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Sharif, AM., Bourlakis, M., Gallear, D., Lee, H. and Gunasekaran, A. (2008) 'Operations and supply chain management: making sense of the field'.15th International Annual EurOMA Conference. Groningen, The Netherlands. 15 - 18 June. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Pietra, R., Evans, L., Chevy, J., Cisi, M., Eierle, B. and Jarvis, R. (2008) '*** Duplicate Record -- Do Not Use *** Comment on the IASB's exposure draft 'IFRS for small and medium-sized entities'. Accounting in Europe, 5 (1). pp. 27 - 47.

Journal article

Lee, H., Shepherdson, J. and Case, S. (2008) 'Delivering knowledge in the field: a telecommunications service provision and maintenance case'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2008). Dubai. 25 - 26 May. Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2008.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Melewar, TC., Hayday, D., Gupta, S. and Cohen, G. (2008) 'EU enlargement: A case study of branding standardisation'. EuroMed Journal of Business, 3 (2). pp. 179 - 201. ISSN: 1450-2194

Journal article

Kalantaridis, K., Fallon, G. and Vassilev, I. (2008) 'The impact of global integration on organisational relationships and enterprise strategy in the European clothing industry'.Annual Conference on UK and Ireland Academy of International Business. University of Portsmouth. University of Portsmouth.

Conference paper

Torabi, SA., Jenabi, M. and Mansouri, SA. (2008) 'Hybrid genetic algorithms for the lot production and delivery scheduling problem in a two-echelon supply chain', inAdvances in Computational Intelligence in Transport, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management. Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer. , 144. pp. 253 - 275. ISBN 13: 978-3-540-69024-5.

Book chapter

Kalantaridis, C., Vassilev, I. and Fallon, G. (2008) 'The impact of internationalisation on the clothing industry', in Labrianidis, L. (ed.) The moving frontier: The changing geography of production in labour intensive industries. Ashgate Publishing. pp. 149 - 176. ISBN 10: 0754674487. ISBN 13: 9780754674481.

Book chapter

Kalantaridis, C., Vassilev, I. and Fallon, G. (2008) 'Patterns of enterprise strategies in labour-intensive industries: The case of five EU countries', in Labrianidis, L. (ed.) The moving frontier: The changing geography of production in labour intensive industries. Ashgate Publishing. pp. 59 - 100. ISBN 10: 0754674487. ISBN 13: 9780754674481.

Book chapter

Louis, S. and Braganza, A. (2008) 'Strategies, contributions and inhibitors of information systems to organizational competitiveness: An empirical analysis within the Caribbean'. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 17 (3-4).Open Access Link

Journal article

Pietra, RD., Evans, L., Chevy, J., Cisi, M., Eierle, B. and Jarvis, R. (2008) 'Comment on the IASB's exposure draft 'IFRS for small and medium-sized entities''. Accounting in Europe, 5 (1). pp. 27 - 47. ISSN: 1744-9480

Journal article

Lacerda, AI. and Moro, R. (2008) 'Analysis of the Predictors of Default for Portuguese Firms'. Banco de Portugal Working Papers. ISSN: 0870-0117

Journal article

Detlefsen, K., Härdle, WK. and Moro, R. (2008) 'Empirical pricing kernels and investor preferences'. Journal of Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance, 3 (1). pp. 19 - 47.

Journal article

Yuttapongsontorn, N., Desouza, KC. and Braganza, A. (2008) 'Complexities of large-scale technology project failure: A forensic analysis of the Seattle Popular Monorail Authority'. Performance and Management Review, 31 (3). pp. 443 - 478. ISSN: 1530-9576 Open Access Link

Journal article

Braganza, A. and Hackney, R. (2008) 'Diffusing management information for legal compliance: the role of the IS organization within the Sarbanes-Oxley Act'. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 20 (2). pp. 1 - 24. ISSN: 1546-2234

Journal article

Roberts, JM. (2008) ''Public Spaces of Dissent''. Sociology Compass, 2 (2). pp. 654 - 674.

Journal article

Lee, H., Irani, Z., Osman, IH., Balci, A., Ozkan, S. and Medeni, TD. (2008) 'Research note: Toward a reference process model for citizen-oriented evaluation of e-Government services'. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 2 (4). pp. 297 - 310. ISSN: 1750-6166 Open Access Link

Journal article

Roberts, JM. (2008) 'Expressive free speech, the state, and the public sphere: A Bakhtinian–Deleuzian analysis of ‘public address’ at Hyde Park'. Social Movement Studies, 7 (2). pp. 101 - 119. ISSN: 1474-2829 Open Access Link

Journal article

Dey, BL. (2008) 'Initial development of the doctoral research on the use and appropriation of mobile telephony by rural Bangladeshi farmers'.Community Informatics and Development Informatics Conference. Prato, Italy. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Hendizadeh, SH., Faramarzi, H., Mansouri, SA., Gupta, JND. and ElMekkawy, TY. (2008) 'Meta-heuristics for scheduling a flowline manufacturing cell with sequence dependent family setup times'. International Journal of Production Economics, 111 (2). pp. 593 - 605. ISSN: 0925-5273

Journal article

Lee, H., Ahn, HJ., Kim, H., Shepherdson, J. and Park, SJ. (2008) 'Agent based formation and enactment of adaptable inter-organizational workflows in virtual organizations', in Nguyen, NT., GS, J., Howlett, RJ. and Jain, LC. (eds.) Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications. Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer. , 4953/2008. pp. 594 - 603. ISBN 13: 978-3-540-78581-1.

Book chapter

Lee, H., Kim, JW. and Hackney, R. (2008) 'The determinants of the effectiveness of online discussion board systems in eLearning: A case study', in Lytras, MD., Carroll, JM., Damiani, E. and Tennyson, RD. (eds.) Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society. Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer. , 5288/2008. pp. 271 - 277. ISBN 13: 978-3-540-87780-6.

Book chapter

Lee, H. and Shepherdson, J. (2008) 'A negotiation composition model for agent based eMarketplaces', in Yoo, S-D. (ed.) EKC2008 Proceedings of the EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology. Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer. , 124, Part 3. pp. 365 - 369. ISBN 13: 978-3-540-85189-9.

Book chapter

McGrath, K., Hendy, J., Klecun, E., Willcocks, L. and Young, T. (2008) 'Evaluating "Connecting for Health": Policy implications of a UK mega-programme'.8th International Conference on Human Choice and Computers (HCC8). Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA. 1 - 26 September. SPRINGER. pp. 357 - 362. ISSN: 1571-5736

Conference paper

Kent, S., Broadbent, P., Warren, N. and Gulliver, S. (2008) 'On-demand HD video using jini based grid'.IEEE 2008 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. Hannover, Germany. IEEE. pp. 1045 - 1048.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Dey, BL., Prendergast, R. and Newman, DR. (2008) 'How can ICTs be used and appropriated to address agricultural information needs of Bangladeshi farmers?'.Special Interest Group (SIG) on ICT for Development Workshop. ESCP-EAP University, Paris, France. Association for Information Systems.

Conference paper

Nandy, M. and Lodh, S. (2008) 'Present status of derivatives and mutual funds in financial derivatives - Indian perspectives'. Portfolio Organizer. pp. 41 - 47.

Journal article

Collin, S., Reeves, BC., Hendy, J., Fulop, N., Hutchings, A. and Priedane, E. (2008) 'Implementation of computerised physician order entry (CPOE) and picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) in the NHS: quantitative before and after study.'. BMJ, 337 (7670). pp. a939 - a939. ISSN: 0959-8138

Journal article

Nandy, M. and Lodh, S. (2008) 'The growth prospects of internet banking in Islamic countries: A comparison with other developed countries'. Applied Finance, 14 (6). pp. 56 - 75.

Journal article

Nandy, M. and Lodh, S. (2008) 'India at her best: Investors’ right option'. Portfolio Organizer. pp. 44 - 50.

Journal article

Nandy, M. and Das, SC. (2008) 'Public Private Participation'. ICFAI Journal of Infrastructure, 6 (1). pp. 18 - 23.

Journal article

Nandy, M. and Lodh, S. (2008) 'Exploring the country risk: MNCs mindset'. ICFAI Journal of International Business, 3 (2). pp. 24 - 35.

Journal article

Nandy, M. (2008) 'The impact of macro economic factors on the capital structure of the Indian companies'. ICFAI Journal of Management Research, 7 (1).

Journal article

Wang, CL. (2008) 'Entrepreneurial orientation, learning orientation, and firm performance'. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32 (4). pp. 635 - 656. ISSN: 1042-2587

Journal article

Indridason, T. and Wang, CL. (2008) 'Commitment or contract: What drives performance in pubic private partnerships?'. Business Strategy Series, 9 (2). pp. 78 - 90. ISSN: 1751-5637

Journal article

Wang, CL. and Altinay, L. (2008) 'International franchise partner selection and chain performance through the lens of organisational learning'. Service Industries Journal, 28 (2). pp. 225 - 238. ISSN: 0264-2069

Journal article

Wang, CL., Ahmed, PK. and Rafiq, M. (2008) 'Knowledge management orientation, shared vision, and product innovation: An integration and empirical examination of performance effects'. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Wang, CL., Ahmed, PK. and Rafiq, M. (2008) 'Knowledge management orientation: Construct development and empirical validation'. European Journal of Information Systems, 17 (3). pp. 219 - 235. ISSN: 0960-085X

Journal article

Fallon, G. (2007) 'Exploring the links between Russia’s economic transformation, FDI inflows and government policies'.Russian British Business Centre and the Faculty of Economics. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Huddersfield University Business School. 10 Huddersfield University Business School.

Conference paper

Lee, H., Ahn, HJ. and Shepherdson, J. (2007) 'Flexible task coordination for mobile workforce'. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB). pp. 140 - 144. ISSN: 1683-0040

Conference paper

Johannisson, B., Caffarena, L., Discua, A., Epure, M., Hormiga, E., Kapelko, M., et al. (2007) 'Interstanding the Industrial District - Contrasting Conceptual Images as a Road to Insight'. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 19 (6). pp. 527 - 554. ISSN: 0898-5626

Journal article

Roberts, JM. (2007) 'Various Entries', in Churchill, H. and Sanders, T. (eds.) Getting Your PhD. London : Sage.

Book chapter

Yen, DA., Yu, Q. and Barnes, BR. (2007) 'Focusing on relationship dimensions to improve the quality of chinese-western business-to-business exchanges'. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 18 (8). pp. 889 - 899. ISSN: 1478-3363

Journal article

Cohen, G. and Sims, D. (2007) 'Contingency and institutional perspectives within the liberal professional organisation'.British Academy of Management Conference. Warwick.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Zhang, Y., Harman, M. and Mansouri, SA. (2007) 'The multi-objective next release problem'.Annual Conference of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 07). London, UK. 7 - 11 July. Association of Computing Machinery. pp. 1129 - 1136.

Conference paper

Mansouri, SA., Hendizadeh, SH. and Salmasi, N. (2007) 'Bicriteria two-machine flowshop scheduling using metaheuristics'.Annual Conference of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 07). London, UK. 7 - 11 July. Association of Computing Machinery. pp. 909 - 909.

Conference paper

Jenabi, M., Torabi, SA. and Mansouri, SA. (2007) 'A hybrid GA for a supply chain production planning problem'.Annual Conference of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 07). London, UK. 7 - 11 July. Association of Computing Machinery. pp. 2045 - 2052.

Conference paper

Cohen, G. and Sims, D. (2007) 'Misunderstood or lacking legitimacy?'.Academy of Marketing Conference. Egham, UK. 3 - 6 July. Academy of Marketing.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Shepherdson, JW., Lee, H. and Mihailescu, P. (2007) 'mPower - a component based framework for building multi-agent systems to automate business processes'. BT Technology Journal, 25 (3-4). pp. 620 - 271. ISSN: 1358-3948

Journal article

Hendy, J., Fulop, N., Reeves, BC., Hutchings, A. and Collin, S. (2007) 'Implementing the NHS information technology programme: qualitative study of progress in acute trusts.'. BMJ, 334 (7608). pp. 1360 - 1360. ISSN: 0959-8146

Journal article

Lee, H., Shepherdson, J. and Ahn, HJ. (2007) 'Adaptive use of task assignment models in team-based mobile business processes'.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2007). Valencia, Spain. 24 - 26 June. Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2007. pp. 61 - 69.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Kalantaridis, C., Vassilev, I. and Fallon, G. (2007) 'The impact of internationalisation on the clothing industry'. Place of publication: University of Macedonia, Economics and Social Sciences.


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