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Ahn, H. and Lee, H. (2004) 'An agent-based dynamic information network for supply chain management'. BT Technology Journal, 22 (2). pp. 18 - 27. ISSN: 1358-3948 Open Access Link

Journal article

Fallon, G. and Brown, R. (2004) 'Supporting ethnic community businesses: lessons from a West Midlands Asian business support agency'. Regional Studies, 38 (2). pp. 137 - 148. ISSN: 1360-0591

Journal article

Fallon, G. and Jones, A. (2004) 'The determinants of foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe'. Northampton Business School, University College Northampton. 17 University College Northampton.

Conference paper

Mansouri, SA. (2004) 'Elimination of exceptional elements in cellular manufacturing systems using multi-objective genetic algorithms', in Coello, CAC. and Lamont, GB. (eds.) Applications of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. World Scientific Pub Co Inc. pp. 505 - 527. ISBN 10: 9812561064. ISBN 13: 9789812561060.

Book chapter

Joseph, J. and Roberts, JM. (2004) 'Introduction: Realism, discourse and deconstruction', inRealism Discourse and Deconstruction. pp. 1 - 18.

Book chapter

Lee, H., Mihailescu, P. and Shepherdson, J. (2004) 'Multi-agent technology as an enabler of computer supported cooperative work for the mobile workforce'. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 183 - 198. ISSN: 0302-9743

Conference paper

Wang, CL. and Ahmed, PK. (2004) 'The development and validation of the organisational innovativeness construct using confirmatory factor analysis'. European Journal of Innovation Management, 7 (4). pp. 303 - 313. ISSN: 1460-1060

Journal article

Wang, CL. and Ahmed, PK. (2004) 'Market orientation as a mediating factor of the knowledge management and performance relationship', inBritish Academy of Management Annual Conference.

Book chapter

Wang, CL. and Ahmed, PK. (2004) 'Leveraging knowledge in the innovation and learning process at GKN'. The International Journal of Technology Management, 27 (6-7). pp. 674 - 688. ISSN: 0267-5730

Journal article

Collis, J., Jarvis, R. and Skerratt, L. (2004) 'The demand for the audit in small companies in the UK'. Accounting and Business Research, 34 (2). pp. 87 - 100. ISSN: 0001-4788

Journal article

Berry, A., Grant, P. and Jarvis, R. (2004) 'European bank lending to UK SME sector: An investigation of approaches adopted'. International Small Business Journal, 22 (2). pp. 115 - 130. ISSN: 0266-2426

Journal article

Fallon, G. and Cook, M. (2004) 'A four regional approach to inbound DFI decisions', in McDonald, F., Mayer, M. and Buck, T. (eds.) The process of internationalization. Palgrave Macmillan. , 11. pp. 219 - 312. ISBN 10: 140393228X. ISBN 13: 9781403932280.

Book chapter

Fallon, G. and Jones, A. (2004) 'Marketing in Russia by UK businesses: lessons from a survey of trade missioners to Moscow'. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 11 (2). pp. 174 - 185. ISSN: 1462-6004

Journal article

Roberts, JM. (2004) ''John Stuart Mill, Free Speech and the Public Sphere'.', in Crossley, N. and Roberts, JM. (eds.) After Habermas: New Perspectives on the Public Sphere. Blackwell.

Book chapter

Roberts, JM. (2004) ''Will the Materialists in the Bakhtin Cicle Please Stand Up?'', in Joseph, J. and Roberts, JM. (eds.) Realism, Discourse and Deconstruction.. Routledge. pp. 89 - 110.

Book chapter

Crossley, N. and Roberts, JM. (2004) 'After Habermas: New Perspectives on the Public Sphere (edited collection)'. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 10: 1405123656 ISSN 13: 9781405123655


Roberts, JM. and Devine, F. (2004) ''Some Everyday Experiences of Voluntarism''. Social Politics, 11 (2). pp. 280 - 296.

Journal article

Roberts, JM. (2004) ''The Stylistics of Competent Speaking: A Bakhtinian Exploration of some Habermasian Themes''. Theory, Culture and Society, 21 (6). pp. 91 - 114+200. ISSN: 0263-2764

Journal article

Patel, N., Kent, S. and Rai, SS. (2004) 'The use of IT to increase nutritional awareness in young children'. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 12 (4). pp. 279 - 286. ISSN: 1330-1136 Open Access Link

Journal article

Juric, R., Kent, S., Kuljis, J. and Paul, RJ. (2004) 'Simulation education with web-based discrete event simulation models'.IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education. Innsbruck, AUSTRIA. ACTA PRESS. pp. 54 - 59.

Conference paper

Fallon, G., Cook, M. and Ekwulugo, F. (2003) 'Business support and development within the UK African and small business sector'.1st African/Caribbean Scholars Forum. Bristol Business School, University of the West of England. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Lee, H., Ahn, HJ. and Park, SJ. (2003) 'A flexible agent system for change adaptation in supply chains'. Expert Systems with Applications, 25 (4). pp. 603 - 618. ISSN: 0957-4174

Journal article

Jones, A. and Fallon, G. (2003) 'The political economy of co-operation, trade and aid between the European Union and Russia'. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 11 (2). pp. 253 - 277. ISSN: 1478-2804

Journal article

Shepherdson, JW., Lee, H. and Mihailescu, P. (2003) 'mPower — a component-based development framework for multi-agent systems to support business processes'. BT Technology Journal, 21 (4). pp. 92 - 103. ISSN: 1358-3948 Open Access Link

Journal article

Joseph, J. and Roberts, JM. (2003) 'Realism Discourse and Deconstruction', in Joseph, J. and Roberts, JM. (eds.) Realism Discourse and Deconstruction. London : Routledge. pp. 1 - 307. ISBN 10: 0-203-30047-5. ISBN 13: 978-0-415-43686-1.

Book chapter

Roberts, JM. (2003) 'Will the materialists in the Bakhtin Circle please stand up?', in Joseph, J. and Roberts, JM. (eds.) Realism Discourse and Deconstruction. London : Routledge. pp. 89 - 110. ISBN 10: 0-203-30047-5. ISBN 13: 978-0-415-43686-1.

Book chapter

Brown, A., Fleetwood, S. and Roberts, JM. (2003) 'Critical realism and marxism'. Routledge.


Brown, A., Fleetwood, S. and Roberts, JM. (2003) 'The marriage of critical realism and Marxism: Happy, unhappy or on the rocks?', inCritical Realism and Marxism. pp. 1 - 22.

Book chapter

Jones, A. and Fallon, G. (2003) 'The development of the new Tacis arrangements and their implications for EU/Russia relations'.UACES 33rd Annual Conference and Research Conference. Newcastle University. 2 - 4 September. UACES.

Conference paper

Fallon, G. and Cook, M. (2003) 'Business start-ups in marginalised communities: Evidence from an exploratory study into UK African and Caribbean SMEs'.UCN Internal Conference.  [unpublished]

Conference paper

Berger, M., Bouzid, M., Buckland, M., Lee, H., Lhuillier, N., Olpp, D., et al. (2003) 'An approach to agent-based service composition and its application to mobile business processes'. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2 (3). pp. 197 - 206. ISSN: 1536-1233 Open Access Link

Journal article

Jones, A. and Fallon, G. (2003) 'Exploring attitudes towards Russia's proposed membership of the WTO, nature and development of economic relationships between the European Union, Russia and other CIS states'.UACES Study Group / International Research Group Seminar. University College Northampton. 6 UACES.

Conference paper

Fallon, G., Jones, A. and Cook, M. (2003) 'The relative attractiveness of Hungary and Romania as destinations for foreign direct investment and the implications for the success of their economic transition processes'.Fifth International Conference on Enterprise in Transition. University of Split, Croatia. 22 - 24 May. Fifth International Conference on Enterprise in Transition. pp. 273 - 275.

Conference paper

Fallon, G., Cook, M. and Bilimoria, A. (2003) 'The regional distribution of inbound Foreign Direct Investment in the United Kingdom: Evidence from the West Midlands and Scotland', in Wheeler, C., McDonald, F. and Greaves, I. (eds.) Internationalization: Firm strategies and management. Palgrave MacMillan. , 10. pp. 37 - 59. ISBN 10: 1403906718. ISBN 13: 9781403906717.

Book chapter

Fallon, G. and Cook, M. (2003) 'A four regional approach to inbound FDI location decisions'.30th Annual Conference, UK Chapter, Academy of International Business:. De Montfort University. 11 - 12 April. De Montfort University.

Conference paper

Fallon, G., Jones, A. and Cook, M. (2003) 'The determinants of foreign direct investment in Hungary and Romania'.Managing Economic Transition Network Research Seminar 2003. Manchester, UK. 11 - 11 April. Proceedings of the Managing Economic Transition Network Research Seminar 2003.

Conference paper

Lee, J., Lee, J. and Lee, H. (2003) 'Exploration and exploitation in the presence of network externalities'. Management Science, 49 (4). pp. 553 - 570. ISSN: 1526-5501 Open Access Link

Journal article

Fallon, G., Cook, M. and Nandi Das, S. (2003) 'Contrasting patterns of business experience amongst Indian and Bangladeshi owner-managers in Northamptonshire: empirical evidence and policy implications'.Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference. University of Surrey. University of Surrey.

Conference paper

Cohen, GT. (2003) 'E-commerce: global overview', in Jackson, P., Harris, L. and Eckersley, PM. (eds.) E-business Fundamentals. London : Routledge. pp. 191 - 223.

Book chapter

Berry, A., Grant, P. and Jarvis, R. (2003) 'Can European banks plug the finance gap for UK SMEs?'. Place of publication: Certified Accountants Educational Trust.


Fallon, G., Cook, M. and Jones, A. (2003) 'The determinants of foreign direct investment in Russia and the implications of exclusion from European Union membership'.UACES Study Group / International Research Group Seminar on the Nature and Development of Economic Relationships between the European Union, Russia and other CIS states. Northampton Business School, University College Northampton. University College Northampton.

Conference paper

Fallon, G., Brown, RB. and Allen, J. (2003) 'The dead hand of the past: The implementation of new quality standards in a business support organisation'. easuring Business Excellence: The Journal of Business Performance Management, 7 (1). pp. 63 - 70. ISSN: 1368-3047

Journal article

Roberts, JM. and Devine, F. (2003) ''Hollowing Out of the Welfare State and Social Capital''. Social Policy and Society, 2 (4). pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

Roberts, JM. and Devine, F. (2003) ''Alternative Approaches to Measuring Social Capital: A Note on van Deth's "Measuring Social Capital"''. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 6 (1). pp. 93 - 100. ISSN: 1364-5579

Journal article

Wang, CL. and Ahmed, PK. (2003) 'Emotion: the missing part of systems methodology'. Kybernetes, the International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics, 32 (9-10). pp. 1283 - 1296. ISSN: 0368-492X

Journal article

Lee, H., Buckland, MA. and Shepherdson, JW. (2003) 'A multi-agent system to support location-based group decision making in mobile teams'. BT Technology Journal, 21 (1). pp. 105 - 113. ISSN: 1358-3948 Open Access Link

Journal article

Harris, L. and Cohen, G. (2003) 'Marketing in the Internet age: What can we learn from the past?'. Management Decision, 41 (9). pp. 944 - 956. ISSN: 0025-1747 Open Access Link

Journal article

Mansouri, SA., Moattar-Husseini, SM. and Zegordi, SH. (2003) 'A genetic algorithm for multiple objective dealing with exceptional elements in cellular manufacturing'. Production Planning and Control, 14 (5). pp. 437 - 446. ISSN: 0953-7287

Journal article

Roberts, JM. (2003) 'The Aesthetics of Free Speech: Rethinking the Public Sphere'. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 10: 1-4039-0566-5


Hone, K., Kuljis, J., Brinkman, W-P., Lines, L., Love, S., Chen, S., et al. (2003) 'HCI research at Brunel University: the VIVID research centre'.HCI 2003.  [unpublished]

Conference paper

Wang, CL. and Ahmed, PK. (2003) 'Knowledge management: the challenges for human resource management'. Journal of Quality Science, 1. pp. 17 - 26.

Journal article

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