 174 (11). pp. 6943 - 6954. ISSN: 0022-1767

Journal article

Madan, T., Kaur, S., Saxena, S., Singh, M., Kishore, U., Thiel, S., et al. (2005) 'Role of collectins in innate immunity against aspergillosis'. Med Mycol, 43 Suppl 1 (SUPPL.1). pp. S155 - S163. ISSN: 1369-3786

Journal article

Spreadbury, I., Kishore, U., Beeson, D. and Vincent, A. (2005) 'Inhibition of acetylcholine receptor function by seronegative myasthenia gravis non-IgG factor correlates with desensitisation'. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 162 (1-2). pp. 149 - 156. ISSN: 0165-5728

Journal article

Singh, U., Nicholson, G., Urban, BC., Sargent, IL., Kishore, U. and Bernal, AL. (2005) 'Immunological properties of human decidual macrophages - A possible role in intrauterine immunity'. Reproduction, 129 (5). pp. 631 - 637. ISSN: 1470-1626

Journal article

Roumenina, L., Zlatarova, A., Olova, N., Radanova, M., Kishore, U. and Kojouharova, M. (2005) 'Contribution of the c1q polypeptide chains in the recognition of crp'. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 19 (2). pp. 122 - 125. ISSN: 1310-2818

Journal article

Kishore, U., Gaboriaud, C., Waters, P., Shrive, AK., Greenhough, TJ., Reid, KBM., et al. (2004) 'C1q and tumor necrosis factor superfamily: Modularity and versatility'. Trends in Immunology, 25 (10). pp. 551 - 561. ISSN: 1471-4906

Journal article

Zhang, W., Leite, I., Kishore, U., Water, P. and Willcox, N. (2004) 'Use of ELISPOTS to monitor cloning of AChR-specific T-cells from myasthenia gravis patients'.7th International Congress of the International-Society-of-Neuroimmunology. Venice, ITALY. 28 - 2 October. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. pp. 150 - 150. ISSN: 0165-5728

Conference paper

Groeneveld, TWL., Seelen, MA., Duijs, JMGM., Bajema, IM., Prins, FA., Kishore, U., et al. (2004) 'Anti-C1q autoantibodies deposit in glomeruli but are only pathogenic in combination with glomerular C1q-containing immune complexes'. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 114 (5). pp. 679 - 688. ISSN: 0021-9738

Journal article

Kishore, U., Ghai, R., Greenhough, TJ., Shrive, AK., Bonifati, DM., Gadjeva, MG., et al. (2004) 'Structural and functional anatomy of the globular domain of complement protein C1q'. Immunology Letters, 95 (2). pp. 113 - 128. ISSN: 0165-2478

Journal article

Mitchell, DA., Villiers, CL., Foster, N., Kishore, U. and Sim, RB. (2004) 'Proteomic profiling of complement-dendritic cell interactions'.20th International Complement Workshop. Honolulu, HI. 13 - 18 June. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. pp. 277 - 277. ISSN: 0161-5890

Conference paper

Trouw, LA., Seelen, MA., Groeneveld, TWL., Duijs, JMGJ., Bajema, I., Prins, F., et al. (2004) 'Induction of murine lupus-nephritis with an anti-C1q monoclonal antibody'.20th International Complement Workshop. Honolulu, HI. 13 - 18 June. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. pp. 319 - 320. ISSN: 0161-5890

Conference paper

Gadjeva, M., Roumenina, L., Zlatarova, A., Tsacheva, I., Reid, KBM., Kishore, U. and et al. (2004) 'Molecular mechanisms of recognition between complement component C1q globular domain and its specific ligands'.20th International Complement Workshop. Honolulu, HI. 13 - 18 June. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. pp. 232 - 232. ISSN: 0161-5890

Conference paper

Kojouharova, MS., Gadjeva, MG., Tsacheva, IG., Zlatarova, A., Roumenina, LT., Tchorbadjieva, MI., et al. (2004) 'Mutational analyses of the recombinant globular regions of human C1q A, B, and C chains suggest an essential role for arginine and histidine residues in the C1q-IgG interaction'. The Journal of Immunology, 172 (7). pp. 4351 - 4358. ISSN: 0022-1767

Journal article

McConville, J., Farrugia, ME., Beeson, D., Kishore, U., Metcalfe, R., Newsom-Davis, J. and et al. (2004) 'Detection and characterization of MuSK antibodies in seronegative myasthenia gravis'. Annals of Neurology, 55 (4). pp. 580 - 584. ISSN: 0364-5134

Journal article

(2004) 'Proceedings of the 10th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry in conjunction with the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists' 42nd Annual Scientific Conference.'. The Clinical biochemist. Reviews, 25 (Supplement). pp. S18 - S128. ISSN: 0159-8090

Journal article

Kojouharova, MS., Tsacheva, IG., Tchorbadjieva, MI., Reid, KBM. and Kishore, U. (2003) 'Localization of ligand-binding sites on human C1q globular head region using recombinant globular head fragments and single-chain antibodies'. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1652 (1). pp. 64 - 74. ISSN: 1570-9639

Journal article

Kishore, U., Zhang, W., Corlett, L., Waters, P., Glaichenhaus, N. and Willcox, N. (2003) 'Use of peptide: HLA class II complexes to study specific T cells in autoimmune myasthenia gravis'. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 998 (1). pp. 339 - 342. ISSN: 0077-8923

Journal article

Shrive, AK., Tharia, HA., Strong, P., Kishore, U., Burns, I., Rizkallah, PJ., et al. (2003) 'High-resolution structural insights into ligand binding and immune cell recognition by human lung surfactant protein D'. Journal of Molecular Biology, 331 (2). pp. 509 - 523. ISSN: 0022-2836

Journal article

Kishore, U., Gupta, SK., Perdikoulis, MV., Kojouharova, MS., Urban, BC. and Reid, KBM. (2003) 'Modular organization of the carboxyl-terminal, globular head region of human C1q A, B, and C chains'. Journal of Immunology, 171 (2). pp. 812 - 820. ISSN: 0022-1767

Journal article

Singh, M., Madan, T., Waters, P., Parida, SK., Sarma, PU. and Kishore, U. (2003) 'Protective effects of a recombinant fragment of human surfactant protein D in a murine model of pulmonary hypersensitivity induced by dust mite allergens'. Immunology Letters, 86 (3). pp. 299 - 307. ISSN: 0165-2478

Journal article

Nauta, AJ., Bottazzi, B., Mantovani, A., Salvatori, G., Kishore, U., Schwaeble, WJ., et al. (2003) 'Biochemical and functional characterization of the interaction between pentraxin 3 and C1q'. European Journal of Immunology, 33 (2). pp. 465 - 473. ISSN: 0014-2980

Journal article

Plested, CP., Tang, T., Spreadbury, I., Littleton, ET., Kishore, U. and Vincent, A. (2002) 'AChR phosphorylation and indirect inhibition of AChR function in seronegative MG'. Neurology, 59 (11). pp. 1682 - 1688. ISSN: 0028-3878

Journal article

Lu, JH., Teh, C., Kishore, U. and Reid, KBM. (2002) 'Collectins and ficolins: Sugar pattern recognition molecules of the mammalian innate immune system'. BBA - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1572 (2-3). pp. 387 - 400. ISSN: 0304-4165

Journal article

Kishore, U., Kojouharova, MS. and Reid, KB. (2002) 'Recent progress in the understanding of the structure-function relationships of the globular head regions of C1q'. Immunobiology, 205 (4-5). pp. 355 - 364. ISSN: 0171-2985

Journal article

Shrive, AK., Tharia, HA., Martin, C., Burns, I., Rizkallah, PJ., Kishore, U., et al. (2002) 'High resolution native and ligand-bound structures of an active trimeric fragment of human SP-D'. International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). pp. c282 - c282. ISSN: 0108-7673

Conference paper

Kishore, U., Zhang, W., Corlett, L., Kelleher, A., Shiono, H. and Willcox, N. (2002) 'Use of peptide: HLA class II complexes to study specific T cells in myasthenia gravis'. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY, 73 (2). pp. 229 - 229. ISSN: 0022-3050

Journal article

Kishore, U., Madan, T., Sarma, PU., Singh, M., Urban, BC. and Reid, KBM. (2002) 'Protective roles of pulmonary surfactant proteins, SP-A and SP-D, against lung allergy and infection caused by Aspergillus fumigatus'.Workshop on Early Phases of Complement Activation and Innate Immunity. SEEHEIM JUGENHEIM, NAMIBIA. 1 Elsevier BV. pp. 610 - 618. ISSN: 0171-2985

Conference paper

Perdikoulis, MV., Kishore, U. and Reid, KB. (2001) 'Expression and characterisation of the thrombospondin type I repeats of human properdin'. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1548 (2). pp. 265 - 277. ISSN: 0006-3002

Journal article

Madan, T., Kishore, U., Singh, M., Strong, P., Hussain, EM., Reid, KB. and et al. (2001) 'Protective role of lung surfactant protein D in a murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis'. Infection and Immunity, 69 (4). pp. 2728 - 2731. ISSN: 0019-9567

Journal article

Kishore, U., Madan, T., Singh, M. and Strong, P. (2001) 'Surfactant proteins A and D protect mice against pulmonary hypersensitivity induced by Aspergillus fumigatus antigens and allergens'. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 107 (4). pp. 467 - 475. ISSN: 0021-9738

Journal article

Kishore, U., Strong, P., Perdikoulis, MV. and Reid, KB. (2001) 'A recombinant homotrimer, composed of the alpha helical neck region of human surfactant protein D and C1q B chain globular domain, is an inhibitor of the classical complement pathway'. The Journal of Immunology, 166 (1). pp. 559 - 565. ISSN: 0022-1767

Journal article

Kishore, U. and Reid, KB. (2001) 'Structures and functions of mammalian collectins.'. Results and problems in cell differentiation, 33. pp. 225 - 248. ISSN: 0080-1844

Journal article

Kishore, U. and Reid, KB. (2000) 'C1q: structure, function, and receptors'. Immunopharmacology, 49 (1-2). pp. 159 - 170. ISSN: 0162-3109

Journal article

Aggarwal, NK., Kishore, U. and Agarwal, BB. (2000) 'Hanging-delayed death (a rare phenomenon)'. Medicine, Science and the Law, 40 (3). pp. 270 - 272. ISSN: 0025-8024

Journal article

MADAN, T. (2000) '886 Pulmonary surfactant protein A and D suppress eosinophilia and specific IgE antibodies in a murine model of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)'. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 105 (1). pp. S301 - S301. ISSN: 0091-6749

Journal article

Kishore, U. and Reid, KB. (1999) 'Modular organization of proteins containing C1q-like globular domain'. Immunopharmacology, 42 (1-3). pp. 15 - 21. ISSN: 0162-3109

Journal article

Strong, P., Kishore, U., Morgan, C., Lopez Bernal, A., Singh, M. and Reid, KB. (1998) 'A novel method of purifying lung surfactant proteins A and D from the lung lavage of alveolar proteinosis patients and from pooled amniotic fluid'. Journal of Immunological Methods, 220 (1-2). pp. 139 - 149. ISSN: 0022-1759

Journal article

Kishore, U., Leigh, LE., Eggleton, P., Strong, P., Perdikoulis, MV., Willis, AC. and et al. (1998) 'Functional characterization of a recombinant form of the C-terminal, globular head region of the B-chain of human serum complement protein, C1q'. Biochemical Journal, 333 (Pt 1) (1). pp. 27 - 32. ISSN: 0264-6021

Journal article

Kishore, U., Perdikoulis, MV., Strong, P. and Reid, KBM. (1998) 'A homotrimer of the B-chain globular head region of C1q is an inhibitor of C1q-mediated complement activation'. Molecular Immunology, 35 (6-7). pp. 375 - 375. ISSN: 0161-5890

Journal article

Perdikoulis, MV., Kishore, U. and Reid, KBM. (1998) 'Cloning, expression in E. coli and characterisation of human properdin TSRs'. Molecular Immunology, 35 (6-7). pp. 374 - 374. ISSN: 0161-5890

Journal article

Leigh, LE., Ghebrehiwet, B., Perera, TP., Bird, IN., Strong, P., Kishore, U., et al. (1998) 'C1q-mediated chemotaxis by human neutrophils: involvement of gClqR and G-protein signalling mechanisms'. Biochemical Journal, 330 (Pt 1) (1). pp. 247 - 254. ISSN: 0264-6021

Journal article

Priyadarsiny, P., Madan, T., Kishore, U. and Sarma, PU. (1998) 'Role of lung surfactant proteins A & D in host defense against A-fumigatus antigens.'. JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, 101 (1). pp. S78 - S78. ISSN: 0091-6749

Journal article

Madan, T., Kishore, U., Shah, A., Eggleton, P., Strong, P., Wang, JY., et al. (1997) 'Lung surfactant proteins A and D can inhibit specific IgE binding to the allergens of Aspergillus fumigatus and block allergen-induced histamine release from human basophils'. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 110 (2). pp. 241 - 249. ISSN: 0009-9104

Journal article

Eggleton, P., Reid, KB., Kishore, U. and Sontheimer, RD. (1997) 'Clinical relevance of calreticulin in systemic lupus erythematosus'. Lupus, 6 (7). pp. 564 - 571. ISSN: 0961-2033

Journal article

Madan, T., Eggleton, P., Kishore, U., Strong, P., Aggrawal, SS., Sarma, PU. and et al. (1997) 'Binding of pulmonary surfactant proteins A and D to Aspergillus fumigatus conidia enhances phagocytosis and killing by human neutrophils and alveolar macrophages'. Infection and Immunity, 65 (8). pp. 3171 - 3179. ISSN: 0019-9567

Journal article

Kishore, U., Sontheimer, RD., Sastry, KN., Zappi, EG., Hughes, GR., Khamashta, MA., et al. (1997) 'The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) disease autoantigen-calreticulin can inhibit C1q association with immune complexes'. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 108 (2). pp. 181 - 190. ISSN: 0009-9104

Journal article

Kishore, U., Eggleton, P. and Reid, KB. (1997) 'Modular organization of carbohydrate recognition domains in animal lectins'. Matrix Biology, 15 (8-9). pp. 583 - 592. ISSN: 0945-053X

Journal article

Kishore, U., Sontheimer, RD., Sastry, KN., Zaner, KS., Zappi, EG., Hughes, GR., et al. (1997) 'Release of calreticulin from neutrophils may alter C1q-mediated immune functions'. Biochemical Journal, 322 (Pt 2) (2). pp. 543 - 550. ISSN: 0264-6021

Journal article

Wang, JY., Kishore, U., Lim, BL., Strong, P. and Reid, KB. (1996) 'Interaction of human lung surfactant proteins A and D with mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) allergens'. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 106 (2). pp. 367 - 373. ISSN: 0009-9104

Journal article

Kishore, U., Wang, JY., Hoppe, HJ. and Reid, KB. (1996) 'The alpha-helical neck region of human lung surfactant protein D is essential for the binding of the carbohydrate recognition domains to lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids'. Biochemical Journal, 318 (Pt 2) (Pt 2). pp. 505 - 511. ISSN: 0264-6021

Journal article

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