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Research area(s)

Sometimes regarded as the "Father" of the corporate brand concept (1995), he also pioneered corporate marketing, corporate heritage brand/identity, total corporate communications, monarchical marketing, ethical corporate identity, corporate marketing notions and, penned the first academic articles in these aforementioned areas. Also co-conceived the corporate heritage brand/corporate brand with heritage notions and was the originator of the corporate heritage identity and corporate brand orientation notions.

Research group(s)

Research Interests

  • Corporate Marketing
  • Corporate Identity and Corporate Brand Management
  • Corporate Heritage Brands

Research grants and projects

Project details

Professor Balmer has long-standing research collaborations with Professor Stephen A Greyser (Harvard Business School); Professor Klement Podnar (University of Ljubliana, Slovenia); Professor Laura Illia (University of Fribourg; Professor Edmund R. Gray (Loyola University, Los Angeles).