Professor Kai Cheng
Tower A 208
- Email: kai.cheng@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267255
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences
Wang, P., Bai, Q., Cheng, K., Zhao, L., Ding, H. and Zhang, Y. (2023) 'Machinability analysis of micro-milling thin-walled Ti-6Al-4V micro parts under dry, lubrication, and chatter mitigation conditions'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 238 (1-2). pp. 335 - 346. ISSN: 0954-4054
Manjunath, K., Tewary, S., Khatri, N. and Cheng, K. (2022) 'Precipitation effect on Surface roughness at Ti-6Al-4 V ELI alloy during Ultra-Precision Machining'. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 17 (5). pp. 2607 - 2615. ISSN: 1955-2513
Wang, P., Bai, Q., Cheng, K., Zhang, Y., Zhao, L. and Ding, H. (2022) 'Investigation on an in-process chatter detection strategy for micro-milling titanium alloy thin-walled parts and its implementation perspectives'. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 183. pp. 1 - 17. ISSN: 0888-3270
Wang, P., Bai, Q., Cheng, K., Zhao, L. and Ding, H. (2022) 'Optimization of the process parameters for micro-milling thin-walled micro-parts using advanced algorithms'. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 121 (9-10). pp. 6255 - 6269. ISSN: 0268-3768 Open Access Link
Karimi, HR., Cheng, K. and Zou, Y. (2022) 'Advanced Autonomous Machines and Design Developments'. Machines, 10 (6). pp. 1 - 2.Open Access Link
Gong, Z., Huo, D., Niu, Z., Chen, W. and Cheng, K. (2022) 'Robustness evaluation of control algorithms for a long-stroke fast tool servo'. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 80. pp. 458 - 468. ISSN: 1526-6125 Open Access Link
Gou, N., Cheng, K. and Huo, D. (2022) 'Investigation on an integrated approach to modelling and analysis of multi-axis aerostatic bearing stages for high precision performance'.euspen’s 22nd International Conference & Exhibition. Geneva, Switzerland. 30 - 3 June. European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Conference Proceedings - 22nd International Conference and Exhibition, EUSPEN 2022. pp. 171 - 174.Open Access Link
Gong, Z., Huo, D., Niu, Z., Chen, W. and Cheng, K. (2022) 'A novel long-stroke fast tool servo system with counterbalance and its application to the ultra-precision machining of microstructured surfaces'. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 173. pp. 1 - 20. ISSN: 0888-3270 Open Access Link
Wang, P., Bai, Q., Cheng, K., Zhao, L. and Ding, H. (2022) 'The Modelling and Analysis of Micro-Milling Forces for Fabricating Thin-Walled Micro-Parts Considering Machining Dynamics'. Machines, 10 (3). pp. 1 - 15.Open Access Link
Haley, J. and Cheng, K. (2021) 'Investigation into precision engineering design and development of the next-generation brake discs using Al/SiC metal matrix composites'. Nami Jishu yu Jingmi Gongcheng/Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 4 (4). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 1672-6030 Open Access Link
Velázquez de la Hoz, JL. and Cheng, K. (2021) 'Development of an Intelligent Quality Management System for Micro Laser Welding: An Innovative Framework and Its Implementation Perspectives'. Machines, 9 (11). pp. 1 - 21.Open Access Link
Khaghani, A. and Cheng, K. (2021) 'Investigation of a dynamics-oriented engineering approach to ultraprecision machining of freeform surfaces and its implementation perspectives'. Nami Jishu yu Jingmi Gongcheng/Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 4 (4). pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 1672-6030 Open Access Link
Zhang, Y., Bai, Q., Bai, J., Guo, H. and Cheng, K. (2021) 'Dislocation evolution in nanoscratching the CVD diamond film: Discrete dislocation dynamics simulation and experiments'. MRS Communications, 11 (5). pp. 619 - 627. ISSN: 2159-6859
Li, P., Cheng, K. and Jiang, P. (2020) 'Investigation on quantitative analysis of carbon footprint in discrete manufacturing by using the innovative energy dataspace approach'. Manufacturing Letters, 27. pp. 58 - 62. ISSN: 2213-8463
Shao, Y., Adetoro, OB. and Cheng, K. (2020) 'Development of multiscale multiphysics-based modelling and simulations with the application to precision machining of aerofoil structures'. Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), 38 (3). pp. 1330 - 1349. ISSN: 0264-4401 Open Access Link
Khaghani, A. and Cheng, K. (2020) 'Investigation on an innovative approach for clamping contact lens mould inserts in ultraprecision machining using an adaptive precision chuck and its application perspectives'. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 111 (3-4). pp. 839 - 850. ISSN: 0268-3768
Li, P., Cheng, K., Jiang, P. and Katchasuwanmanee, K. (2020) 'Investigation on industrial dataspace for advanced machining workshops: enabling machining operations control with domain knowledge and application case studies'. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 33 (1). pp. 103 - 119. ISSN: 0956-5515 Open Access Link
Zhao, PY., Cheng, K., Jiang, B. and Zuo, L. (2020) 'Development of the innovative differential tool wear modeling for high-feed milling and its experimental verification'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 235 (1-2). pp. 85 - 97. ISSN: 0954-4054
Liu, J., Cheng, K., Ding, H. and Chen, S. (2020) 'An analytical model for force prediction in micromilling silicon carbide particle–reinforced aluminum matrix composites'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 234 (10). pp. 1273 - 1282. ISSN: 0954-4054
Niu, Z. and Cheng, K. (2020) 'Improved dynamic cutting force modelling in micro milling of metal matrix composites Part I: Theoretical model and simulations'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 234 (9). pp. 1733 - 1745. ISSN: 0954-4062
Niu, Z. and Cheng, K. (2019) 'Improved dynamic cutting force modelling in micro milling of metal matrix composites part II: Experimental validation and prediction'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 234 (8). pp. 1500 - 1515. ISSN: 0954-4062
Niu, Z. and Cheng, K. (2019)
'Investigation on the material removal and surface roughness in ultraprecision machining of Al/B
Ivanov, A. and Cheng, K. (2019) 'Non-traditional and hybrid processes for micro and nano manufacturing'. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 105 (11). pp. 4481 - 4482. ISSN: 0268-3768 Open Access Link
Song, L., Cheng, K., Ding, H., Chen, S. and Gao, Q. (2019) 'Analysis of static and dynamic characteristics of spiral-grooved gas journal bearings in high speed'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233 (19-20). pp. 6774 - 6792. ISSN: 0954-4062
Cheng, K., Shao, Y., Jadva, M. and Bodenhorst, R. (2019) 'Development of the improved Preston equation for abrasive flow machining of aerofoil structures and components'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 233 (9). pp. 1397 - 1404. ISSN: 1350-6501
Khaghani, A. and Cheng, K. (2019) 'Investigation on multi-body dynamics based approach to the toolpath generation for ultraprecision machining of freeform surfaces'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 234 (3). pp. 571 - 583. ISSN: 0954-4054
Huo, D. and Cheng, K. (2019) 'Vibration assisted machining'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233 (12). pp. 4079 - 4080. ISSN: 0954-4062
Yuan, Z., Qin, Y., Cheng, K., Zhao, W. and Zheng, P. (2019) 'Investigation on surface morphology and tribological property generated by vibration assisted strengthening on aviation spherical plain bearings'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233 (12). pp. 4091 - 4101. ISSN: 0954-4062
Liu, J., Cheng, K., Ding, H., Chen, S. and Zhao, L. (2019) 'Realization of ductile regime machining in micro-milling SiCp/Al composites and selection of cutting parameters'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233 (12). pp. 4336 - 4347. ISSN: 0954-4062
Yuan, Z., Cheng, K., Zhang, Y., Hu, J. and Zheng, P. (2019) 'Investigation on the fabrication of dicing blades with different sintering methods for machining hard-brittle material wafers'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 233 (7). pp. 1781 - 1793. ISSN: 0954-4054
Shao, Y. and Cheng, K. (2019) 'Integrated modelling and analysis of micro-cutting mechanics with the precision surface generation in abrasive flow machining'. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 105 (11). pp. 4571 - 4583. ISSN: 0268-3768 Open Access Link
Zhao, L., Cheng, K., Ding, H. and Zhao, L. (2019) 'On-Machine Measurement of the Straightness and Tilt Errors of a Linear Slideway Using a New Four-Sensor Method'. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 32 (1). pp. 1 - 11. ISSN: 1000-9345 Open Access Link
Gao, Q., Chen, W., Lu, L., Huo, D. and Cheng, K. (2019) 'Aerostatic bearings design and analysis with the application to precision engineering: State-of-the-art and future perspectives'. Tribology International, 135. pp. 1 - 17. ISSN: 0301-679X
Niu, Z. and Cheng, K. (2019) 'An experimental investigation on surface generation in ultraprecision machining of particle reinforced metal matrix composites'. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 105 (11). pp. 4499 - 4507. ISSN: 0268-3768 Open Access Link
Zhao, L., Cheng, K., Chen, S., Ding, H. and Zhao, L. (2019) 'An approach to investigate moiré patterns of a reflective linear encoder with application to accuracy improvement of a machine tool'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 233 (3). pp. 927 - 936. ISSN: 0954-4054
Khaghani, A. and Cheng, K. (2019) 'CFD-based design and analysis of air-bearing-supported paint spray spindle'. Nami Jishu yu Jingmi Gongcheng/Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 1 (4). pp. 226 - 235. ISSN: 1672-6030 Open Access Link
Khaghani, A. and Cheng, K. (2019) 'Investigation of machining dynamics in ultraprecision machining of freeform surfaces using the slow tool servo (STS)'. Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XIII - 13th International Conference and Exhibition on Laser Metrology, Machine Tool, CMM and Robotic Performance, LAMDAMAP 2019. pp. 146 - 155.
Liu, J., Cheng, K., Ding, H., Chen, S. and Zhao, L. (2018) 'Simulation study of the influence of cutting speed and tool–particle interaction location on surface formation mechanism in micromachining SiCp/Al composites'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 232 (11). pp. 2044 - 2056. ISSN: 0954-4062
Niu, Z., Jiao, F. and Cheng, K. (2018) 'Investigation on Innovative Dynamic Cutting Force Modelling in Micro-milling and Its Experimental Validation'. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 1 (2). pp. 82 - 95. ISSN: 2520-811X Open Access Link
Mir, A., Luo, X., Cheng, K. and Cox, A. (2018) 'Investigation of influence of tool rake angle in single point diamond turning of silicon'. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94 (5-8). pp. 2343 - 2355. ISSN: 0268-3768
Wang, C., Cheng, K., Rakowski, R. and Soulard, J. (2018) 'An experimental investigation on ultra-precision instrumented smart aerostatic bearing spindle applied to high speed micro-drilling'. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 31. pp. 324 - 335. ISSN: 1526-6125 Open Access Link
Yuan, Z., Cheng, K., He, Y. and Zhang, M. (2018) 'Investigation on smoothing silicon carbide wafer with a combined method of mechanical lapping and photocatalysis assisted chemical mechanical polishing'.ASME 2018 13th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Yang, X., Zhou, X. and Cheng, K. (2018) 'Research on Morphology and Semantics of Industrial Design for CNC Machine Tools'. Elsevier BV. pp. 379 - 386. ISSN: 2351-9789
Niu, Z., Jiao, F. and Cheng, K. (2017) 'An innovative investigation on chip formation mechanisms in micro-milling using natural diamond and tungsten carbide tools'. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 31. pp. 382 - 394. ISSN: 1526-6125 Open Access Link
Song, L., Cheng, K., Ding, H. and Chen, S. (2017) 'Analysis on discharge coefficients in FEM modeling of hybrid air journal bearings and experimental validation'. Tribology International, 119. pp. 549 - 558. ISSN: 0301-679X
Cheng, K., Shao, Y., Bodenhorst, R. and Jadva, M. (2017) 'Modeling and simulation of material removal rates and profile accuracy control in abrasive flow machining of the integrally bladed rotor blade and experimental perspectives'. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 139 (12). pp. 1 - 8. ISSN: 1087-1357
Jackson, MJ., Cheng, K. and Chen, X. (2017) 'Special Issue: Grinding Technology-Commemorating the Scientific Contributions by Professor Stephen Malkin'. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 139 (12). ISSN: 1087-1357
Cheng, K., Niu, ZC., Wang, RC., Rakowski, R. and Bateman, R. (2017) 'Smart Cutting Tools and Smart Machining: Development Approaches, and Their Implementation and Application Perspectives'. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 30 (5). pp. 1162 - 1176. ISSN: 1000-9345 Open Access Link
Qin, SF. and Cheng, K. (2017) 'Special Issue on Future Digital Design and Manufacturing: Embracing Industry 4.0 and Beyond-Part II'. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 30 (5). pp. 1045 - 1046. ISSN: 1000-9345
Qin, SF. and Cheng, K. (2017) 'Future Digital Design and Manufacturing: Embracing Industry 4.0 and Beyond'. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 30 (5). pp. 1047 - 1049. ISSN: 1000-9345