Professor Mizi Fan
Howell Building 245
- Email: mizi.fan@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266466
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences
Rohani, M., Fan, M. and Yu, C. (2014) 'Advanced visualization and simulation techniques for modern construction management'. Indoor and Built Environment, 23 (5). pp. 665 - 674. ISSN: 1420-326X
Lin, S., Huang, Z. and Fan, M. (2014) 'Modelling partial end-plate connections under fire conditions'. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 99. pp. 18 - 34. ISSN: 0143-974X Open Access Link
Naughton, A., Fan, M. and Bregulla, J. (2014) 'Fire resistance characterisation of hemp fibre reinforced polyester composites for use in the construction industry'. Composites Part B: Engineering, 60. pp. 546 - 554. ISSN: 1359-8368
Dai, D. and Fan, M. (2014) 'Wood fibres as reinforcements in natural fibre composites: Structure, properties, processing and applications', in Hodzic, A. and Shanks, R. (eds.) Natural Fibre Composites: Materials, Processes and Applications. Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing. pp. 3 - 65. ISBN 13: 978-0-85709-524-4.
Aigbomian, EP. and Fan, M. (2014) 'Development of wood-crete from treated sawdust'. Construction and Building Materials, 52. pp. 353 - 360. ISSN: 0950-0618
Fan, M. and Ndikontar, MK. (2014) 'Nature and performance of tropical wood natural fiber cementitious composites'. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 26 (7). ISSN: 0899-1561
Wȩcławski, BT., Fan, M. and Hui, D. (2014) 'Compressive behaviour of natural fibre composite'. Composites Part B: Engineering, 67. pp. 183 - 191. ISSN: 1359-8368
Ghaffar, SH. and Fan, M. (2014) 'Lignin in straw and its applications as an adhesive'. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 48. pp. 92 - 101. ISSN: 0143-7496
Ghaffar, SH. and Fan, M. (2013) 'Structural analysis for lignin characteristics in biomass straw'. Biomass and Bioenergy, 57. pp. 264 - 279. ISSN: 0961-9534
Dai, D. and Fan, M. (2013) 'Green modification of natural fibres with nanocellulose'. RSC Advances, 3 (14). pp. 4659 - 4665.
Zhou, X., Li, Z., Fan, M. and Chen, H. (2013) 'Rheology of semi-solid fresh cement pastes and mortars in orifice extrusion'. Cement and Concrete Composites, 37. pp. 304 - 311. ISSN: 0958-9465
Zhou, XM., Ghaffar, S., Dong, W., Oladiran, O. and Fan, M. (2013) 'Fracture and impact properties of short discrete jute fibre-reinforced cementitious composites'. Materials and Design, 49. pp. 35 - 47. ISSN: 0261-3069 Open Access Link
Lin, S., Huang, Z. and Fan, M. (2013) 'Analysis of end-plate connections at elevated temperatures'. Steel and Composite Structures, 15 (1). pp. 81 - 101. ISSN: 1229-9367
Aigbomian, EP. and Fan, M. (2013) 'Development of Wood-Crete building materials from sawdust and waste paper'. Construction and Building Materials, 40. pp. 361 - 366. ISSN: 0950-0618
Zhou, X., Li, Z., Fan, M. and Chen, H. (2013) 'Rheology of semi-solid fresh cement pastes and mortars in orifice extrusion'. Cement and Concrete Composites, 37 (1). pp. 304 - 311. ISSN: 1873-393X Open Access Link
Dai, D., Fan, M. and Collins, P. (2013) 'Fabrication of nanocelluloses from hemp fibers and their application for the reinforcement of hemp fibers'. Industrial Crops and Products, 44. pp. 192 - 199. ISSN: 0926-6690
Fan, M. (2012) 'Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for Natural Fibres', inFourier Transform Materials Analysis.
Fan, M., Ndikontar, M., Zhou, X. and Ngamveng, J. (2012) 'Cement-bonded composites made from tropical woods: Compatibility of wood and cement'. Construction and Building Materials, 36 (1). pp. 135 - 140. ISSN: 0950-0618
Fan, M. (2012) 'Performance of edgewise loaded wood based panels and their I-beam composites'. Construction and Building Materials, 30. pp. 447 - 454. ISSN: 0950-0618
Lin, Q., Chen, N., Bian, L. and Fan, M. (2012) 'Development and mechanism characterization of high performance soy-based bio-adhesives'. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 34. pp. 11 - 16. ISSN: 0143-7496
Peng, Z., Fan, M., Hartley, J. and Al-Zubaidy, M. (2012) 'Properties of natural fibre composites made by pultrusion process'. Journal of Composite Materials, 46 (2). pp. 237 - 246. ISSN: 0021-9983
Dai, D. and Fan, M. (2011) 'Investigation of the dislocation of natural fibres by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy'. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 55 (2). pp. 300 - 306. ISSN: 0924-2031
Dai, D., Fan, M., Huang, B., Chen, X., Tang, L. and Li, S. (2011) 'Investigation of the effect mechanism of dislocations on natural fibres mechanical properties'. Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 27 (1). pp. 180 - 185. ISSN: 1002-6819
Dai, D. and Fan, M. (2011) 'Investigation of the dislocation of natural fibres by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy'. Vibrational Spectroscopy. ISSN: 0924-2031
Fan, M., Dai, D. and Yang, A. (2011) 'High strength natural fiber composite: Defibrillation and its mechanisms of nano cellulose hemp fibers'. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 60 (13). pp. 1026 - 1040. ISSN: 0091-4037
Zhou, X-M., Patel, K., Fan, M. and Chen, H-P. (2010) 'A PRELIMINARY NUMERICAL MODEL FOR CRACK TENDENCY OF HARDENING CONCRETE IN ELLIPTICAL RING SPECIMENS'.11th International Symposium on Structural Engineering. Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA. 18 - 20 December. SCIENCE PRESS BEIJING. pp. 867 - 872.
Fan, M. (2010) 'Characteristic and performance of elementary hemp fibre'. Materials Science and Applications, 6 (1). pp. 28 - 36. ISSN: 2153-117X
Fan, M. (2010) 'Characterization and performance of elementary hemp fibres: Factors Influencing tensile strength'. BioResources, 5 (4). pp. 2307 - 2322. ISSN: 1930-2126 Open Access Link
Fan, M., Ohleymer, M., Irle, M., Haelvoet, W., Athanassiadou, E. and Rochester, I. (2010) 'Performance in use and new products of wood based composites'. Cost. ISSN 10: 1902316754 ISSN 13: 9781902316758
Fan, M. (2010) 'Novel 3-D composite components from cellulose materials'. World Journal of Engineering, 7 (3).
Fan, M. (2010) 'Nano cellulose textile composites: development of nano cellulose crystals'. World Journal of Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 97 - 102.
Fan, M. (2009) 'Sustainable fibre-reinforced polymer composites in construction', in Goodship, V. (ed.) Management, Recycling and Reuse of Waste Composites. Abington, Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing Ltd. pp. 518 - 569. ISBN 10: 1845694627. ISBN 13: 978-1845694623.
Ren, G., Patel, H., Hapuarachchi, D., Crowther, S., Fan, M. and Hogg, PJ. (2009) 'Development of natural HEMP fibre sheet mould composites (NF- SMC)'. ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials.
Fan, M. and Enjily, V. (2009) 'Structural properties of oriented wood strand composite: Effect of strand orientation and modeling prediction'. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 135 (11). pp. 1323 - 1330. ISSN: 0733-9399
Fan, M. (2009) 'Process for making composites from natural fibres.'.
Fan, M. (2009) 'Process for making composite products from fibrous waste material'.
Fan, M. (2008) 'Strength and deformation modification factors of wood based composites for engineering design'. Journal Construction and Building Technology. pp. 224 - 232.
Fan, M. (2008) 'High strength natural fibre composite for construction: Development of strong natural fibres'. World Journal of Engineering, 5 (3). pp. 246 - 258.
Fan, M. and Enjily, V. (2008) 'Strength and deformation modification factors of wood based composites for engineering design'. The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 2 (1). pp. 224 - 232. ISSN: 1874-8368 Open Access Link
Fan, M. (2007) 'Process for making composite products from fibrous waste material'.
Fan, M. (2007) 'Process for making composite products'.
Hapuarachchi, TD., Ren, G., Fan, M., Hogg, PJ. and Peijs, T. (2007) 'Fire retardancy of natural fibre reinforced sheet moulding compound'. Applied Composite Materials, 14 (4). pp. 251 - 264. ISSN: 0929-189X
Fan, M., Bonfield, P., Dinwoodie, J. and Enjily, V. (2006) 'Effect of test piece size on rheological behaviour of wood composites'. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 132 (8). pp. 815 - 822. ISSN: 0733-9399
Fan, M., Bonfield, P., Kearley, V. and Rochester, I. (2006) 'Long term performance of wood based panels. Part 1: NON-destructive system for stress determination for creep loading'. Journal of the Institute of Wood Science, 17 (3). pp. 159 - 170. ISSN: 0020-3203
Fan, M., Bonfield, P. and Dinwoodie, J. (2006) 'Nature and behaviour of cement bonded particleboard: structure, physical property and movement'. Journal of Materials Science, 41 (17). pp. 5666 - 5678. ISSN: 0022-2461
Fan, MZ., Dinwoodie, JM., Bonfield, PW. and Breese, MC. (2004) 'Dimensional instability of cement bonded particleboard - Part 2: Behaviour and its prediction under cyclic changes in RH'. Wood Science and Technology, 38 (1). pp. 53 - 68. ISSN: 0043-7719 Open Access Link
Fan, MZ., Dinwoodie, JM., Bonfield, PW. and Breese, MC. (2004) 'Dimensional instability of cement bonded particleboard: Modelling CBPB as a composite of two materials'. Wood Science and Technology, 37 (5). pp. 373 - 383. ISSN: 0043-7719 Open Access Link
Fan, MZ., Bonfield, PW., Dinwoodie, JM. and Breese, MC. (2004) 'Dimensional instability of cement bonded particleboard: stabilisation treatments'. Wood Science and Technology, 38 (5). pp. 349 - 362. ISSN: 0043-7719
Fan, MZ., Bonfield, PW., Dinwoodie, JM. and Breese, MC. (2004) 'Dimensional instability of cement bonded particleboard: contributions to its occurrence'. Wood Science and Technology, 38 (5). pp. 335 - 347. ISSN: 0043-7719
Fan, MZ., Bonfield, PW., Dinwoodie, JM., Boxall, J. and Breese, MC. (2004) 'Dimensional instability of cement-bonded particleboard: The effect of surface coating'. Cement and Concrete Research, 34 (7). pp. 1189 - 1197. ISSN: 0008-8846
Fan, MZ., Dinwoodie, JM., Bonfield, PW. and Breese, MC. (2002) 'Dimensional instability of cement bonded particleboard'. Wood Science and Technology, 36 (2). pp. 125 - 143. ISSN: 0043-7719