Professor Olwyn Westwood
Director of Postgraduate Education / Professor of Medical Education
Research area(s)
Assessment and curriculum development
Research Interests
Assessment of clinical competence
Editorial Boards:
Editorial Board: BMC Medical Education
Reviewer for the following journals:
BMC Medical Education
BMJ Open Access
Medical Education
Nurse Education Today
Postgraduate Medical Journal
Guest Editor for the journal, ‘Rheumatology’, for a special issue on Medical Education in practice 2012
Selected National and International Reports:
European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, France Science Policy Briefing 46:
Medical Research Education in Europe
European Oncology Nursing Society ‘Facilitation of Cancer Education and Training’ 2007
UK Quality Code for Higher Education: Advice and Guidance on Work-based Learning
Selected Book / Chapters
Austen, B and Westwood, OMR (1991) Protein Targeting & Secretion In Focus series, IRL Press, Oxford University Press.
Westwood, OMR (1999) The Scientific Basis for Health Care Times Mirror Int. Publishers, London.
Westwood, OMR & Hay FC (2001) Epitope Mapping: A Practical Approach, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Hay, FC. & Westwood, OMR. (2002) Practical Immunology (4th edition) Blackwell Science, Oxfor
Westwood, OMR, Hay FC, Griffin A. (2013) ‘How to assess students and trainees in medicine and health” Wiley Blackwell, Oxford
Eales-Reynolds, L-J; Westwood OMR (2018) ‘Teaching Excellence in Higher Education – Lessons from the TEF’ pub. KDP publishing
Book chapters
Westwood OMR (2011) A Medical Curriculum – Integration of basic and clinical sciences in Assessment and Training of Tomorrow’s Doctors 3rd International Forum of Medical Deans, Beijing (PMPH e-book) pp137-149
Leonardi-Bee, J. and Westwood OMR, (2014) “Systematic Reviews” in: An Introduction to Health Services Research ed. D-M Walker, pub. Sage
Selected Papers
Westwood, OMR, Leinster, S., Weinberg, JR (2008) A Health Care Curriculum for the 21st Century: Time for Flexibility? J. Royal Soc Med. Feb;101(2):59-62.
Nelson PN, Westwood, OMR, Freimanis, Roden, D, Sissaoui, S, Rylance, P, Hay, FC. (2008) Epitope mapping of monoclonal rheumatoid factors reveals novel antigenic determinants on IgG1 Fc. Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders. 1:33-42.
Green, A., Westwood, O., Smith, P., Peniston-Bird, F (2009) Provision of Continued Professional Development for Non-medical Prescribers within a South of England Strategic Health Authority – a report on a training needs analysis J. Nursing Management 17:603-614.
Westwood O (2009) Physician Assistant role for the UK (letter). BMJ 339: b3938
Cushing, AM , Westwood, OMR (2010) Using peer feedback in a formative objective structured clinical examination. Medical Education 44(11):1144-5
Cushing, AM, Abbott, S., Lothian, D., Hall, A., Westwood, OMR (2011) Peer feedback in formative assessment as an aid to learning: What do we want? Feedback. When do we want it? Now! Medical Teacher 33(2):e105-12.
Griffiths, CJ., Chung, C., Tzortziou-Brown, V., Westwood, O., Morrissey, D. (2012) Capturing the combined clinic: Evaluation of an Inter-Professional Multimedia Musculoskeletal Examination Teaching Resource. Rheumatology http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-1149.S2-007
Westwood, OMR (2012) Musculoskeletal Examination: Education and Training for Current and Future Needs of Healthcare Provision. Rheumatology http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-1149.S2-e001
Cushing, AM, Ker J., Kinnersley, P, McKeown, P., Westwood OMR (2014) Patient safety and communication: a new assessment for doctors trained in countries where language differs from that of the host country – Results of a pilot using a domain-based assessment Pat. Ed Counsel 95: 332-339
Duffy, J., Chequer, S., Braddy, A., Mylan, S., Royuela, A., Zamora, J., Jacey Ip., Hayden, S., Showell, M, Kinnersley, P., Westwood, O, Khan, K., Cushing AM (2016). Educational effectiveness of gynecological teaching associates. A multi-centre randomized controlled trial. Br. J Obstet. Gynaecol 123(6):1005-10.
Brown, V., Morrissey, D., Mohamend, N., Westwood, OMR, Underwood, M. (2016) Professional interventions for general practitioners on the management of musculoskeletal conditions. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 5:CD007495
Druce, M., Hickey, A., Warrens, A., Westwood, OM (2016) Medical students raising concerns J. Patient Safety Sep 16. (Epub ahead of print)
Brown, V., Underwood, M., Westwood, OMR, Morrissey, D (2019). Improving GP management of musculoskeletal conditions: an interrupted time series study BMJ Open (BMJ Open. 2019 Feb 19;9(2):e024710. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024710
Research grants and projects
Project details
Selected grants since 2008
CETL Award (£15,400) Peer feedback on formative assessment as an aid to learning (Cushing and Westwood)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council/Richmond Pharmacology: Knowledge Transfer Partnership in Education (£469,000) (Dabnichki and Westwood)
CETL Award (£17,926): Development and evaluation of a multimedia package for postgraduate inter-professional teaching of musculoskeletal examination skills (Morrissey and Westwood)
National Practitioner Programme (£30,000): To set up the examinations and database for the National Accreditation Examinations for UK-Physician Assistants (Westwood)
Arthritis Research UK Educational Research Fellowship; (£244,988): Educational interventions to improve GP management of shoulder pain (Brown, Morrissey, Westwood, Underwood)
University of London Student Experience Innovation Fund (£50,149) Expanding Student Selected Components horizon of the QMUL curriculum (Carrier and Westwood)
With CIET for development of on-line Masters programmes in Public Health (£31,250)
University of London (£4,012) ‘Enhancing the Student Experience of Research-based Learning and Writing’ Project (Morrissey and Westwood)
Medical Schools Council (£15,000) Assessment Initiative for Communication Skills Assessment for clinicians whose first language is not English (Cushing and Westwood)
National Institute for Health Research: Academic Clinical Fellowship in Medical Education (Westwood, Roberts and Warrens)
Modernising Scientific Careers: 3 Bids to tender were submitted to the Dept. of Health - Infection Sciences was successful – recurring revenue stream (Fowler, Westwood, Curtis)
Medical College of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Trust: (£32,000) Develop and evaluate the use of Gynaecological Teaching Associates - Randomised Controlled Trial (Cushing, Westwood, Khan)
Medical College of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Trust: (£32,000 renewed) Continuing the Gynaecological Teaching Associate Programme (Cushing, Westwood, Khan)
National Institute for Health Research Academic Clinical Fellowship Medical Education (Westwood, Khan)
Health Education – North Central and East London
- £46,510: Scoping patient involvement in healthcare education (Westwood and Cushing)
- £49,845: Scoping the potential for physician associate training (Westwood and Warrens
Queen Mary University of London (£40,000): Exploring the factors that impact on the success of current students from Widening Participation backgrounds (Nicholson, Piper and Westwood).
Queen Mary University of London (£20,000) Support initiatives and their evaluation for medical students at risk of underperformance in applied clinical knowledge and skills assessments (Watson, Nicholson and Westwood)
Nanchang University, China (£20,500) Visiting professorial award for biosciences (Westwood)
Warwick International HEA (£3,528) Student Engagement – virtual Student Staff Liaison Committee
Brunel Public Engagement (£2000) Citizens’ Academy of Service-Users to Facilitate Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research and Curricula for Medicine, Health and Social Care Professionals (John Cossar, Emmanouil Karteris, Veena Kumari, Amir Mohagheghi, Sandra Naylor, Meriel Norris, Olwyn Westwood)