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Conference paper

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Whitehead, RN., Overton, TW., Snyder, LAS., McGowan, SJ., Smith, H., Cole, JA. and et al. (2007) 'The small FNR regulon of Neisseria gonorrhoeae: Comparison with the larger E. coli FNR regulon and interaction with the NarQ-NarP regulon'. BMC Genomics, 8 (1). pp. 35. ISSN: 1471-2164 Open Access Link

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Frias-Martinez, E., Chen, SY. and Liu, X. (2007) 'Automatic cognitive style identification of digital library users for personalization'. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58 (2). pp. 237 - 251. ISSN: 1532-2882 Open Access Link

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Bell, D., Mustafee, N., de Cesare, S., Lycett, M. and Taylor, S. (2007) 'Semantic web service architecture for simulation model reuse'.11th IEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DSRT 2007). Chania. IEEE. pp. 129 - 136. ISSN: 1550-6525 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Frias-Martinez, E., Chen, SY., Macredie, R. and Liu, X. (2007) 'The role of human factors in stereotyping behavior and perception of digital library users: a robust clustering approach'. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 17 (3). pp. 305 - 337. ISSN: 0924-1868 Open Access Link

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Hirsch, M., Swift, S. and Liu, X. (2007) 'Optimal search space for clustering gene expression data via consensus'. Journal of Computational Biology, 14 (10). pp. 1327 - 1341. ISSN: 1066-5277 Open Access Link

Journal article

Wei, J. and Winter, M. (2007) 'Symmetric and asymmetric multiple clusters in a reaction-diffusion system'. NoDEA : Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 14 (5-6). pp. 787 - 823. ISSN: 1021-9722 Open Access Link

Journal article

Winter, M. and Wei, J. (2007) 'The role of boundary conditions for the existence and stability of spikes for the Gierer-Meinhardt system'.IMS Workshop on PDEs.  [unpublished]

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Swift, S., Tucker, A. and Crampton, J. (2007) 'An improved restricted growth function genetic algorithm for the consensus clustering of retinal nerve fibre data'.The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2007). London, ENGLAND. ACM. pp. 2174 - 2181.

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Ghinea, G., Kent, S., Frank, AO. and Chana, GS. (2007) 'Visualization of back pain data - a 3D solution'. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 11 (5). pp. 595 - 597. ISSN: 1089-7771 Open Access Link

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Swift, S., Tucker, A. and Hirsch, M. (2007) 'Improving the performance of consensus clustering through seeding: an application to visual field data'.The Intelligent Data Analysis in Biomedicine and Pharmacology Workshop (IDAMAP2007).  [unpublished]

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Book chapter

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Wei, J. and Winter, M. (2007) 'Existence, classification and stability analysis of multiple-peaked solutions for the Gierer-Meinhardt system in R¹'. Methods and Applications of Analysis, 14 (2). pp. 119 - 164. ISSN: 1073-2772 Open Access Link

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Mustafee, N., Taylor, SJE., Katsaliaki, K. and Brailsford, S. (2007) 'Using CSPI distributed simulation standards for the analysis of a health supply chain'.Simulation and Visualization. Magdeburg. Simulation and Visualization. pp. 155 - 168.Open Access Link

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Lendermann, P., Heinicke, MU., McGinnis, LF., McLean, C., Stralburger, S. and Taylor, SJE. (2007) 'Panel: Distributed simulation in industry - A real-world necessity or ivory tower fancy?'.2007 Winter Simulation Conference. Washington, DC. 1 - 12 December. IEEE. pp. 1032.

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Fraser, K., Li, Y., Wang, Z., Kellam, P. and Liu, X. (2007) 'Noise filtering and microarray image reconstruction via chained fouriers'. Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VII, 4723. pp. 308 - 319. ISSN: 1611-3349 Open Access Link

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Wei, G., Wang, Z., Shu, H., Fraser, K. and Liu, X. (2007) 'Robust filtering for gene expression time series data with variance constraints'. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 84 (5). pp. 619 - 633. ISSN: 0020-7160 Open Access Link

Journal article

Zhang, J., Mustafee, N., Saville, J. and Taylor, SJE. (2007) 'Integrating BOINC with Microsoft excel: a case study'.29th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces. Cavtat, CROATIA. IEEE. pp. 733 - 738. ISSN: 1330-1012 Open Access Link

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Liu, Y., Wang, Z. and Liu, X. (2007) 'Robust H-infinity control for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems with mixed time delay'. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 17 (16). pp. 1525 - 1551. ISSN: 1049-8923 Open Access Link

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Norbury, J., Wei, J. and Winter, M. (2007) 'Stability of patterns with arbitrary period for a Ginzburg-Landau equation with a mean field'. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 18 (2). pp. 129 - 151. ISSN: 0956-7925 Open Access Link

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Overton, TW., Whitehead, R., Li, Y., Snyder, LAS., Saunders, NJ., Smith, H. and et al. (2006) 'Coordinated regulation of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae-truncated denitrification pathway by the Nitric Oxide-sensitive repressor, NsrR, and Nitrite-insensitive NarQ-NarP'. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281 (44). pp. 33115 - 33126. ISSN: 0021-9258

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Liu, Y., Wang, Z., Feng, G. and Liu, X. (2006) 'Stability analysis of piecewise linear systems with discrete and distributed time delays'. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 13 (6). pp. 729 - 742. ISSN: 1492-8760

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Swift, S., Kok, J. and Liu, X. (2006) 'Learning short multivariate time series models through evolutionary and sparse matrix computation'. Natural Computing, 5 (4). pp. 387 - 426. ISSN: 1567-7818 Open Access Link

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Zhang, S., Li, Y., Liu, J. and Zhang, K. (2006) 'Investigation of fundamental and second harmonic squeezed lights from a singly resonant PPKTP frequency doubler'. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39 (20). pp. 4163 - 4168. ISSN: 0953-4075

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Hirsch, M., Tucker, A., Swift, S., Martin, N., Orengo, C., Kellam, P. and et al. (2006) 'Improved robustness in time series analysis of gene expression data by polynomial model based clustering'.The Second International Symposium on Computational Life Science (COMPLIFE'06). Cambridge, UK. 27 - 29 September. Springer. pp. 1 - 10. ISSN: 0302-9743 Open Access Link

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