Professor John Cosmas
Tziris, EN., Lazaridis, PI., Zaharis, ZD., Cosmas, JP., Mistry, KK. and Glover, IA. (2019) 'Optimized Planar Elliptical Dipole Antenna for UWB EMC Applications'. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 61 (4). pp. 1377 - 1384. ISSN: 0018-9375
Cosmas, JP., Jawad, N., Salih, M., Ali, K., Meunier, B., Zhang, Y., et al. (2019) 'Smart Television Services using NFV/SDN Network Management'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 65 (2). pp. 404 - 413. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Cosmas, JP., Meunier, B., Ali, K., Jawad, N., Meng, H., Goutagneux, F., et al. (2018) '5G Internet of Radio Light Services for Musée de la Carte à Jouer'.GLOBAL LIFI CONGRESS 2018. Paris. 9 - 9 February. IEEE. pp. 1 - 6.Open Access Link
Cosmas, JP., Meunier, B., Ali, K., Jawad, N., Salih, M. and Meng, H. (2017) '5G Internet of Radio Light Services for Supermarkets'.Solidstate Semiconductor Lighting 2017. Beijing. 3 - 3 November. IEEE. pp. 69 - 73.Open Access Link
Cosmas, JP. and Zhang, Y. (2017) 'Internet of Radio-Light: 5G Broadband in Buildings'.European Wireless 2017. Dresden. 19 - 19 May. European Wireless 2017 - 23rd European Wireless Conference.Open Access Link
Cosmas, JP., Khwandah, S., Glover, I., Lazaridis, P. and Zaharis, Z. (2016) 'An enhanced cognitive femtocell approach for co-channel downlink interference avoidance'. IEEE Wireless Communications, 23 (6). pp. 132 - 139. ISSN: 1536-1284 Open Access Link
Xu, C., Cosmas, JP. and Zhang, Y. (2016) 'Minimal Mean-Square Error for 3D MIMO Beamforming Weighting'. Electronics Letters, 52 (24). pp. 2019 - 2021. ISSN: 1350-911X Open Access Link
Lazaridis, PI., Tziris, E., Zaharis, ZD., Xenos, T., Holmes, V., Cosmas, JP. and et al. (2016) 'Comparative study of broadcasting antenna array optimization using evolutionary algorithms'.URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference. Seoul-Korea. 19 - 25 August. IEEE. pp. 1299 - 1301.Open Access Link
Luo, H., Zhang, Y., Huang, LK., Cosmas, J. and Aggoun, A. (2016) 'A closed-loop reciprocity calibration method for massive MIMO in terrestrial broadcasting systems'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 63 (1). pp. 11 - 19. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Lazaridis, PI., Tziris, EN., Zaharis, ZD., Xenos, TD., Cosmas, JP., Gallion, PB., et al. (2016) 'Comparison of evolutionary algorithms for LPDA antenna optimization'. Radio Science, 51 (8). pp. 1377 - 1384. ISSN: 0048-6604 Open Access Link
Meng, H., Bianchi-Berthouze, N., Deng, Y., Cheng, J. and Cosmas, J. (2016) 'Time-Delay Neural Network for Continuous Emotional Dimension Prediction from Facial Expression Sequences'. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 66 (4). pp. 916 - 929. ISSN: 2168-2267 Open Access Link
Al-Dulaimi, A., Anpalagan, A. and Cosmas, J. (2016) 'Spectrum Handoff Management in Cognitive HetNet Systems Overlaid With Femtocells'. IEEE Systems Journal, 10 (1). pp. 335 - 345. ISSN: 1932-8184 Open Access Link
Cosmas, JP., Araniti, G., Bisio, I., De Sanctis, M. and Orsino, A. (2016) 'Multimedia Content Delivery for Emerging 5G-Satellite Networks'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 62 (1). pp. 10 - 23. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Luo, H., Li, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, L-K., Cosmas, J. and Ni, Q. (2016) 'CRS interference cancellation algorithm for heterogeneous network'. ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 52 (1). pp. 77 - 78. ISSN: 0013-5194 Open Access Link
Li, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, LK., Cosmas, J., Maple, C. and Xiong, J. (2015) 'Self-IQ-Demodulation Based Compensation Scheme of Frequency-Dependent IQ Imbalance for Wideband Direct-Conversion Transmitters'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 61 (4). pp. 666 - 673. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Khwandah, SA., Cosmas, JP., Glover, IA., Lazaridis, PI., Prasad, NR. and Zaharis, ZD. (2015) 'Direct and External Intensity Modulation in OFDM RoF Links'. IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (4). pp. 1 - 10. ISSN: 1943-0655 Open Access Link
Cosmas, JP., Tsekleves, E. and Constantinides, R. (2015) 'Creative Tools for Producing Realistic 3D Facial Expressions and Animation'. Int. J.of Creative Computing.Open Access Link
Zettas, S., Lazaridis, PI., Zaharis, ZD., Kasampalis, S., Prasad, N., Glover, IA. and et al. (2015) 'Performance comparison of LS, LMMSE and Adaptive Averaging Channel Estimation (AACE) for DVB-T2'.2015 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 2155-5044 Open Access Link
Paraskevopoulos, IT., Tsekleves, E., Craig, C., Whyatt, C. and Cosmas, J. (2014) 'Design guidelines for developing customised serious games for Parkinson’s Disease rehabilitation using bespoke game sensors'. Entertainment Computing, 5 (4). pp. 413 - 424. ISSN: 1875-9521 Open Access Link
Behjati, M., Cosmas, JP., Nilavalan, R., Araniti, G. and Condoluci, M. (2014) 'Self-organising comprehensive handover strategy for multi-tier LTE-advanced heterogeneous networks'. IET Science, Measurement and Technology, 8 (6). pp. 441 - 451. ISSN: 1751-8822 Open Access Link
Khwandah, SA. and Cosmas, JP. (2014) 'Interference management in LTE co-channel femtocells'.Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 2155-5044 Open Access Link
Cosmas, JP. (2014) 'A low complexity resource allocation algorithm for multicast service delivery in OFDMA networks'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 60 (2). pp. 358 - 369.Open Access Link
Intzes, I., Meng, H. and Cosmas, J. (2014) 'Technology of swallowable capsule for medical applications'. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 14 (4). pp. 277 - 296. ISSN: 1752-6418 Open Access Link
Zaharis, ZD., Lazaridis, PI., Cosmas, JP., Skeberis, C. and Xenos, TD. (2014) 'Synthesis of a near-optimal high-gain antenna array with main lobe tilting and null filling using Taguchi Initialized Invasive Weed Optimization'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 60 (1). pp. 120 - 127. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Lekakou, C., Foderingham, M., Abbas, MK., Sorniotti, A. and Cosmas, JP. (2014) 'Photovoltaic energy source, Battery-supercapacitor energy storage/power system, electric vehicle charge station, in the grid'.International conference on Future Energy, Environment and Materials. WIT Press. pp. 305 - 310. ISSN: 1743-3533
Nawaz, M., Cosmas, J., Lazaridis, PI., Zaharis, ZD., Zhang, Y. and Mohib, H. (2013) 'Precise Foreground Detection Algorithm Using Motion Estimation, Minima and Maxima Inside the Foreground Object'. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING, 59 (4). pp. 725 - 731. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Zaharis, ZD., Skeberis, C., Xenos, TD., Lazaridis, PI. and Cosmas, J. (2013) 'Design of a Novel Antenna Array Beamformer Using Neural Networks Trained by Modified Adaptive Dispersion Invasive Weed Optimization Based Data'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 59 (3). pp. 455 - 460. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Liu, M., Tsekleves, E. and Cosmas, JP. (2013) 'Semi-automated mobile TV service generation'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 59 (2). pp. 317 - 327. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Al-Rubaye, S., Al-Dulaimi, A. and Cosmas, J. (2011) 'Pilot power optimization for autonomous femtocell networks'. 2011 Wireless Advanced, WiAd 2011. pp. 170 - 175.
Al-Dulaimi, A., Al-Rubaye, S. and Cosmas, J. (2011) 'Adaptive congestion control for mobility in cognitive radio networks'. 2011 Wireless Advanced, WiAd 2011. pp. 273 - 277.
Nawaz, M., Cosmas, J., Adnan, A. and Ali, M. (2011) 'Inter-intra frame segmentation using colour and motion for region of interest coding of video'.2011 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE. pp. 1 - 4.
Sun, FX., Cosmas, J., Farmer, MA. and Waheed, A. (2011) 'Distributed storage manager system for synchronized and scalable AV services across networks'. International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, 2011. pp. 687071 - 687071. ISSN: 1687-7578 Open Access Link
Al-Rubaye, S., Al-Dulaimi, A. and Cosmas, J. (2011) 'Cognitive femtocell'. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 6 (1). pp. 44 - 51. ISSN: 1556-6072
Cosmas, JP. and Ni, Q. (2011) 'IPTV Convergence'. E-LETTER, 6 (1). pp. 41 - 44.
Xue, Z., Loo, KK., Cosmas, J., Tun, M., Feng, L. and Yip, P-Y. (2010) 'Error-resilient scheme for wavelet video codec using automatic ROI detection and Wyner-Ziv coding over packet erasure channel'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 56 (4). pp. 481 - 493. ISSN: 1557-9611 Open Access Link
Ai-Dulaimi, A., Ai-Rubaye, S., Ai-Raweshidy, HS., Cosmas, J. and Loo, KK. (2010) 'Multi-zones of cognitive to fibre networks'. 2010 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2010. pp. 697 - 700.
Al-Dulaimi, A., Al-Raweshidy, H., Cosmas, J. and Loo, J. (2010) 'Cognitive mesh networks: Cognitive radio over fiber for microcells applications'. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 5 (3). pp. 54 - 60. ISSN: 1556-6072
Di Bari, R., Bard, M., Arrinda, A., Ditto, P., Araniti, G., Cosmas, J., et al. (2010) 'Measurement campaign on transmit delay diversity for mobile DVB-T/H systems'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 56 (3). pp. 369 - 378. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Cosmas, JP., D Bari, R., Bard, M., Arrinda, A., Ditto, P., Cosmas, JP., et al. (2010) 'Measurement Campaign on Transmit Delay Diversity for Mobile DVB-T/H Systems'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 56 (3). pp. 369 - 378. ISSN: 0018-9316
Cosmas, JP., Al-Dulaimi, A., Al-Raweshidy, H. and Loo, KK. (2010) 'Cognitive radio over fiber for microcells applications'. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 5 (3). pp. 54 - 60. ISSN: 1556-6072
Liu, M., Tsekleves, E. and Cosmas, JP. (2010) 'Semi-automatic creation of graphically-rich mobile Television services and applications using an XHTML browser and J2ME'.2010 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). Shanghai, China. 24 - 26 March. IEEE. pp. 1 - 7.
Aggoun, A., Mehanna, A., Tsekleves, E., Cosmas, J. and Loo, J. (2010) 'Live immerse video-audio interactive multimedia'.2010 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). Shanghai, China. 24 - 26 March. IEEE. pp. 1 - 5.
Cosmas, J., Loo, J., Aggoun, A. and Tsekleves, E. (2010) 'Matlab traffic and network flow model for planning impact of 3D applications on networks'.2010 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). Shanghai, China. 24 - 26 March. IEEE. pp. 1 - 7.
Shirazi, H., Cosmas, J. and Cutts, D. (2010) 'A cooperative cellular and broadcast conditional access system for Pay-TV systems'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 56 (1). pp. 44 - 57. ISSN: 1557-9611 Open Access Link
Tsekleves, E., Cosmas, J. and Yang, C. (2010) 'Semi-automated human body 3D animator'. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 38 (1/2/3). pp. 144 - 156. ISSN: 0952-8091
Shirazi, H. and Cosmas, J. (2009) 'A cost-effective service delivery platform to support mobility and roaming in Pay-TV systems'.2009 3rd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS). IEEE. pp. 1 - 5.
Cody, RL., Cosmas, J. and Tsekleves, E. (2009) 'Open-standards rich media mobile platform and rapid service creation tool'.Global Mobile Congress 2009. Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China. 12 - 14 October. IEEE. pp. 1 - 6.
Di Bari, R., Bard, M., Arrinda, A., Ditto, P., Cosmas, J., Loo, KK. and et al. (2009) 'Rooftop and indoor reception with transmit diversity applied to DVB-T Networks: a long term measurement campaign'.IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB '09). Bilbao, Spain. 13 - 15 May. IEEE. pp. 180 - 185. ISSN: 2155-5044 Open Access Link
Tun, M., Loo, KK. and Cosmas, J. (2009) 'An efficient rate control algorithm for wavelet video codec'. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 7 (5). pp. 567 - 585. ISSN: 0219-6913
Tsekleves, E., Cosmas, J., Aggoun, A. and Loo, J. (2009) 'Converged digital TV services: The role of middleware and future directions of interactive television'. International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, 2009. pp. 1 - 19. ISSN: 1687-7578 Open Access Link