Professor Michael Wayne
Professor - Media
Gaskell Building 166
- Email: michael.wayne@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265830
- Film & Television
- Theatre, Music and Film/TV
- Arts and Humanities
- College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Research area(s)
- Marxist cultural theory
- Cultural political economy
- Popular British and contemporary Hollywood film
- Alternative political filmmaking cultures and practices
- Media and political communications
Research Interests
I am interested in popular film and alternative political film traditions (especially Third Cinema), media studies and film production. I main methodological tools for approaching film and media is through the rich and complex history of Marxism. I am especially interested in the cultural questions that Marxism helps us to pose and the links between culture, politics and education (in the broad sense of everyday learning and reflection). I have also made three feature length documentary films.
Research grants and projects
Research Projects
Research links
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Research group(s)