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Luo, X., Fu, J., Zhong, Y., Liu, S., Han, B., Astaraki, M., et al. (2025) 'SegRap2023: A benchmark of organs-at-risk and gross tumor volume Segmentation for Radiotherapy Planning of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma'. Medical Image Analysis, 101. pp. 103447 - 103447. ISSN: 1361-8415

Journal article

Shepperd, M. (2025) '"Estimating software project effort using analogies": Reflections after 28 years'. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 0098-5589

Journal article

Shetty, N. and Li, Y. (2024) 'Detailed Image Captioning and Hashtag Generation'. Future Internet, 16 (12). pp. 444 - 444.

Journal article

Islam, T., Miron, A., Liu, X. and Li, Y. (2024) 'Image-based virtual try-on: Fidelity and simplification'. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 129. pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 0923-5965 Open Access Link

Journal article

Islam, T., Miron, A., Liu, X. and Li, Y. (2024) 'Dynamic Fashion Video Synthesis from Static Imagery'. Future Internet, 16 (8). pp. 1 - 21.Open Access Link

Journal article

Islam, T., Miron, A., Nandy, M., Choudrie, J., Liu, X. and Li, Y. (2024) 'Transforming Digital Marketing with Generative AI'. Computers, 13 (7). pp. 1 - 24.Open Access Link

Journal article

Ehab, W., Huang, L. and Li, Y. (2024) 'UNet and Variants for Medical Image Segmentation'. International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence, 3 (2). pp. 1 - 23.Open Access Link

Journal article

Huang, L., Miron, A., Hone, K. and Li, Y. (2024) 'Segmenting Medical Images: From UNet to Res-UNet and nnUNet'.2024 IEEE 37th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS).

Conference paper

Guo, Y., Shepperd, M. and Li, N. (2024) 'Improving classifier-based effort-aware software defect prediction by reducing ranking errors'.28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE). Salerno, Italy. 18 - 21 June. ACM. pp. 160 - 169.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Islam, T., Miron, A., Liu, X. and Li, Y. (2024) 'StyleVTON: A multi-pose virtual try-on with identity and clothing detail preservation'. Neurocomputing, 594. pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 0925-2312 Open Access Link

Journal article

Gholizadeh, J., Chun, K-S., Curd, C., Masters, N., Gibson, D. and Li, Y. (2024) 'Automated Assessment of Capital Allowances'. IEEE Access, 12. pp. 60206 - 60221.Open Access Link

Journal article

Ndipenoch, N., Miron, A. and Li, Y. (2024) 'Performance Evaluation of Retinal OCT Fluid Segmentation, Detection and Generalisation over Variations of Data Sources'. IEEE Access, 12. pp. 31719 - 31735.Open Access Link

Journal article

Islam, T., Miron, A., Liu, X. and Li, Y. (2024) 'Deep Learning in Virtual Try-On: A Comprehensive Survey'. IEEE Access, 12. pp. 29475 - 29502.Open Access Link

Journal article

Payette, K., Steger, C., Licandro, R., De Dumast, P., Li, HB., Barkovich, M., et al. (2024) 'Multi-Center Fetal Brain Tissue Annotation (FeTA) Challenge 2022 Results'. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, PP. pp. 1 - 1. ISSN: 0278-0062

Journal article

McConnell, N., Ndipenoch, N., Cao, Y., Miron, A. and Li, Y. (2023) 'Exploring advanced architectural variations of nnUNet'. Neurocomputing, 560 (1 December 2023). pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 0925-2312 Open Access Link

Journal article

Ehab, W. and Li, Y. (2023) 'Performance Analysis of UNet and Variants for Medical Image Segmentation'. .

Journal article

Shahi, K. and Li, Y. (2023) 'Background Replacement in Video Conferencing'. International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence, 2 (2). pp. 1 - 11.Open Access Link

Journal article

Nunez, D. and Li, Y. (2023) 'Skin Lesion Diagnosis Using Convolutional Neural Networks'. Journal of Medical Systems, 0 (accepted, in press). pp. 1 - 14. ISSN: 0148-5598 Open Access Link

Journal article

Shepperd, M. and Yousefi, L. (2023) 'An analysis of retracted papers in Computer Science'. PLoS One, 18 (5). pp. 1 - 17. ISSN: 1932-6203 Open Access Link

Journal article

Li, J., Li, Y., Li, G., Jin, Z., Hao, Y. and Hu, X. (2023) 'SkCoder: A Sketch-based Approach for Automatic Code Generation'.2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). IEEE. pp. 2124 - 2135.

Conference paper

Omran, T., Sharef, B., Grosan, C. and Li, Y. (2023) 'Sentiment Analysis of Multilingual Dataset of Bahraini Dialects, Arabic, and English'. Data, 8 (4). pp. 1 - 13.Open Access Link

Journal article

Anene, IL. and Li, Y. (2023) 'Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels Using Deep Learning'. .

Journal article

Omran, T., Sharef, B., Grosan, C. and Li, Y. (2023) 'The Impact of Data Augmentation on Sentiment Analysis of Translated Textual Data'.International Conference on IT Innovations and Knowledge Discovery (ITIKD). Manama, Bahrain. 8 - 9 March. IEEE. pp. 1 - 4.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Ndipenoch, N., Miron, A., Wang, Z. and Li, Y. (2023) 'Retinal Image Segmentation with Small Datasets'.BIOIMAGING 2023 : 10th International Conference on Bioimaging. Lisbon, Portugal. 16 - 18 February. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. pp. 129 - 137. ISSN: 2184-349X Open Access Link

Conference paper

Omran, T. and Li, Y. (2022) 'Transfer Learning and Sentiment Analysis of Bahraini Dialects Sequential Text Data Using Multilingual Deep Learning Approach'. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 143. pp. 1 - 19. ISSN: 0169-023X

Journal article

Ndipenoch, N., Miron, A., Wang, Z. and Li, Y. (2022) 'Simultaneous Segmentation of Layers and Fluids in Retinal OCT Images'.2022 15th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI). Beijing, China. 5 - 24 October. IEEE.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Shepperd, M., Abreu, FBE. and Perez-Castillo, R. (2022) 'Special issue on information systems quality management in practice'. Software Quality Journal, 30 (2). pp. 281 - 282. ISSN: 0963-9314

Journal article

Gren, L. and Shepperd, M. (2022) 'Problem reports and team maturity in agile automotive software development'.15th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 21 - 29 May. ACM. pp. 41 - 45.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Omran, T. and Li, Y. (2022) 'Ensemble Learning for Sentiment Analysis of Translation-Based Textual Data'.IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering. IEEE. pp. 1 - 9.

Conference paper

Islam, T., Miron, A., Liu, X. and Li, Y. (2022) 'SVTON: Simplified Virtual Try-On'.IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. Paradise Island, Bahamas. 1 - 14 December. IEEE. pp. 369 - 374.Open Access Link

Conference paper

McConnell, N. and Li, Y. (2022) 'Integrating Residual, Dense, and Inception Blocks into the nnUNet'.CBMS 2022: IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems. Online from Shenzhen, China. 1 - 23 July. IEEE. pp. 217 - 222. ISSN: 1063-7125 Open Access Link

Conference paper

GONG, L., ZHOU, S., CHEN, J., LI, Y., ZHANG, LI. and GAO, Z. (2022) 'BDLR: lncRNA identification using ensemble learning'. BIOCELL, 46 (4). pp. 951 - 960. ISSN: 1667-5746

Journal article

Wang, K., Stevens, R., Alachram, H., Li, Y., Soldatova, L., King, R., et al. (2021) 'NERO: a biomedical named-entity (recognition) ontology with a large, annotated corpus reveals meaningful associations through text embedding'. npj Systems Biology and Applications, 7 (1). pp. 38. ISSN: 2056-7189

Journal article

Li, JA., Li, Y., Li, G., Hu, X., Xia, X. and Jin, Z. (2021) 'EditSum: A Retrieve-and-Edit Framework for Source Code Summarization'.2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). IEEE. pp. 155 - 166.

Conference paper

Den Besten, M., Amrit, C., Capiluppi, A. and Robles, G. (2021) 'Collaboration and innovation dynamics in software ecosystems: A technology management research perspective'. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68 (5). pp. 1532 - 1537. ISSN: 0018-9391

Journal article

Yao, J. and Shepperd, M. (2021) 'The impact of using biased performance metrics on software defect prediction research'. Information and Software Technology, 139. pp. 1 - 14. ISSN: 0950-5849 Open Access Link

Journal article

Kirsopp, C., Mendes, E., Premraj, R. and Shepperd, M. (Accepted) 'An Empirical Analysis of Linear Adaptation Techniques for Case-Based Prediction', inLecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 231 - 245. ISBN 13: 9783540404330.

Book chapter

Ravi, T., Sai Aditya, VV., Rani, BMS. and Boppana, M. (Accepted) 'Segmentation of Blood Vessels and Optic disc in Retinal Images'. Journal of Telematics and Informatics, 3 (1). ISSN: 2303-3711

Journal article

Kirbas, S., Windels, E., Mcbello, O., Kells, K., Pagano, M., Szalanski, R., et al. (2021) 'On the Introduction of Automatic Program Repair in Bloomberg'. IEEE Software, 38 (4). pp. 43 - 51. ISSN: 0740-7459 Open Access Link

Journal article

Sas, C. and Capiluppi, A. (2021) 'Using Structural and Semantic Information to Identify Software Components'.2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). IEEE. pp. 546 - 550.

Conference paper

Wei, B., Li, Y., Li, G., Xia, X. and Jin, Z. (2020) 'Retrieve and refine'.ASE '20: 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. ACM. pp. 349 - 360.

Conference paper

Vanuytsel, K., Villacorta-Martin, C., Lindstrom-Vautrin, J., Wang, Z., Garcia Beltran, W., Matte, T., et al. (2020) 'Transcriptional, Protein-Level and Functional Profiling of Human Fetal Liver (FL)-Derived Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) at Single Cell Resolution'. Blood, 136 (Supplement 1). pp. 33 - 33. ISSN: 0006-4971

Journal article

Wang, C. and Li, Y. (2020) 'Blood Vessel Segmentation from Retinal Images'.2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE). Cincinnati, OH, USA (Virtual). 26 - 28 October. IEEE. pp. 759 - 766. ISSN: 2159-5410

Conference paper

Ajienka, N., Vangorp, P. and Capiluppi, A. (2020) 'An empirical analysis of source code metrics and smart contract resource consumption'. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 32 (10). ISSN: 2047-7473

Journal article

Margoni, F. and Shepperd, M. (2020) 'Changing the logic of replication: A case from infant studies'. Infant Behavior and Development, 61. pp. 101483 - 101483. ISSN: 0163-6383 Open Access Link

Journal article

Capiluppi, A. and Ajienka, N. (2020) 'Towards A Dependency-Driven Taxonomy of Software Types'.ICSE '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering. ACM. pp. 687 - 694.

Conference paper

Capiluppi, A., Ajienka, N. and Counsell, S. (2020) 'The effect of multiple developers on structural attributes: A Study based on java software'. Journal of Systems and Software, 167 (September 2020). pp. 1 - 19. ISSN: 0164-1212 Open Access Link

Journal article

Capiluppi, A., Ajienka, N., Ali, N., Arzoky, M., Counsell, S., Destefanis, G., et al. (2020) 'Using the Lexicon from Source Code to Determine Application Domains'.International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. Trondheim, Norway. 17 - 17 April. ACM. pp. 110 - 119.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Yao, J. and Shepperd, M. (2020) 'Assessing Software Defection Prediction Performance: Why Using the Matthews Correlation Coefficient Matters'.24th ACM International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE). Trondheim. 15 - 17 April. ACM. pp. 120 - 129.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Walkinshaw, N. and Shepperd, M. (2020) 'Reasoning about uncertainty in empirical results'.24th ACM, International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE),. Trondheim. 15 - 17 April. ACM. pp. 140 - 149.Open Access Link

Conference paper

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