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Professor Peter Thomas
Head of Department / Professor - History of Political Thought

Marie Jahoda 229


Thomas, PD., Starosta, G. and Bellofiore, R. (2013) 'Introduction: In Marx’s Laboratory', in Thomas, PD., Starosta, G. and Bellofiore, R. (eds.) In Marx’s Laboratory. Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse. Leiden : Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 1 - 14. ISBN 13: 9789004236769.

Book chapter

P D Thomas. (2013) 'Gramsci Çağı: Dün, Bugün, Yarın'. Mülkiye Dergisi, 37 (2). pp. 159 - 170. ISSN: 1305-9971

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2013) 'Gramsci'de Diyalektik Hegemonya'. Felsefelogos, 48.

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2013) 'Felsefi Stratejiler: Althusser ve Spinoza [Philosophical strategies: Althusser and Spinoza]', in Akal, CB. and Canaslan, E. (eds.) Marx’tan Spinoza’ya, Spinoza’dan Marx’a Guncel Mudahaleler [From Marx to Spinoza, from Spinoza to Marx: Contemporary Interventions]. Ankara : Dost.

Book chapter

Diefenbach, K., Farris, SR., Kirn, G. and Thomas, PD. (2013) 'Encountering Althusser. Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought'. New York: Bloomsbury. ISSN 13: 9781441152138


Thomas, PD. (2013) 'Althusser's Last Encounter: Gramsci', in Diefenbach, K., Kirn, G., Farris, SR. and Thomas, PD. (eds.) Encountering Althusser. Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought. New York : Bloomsbury. pp. 137 - 151. ISBN 13: 9781441152138.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD., Diefenbach, K., Kirn, G. and Farris, SR. (2013) 'Encountering Althusser. Introduction', inEncountering Althusser. Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought. New York : Bloomsbury. pp. xiii - xxi. ISBN 13: 9781441152138.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2013) 'In Marx's Laboratory. Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse'. ISSN 10: 9004236767 ISSN 13: 9789004236769


Thomas, PD. (2012) 'Gramsci Çağı. Felsefe, Hegemonya ve Marksizm'. Ankara: Dipnot. ISSN 13: 978-605-4412-65-5


Thomas, P. (2012) 'Devrimler, Edilgin ve Sürekli'. Felsefelogos. ISSN: 1309-9175

Journal article

Tomba, M. (2012) 'Marx's Temporalities'. Leiden: Brill. ISSN 10: 9004236783 ISSN 13: 9789004236783


Thomas, P. (2012) 'Η ιδέα του κομμουνισμού και το ζήτημα της οργάνωσης'. ΟΥΤΟΠΙΑ, 100. pp. 117 - 134.

Journal article

Thomas, P. (2012) 'Il momento gramsciano: passato, presente, futuro'. Critica marxista, 2012 (4). pp. 1 - 6.

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2011) 'I viaggi italiani del Moro', in Corradi, C. (ed.) La Storia dei marxismi in Italia. Manifestolibri. pp. 119 - 132.

Book chapter

Reuten, G. and Thomas, PD. (2011) 'Voiton suhdeluvun lasku Grundrissesta Pääomaan. Perustava muutos Marxin tavassa hahmottaa kapitalistista tuotantotapaa', in Koivisto, J. and Oittinen, V. (eds.) MEGA-Marx. Johdatus uuteen Marxiin. Vastapaino. pp. 137 - 166.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2011) 'Conjunctures of the Integral State? Poulantzas's reading of Gramsci', in Bretthauer, L., Gallas, A., Kannankulam, J. and Stützle, I. (eds.) Reading Poulantzas. London : Merlin Press. pp. 277 - 292. ISBN 13: 978-0-85036-647-1.

Book chapter

Thomas, P. (2011) 'Kohärenz', in Haug, WF., Haug, F. and Jehle, P. (eds.) Das historisch-kritische Wörterbuch des Marxismus 7/II. Hamburg-Berlin : Argument.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2011) ''Nykysubjektin' itsetuntemusta jäljittämässä'. niin & näin. pp. 101 - 105.

Journal article

Reuten, G. and Thomas, PD. (2011) 'From the ‘fall of the rate of profit’ in the Grundrisse to the cyclical development of the profit rate in Capital'. Science and Society, 75 (1). pp. 74 - 90. ISSN: 0036-8237

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2010) 'Solidarität und Commons'. LuXemburg: Gesellschaftsanalyse und linke Praxis.

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2010) 'Labour-power (Arbeitskraft)'. Krisis. Journal for Contemporary Philosophy. pp. 49 - 54.

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2010) 'Voies démocratiques vers le socialisme Le retour de la question stratégique'. Contretemps.

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2010) 'Gramsci e il primato della politica'. Critica Marxista, 2/2010. pp. 52 - 61.

Journal article

Koivisto, J. and Thomas, PD. (2010) 'Mapping Communication and Media Research: Conjunctures, Institutions, Challenges'. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University Press. ISSN 10: 9514479203 ISSN 13: 9789514479205


Thomas, PD. (2009) 'Catharsis'. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 17 (3). pp. 259 - 264. ISSN: 1465-4466

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2009) 'Gramsci and the Political : From the State as ‘Metaphysical Event’ to Hegemony as ‘Philosophical Fact’'. Radical Philosophy, 153 (153). pp. 27 - 36. ISSN: 0300-211X

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2009) 'The Moor’s Italian Journeys'. New Left Review, II (58).

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2009) 'The Gramscian Moment: Philosophy, Hegemony and Marxism'. Leiden: Brill Academic Press. ISSN 10: 9004167714 ISSN 13: 9789004167711


Badiou, A. and Zizek, S. (2009) 'Philosophy in the Present'. Polity Press. Translated by P Thomas.


Thomas, PD. (2009) '“Previsione”', in Liguori, G. and Voza, P. (eds.) Dizionario gramsciano 1926 – 1937. Rome : Carocci.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2009) '“Storia a disegno”', in Liguori, G. and Voza, P. (eds.) Dizionario gramsciano 1926 – 1937. Rome : Carocci.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2009) '“Metafisica”', in Liguori, G. and Voza, P. (eds.) Dizionario gramsciano 1926 – 1937. Rome : Carocci.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2009) '“Fronte unico”', in Liguori, G. and Voza, P. (eds.) Dizionario gramsciano 1926 – 1937. Rome : Carocci.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2009) '“Filosofo e filosofo democratico”', in Liguori, G. and Voza, P. (eds.) Dizionario gramsciano 1926 – 1937. Rome : Carocci.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2009) '“Filosofia speculativa”', in Liguori, G. and Voza, P. (eds.) Dizionario gramsciano 1926 – 1937. Rome : Carocci.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2009) '“Coerenza/coerente”', in Liguori, G. and Voza, P. (eds.) Dizionario gramsciano 1926 – 1937. Rome : Carocci.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2009) 'Althusser, Gramsci e la non contemporaneità del presente', inRileggere il Capitale. La lezione di Louis Althusser. Mimesis.

Book chapter

Negri, A. (2008) 'Goodbye Mr Socialism'. New York: Seven Stories Press. Translated by P Thomas. ISSN 10: 158322775X ISSN 13: 978-1-58322-775-6


Tassone, G. and Thomas, P. (2008) 'Editorial Introduction to Vittorio Morfino, “Causa sui or Wechselwirkung: Engels between Spinoza and Hegel”,'. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 16 (1). pp. 3 - 8. ISSN: 1465-4466

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2008) 'Immanence'. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 16 (1). pp. 239 - 243. ISSN: 1465-4466

Journal article

Thomas, PD. and Koivisto, J. (2008) 'Contemporary European Media and Communication Research: Paradigms, Institutions, Challenges'. Place of publication: Communication Research Centre, Department of Communication, University of Helsinki.


Thomas, PD., Puustinen, L. and Pantti, M. (2008) 'Mapping Media and Communication Research: The Netherlands'. Place of publication: Communication Research Centre, Department of Communication, University of Helsinki.


Thomas, PD. (2008) 'Vie democratiche al socialismo', inPensare con Marx, ripensare Marx. Rome : Alegre.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2008) 'Katharsis', in Haug, WF., Haug, F. and Jehle, P. (eds.) Historisch-kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus. Berlin : InkriT. , 7:1. pp. 495 - 504.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2007) 'Gramsci ve entelektüeller: modern prens karşısında pasif devrim'. Felsefelogos, 32.

Journal article

Thomas, P. (2007) 'Editorial introduction to Roberto Finelli, “Abstraction versus Contradiction: Observations on Chris Arthur’s The New Dialectic and Marx’s ‘Capital’”'. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 15 (2). pp. 53 - 60. ISSN: 1465-4466

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2007) 'Historicism, absolute'. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 15 (1). pp. 249 - 256. ISSN: 1465-4466

Journal article

Thomas, PD. and Koivisto, J. (2007) 'Mapping Media and Communication Research: Germany'. Place of publication: Communication Research Centre, Department of Communication, University of Helsinki.


Thomas, P. (2007) 'Gramsci and the Intellectuals: Modern Prince Vs Passive Revolution', inMarxism and Intellectuals. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2006) 'Konjunktur des integralen Staates? Poulantzas’ Gramsci Lektüre', in Bretthauer, L., Gallas, A., Kannankulam, J. and Stützle, I. (eds.) Poulantzas lesen. VSA Verlag. pp. 307 - 323.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2006) 'Althusser, Gramsci e la non contemporaneità del presente'. Critica marxista.

Journal article

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