Professor Olwyn Westwood
Director of Postgraduate Education / Professor of Medical Education
Membership and affiliation
Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (1999)
Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2015)
Professional Affiliations
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators
Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
Member of the Association of Medical Education in Europe
Member of the Associate for the Study of Medical Education
Media interests
Sabbatical Fellowship to academic departments in Melbourne and Adelaide to Evaluate Curriculum for Diabetes Educators, and Programme reviewer for the International Diabetes Federation Consultative Section on Diabetes Health Professional Education
Evaluation of the transfer of the education of professions allied to medicine into tertiary education in Australia: i.e. impact of government-directed changes on re-organisation, information gathering to anticipate potential issues for curriculum development within the Joint Faculty at Kingston-SGUL
Brunei – Collaborations with senior academics in University of Brunei Darussalam 2006
Invited as an education advisor for the new biomedical sciences curriculum
Admissions and recruitment ambassador for University of Surrey: This has resulted in consistent numbers of Brunei students recruited to nursing and healthcare awards since 2007
China 2008-current
Multiple visits to China, advising on integration of multi-disciplinary curricula, with the opportunity to show case the UK universities for gaining interest and recruitment of international students.
International Summit of Deans, Beijing (2008, 2009 and 2010)
Nanchang University: visiting professor in biomedical sciences 2014-2015
Europe 2012-15
European Science Foundation: Member of the Medical Research Education in Europe Policy Committee: to design a curriculum to equip postgraduate students for a higher research degrees
Chair of accreditation panels for medicine, dentistry and healthcare programmes for and on behalf of the National Centre for Education Quality Enhancement, Tblisi
International Advisory Board of the Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology for curriculum developments and degree accreditation with professional regulators
West Indies:
Chair of Review Panel for the medicine award of University of the West Indies (Mona Campus; 2019)
Member of the Board for the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Medicine and Health Professions (2019-2022)
Non-Governmental Organisation 2011-current:
Centro de Investigación de Enfermedades Tropicals, Ottawa: Education Consultant for delivery of Masters level education as distance learning and face-to-face in South Africa and Mexico