Professor Michael Wayne
Professor - Media
Gaskell Building 166
- Email: michael.wayne@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265830
- Film & Television
- Theatre, Music and Film/TV
- Arts and Humanities
- College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Michael has been an academic most of his working life. In part this is because studying film at the North London Polytechnic in the mid-1980s was a revelation to him in so far as it simultaneously provided not just an education in film but a political framework with which to understand the world around him. That connection between the study of a medium as a medium through which to learn about the world, remains central to his work as a teacher and researcher.
Newest selected publications
Wayne, M. (2022) 'Ambivalence in Gramsci's historiography of the Risorgimento'. Thesis 11, 173 (1). pp. 93 - 110. ISSN: 0725-5136 Open Access Link
Wayne, M. (2022) 'The Conspiracy Film, Hollywood's Cultural Paradigms, and Class Consciousness.', in Wagner, K., Szaniawski, J. and Cramer, M. (eds.) Fredric Jameson and Film Theory. New Jersey : Rutgers University Press. pp. 201 - 222. ISBN 13: 978-1-9788-0886-7.
O'Neill, D. and Wayne, M. (2022) 'The Acting Class and the Myths of Meritocracy'. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 19 (1). pp. 1 - 21. ISSN: 1743-4521 Open Access Link
Wayne, M. (2021) 'Roadmaps After Corbyn: Parties, Classes, Political Cultures'. New Left Review. pp. 37 - 65. ISSN: 0028-6060 Open Access Link
Wayne, M. (2021) 'The Guardian and Brexit', in Freedman, D. (ed.) Capitalism's Conscience: 200 Years of the Guardian. London : Pluto Press. pp. 255 - 273. ISBN 10: 0-7453-4336-8. ISBN 13: 978-0-7453-4334-1.