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Professor Peter Thomas
Head of Department / Professor - History of Political Thought

Marie Jahoda 229


Thomas, PD. (2006) 'Althusser, Gramsci e la non contemporaneità del presente'. Critica marxista.

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2006) 'Being Max Weber'. New Left Review, II (41).

Journal article

Thomas, P. (2006) 'Modernity as “passive revolution”: Gramsci and the fundamental concepts of historical materialism'. Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, 17 (2). pp. 61 - 78. ISSN: 0847-4478

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (2005) 'Presentation of English translation programme of “Das historisch-kritische Wörterbuch des Marxismus”'. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 13 (1). pp. 235 - 239. ISSN: 1465-4466

Journal article

Thomas, P. (2005) 'Die Fastnachtszeit der Philosophie: il Marx della tesi di laurea', inSulle tracce di un fantasma. Rome : Manifestolibri.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2004) 'Immanenz', in Haug, WF. and Haug, F. (eds.) Das historisch-kritische Wörterbuch des Marxismus 6/I. Hamburg-Berlin : Argument.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2004) 'Historizismus, absoluter', inDas historisch-kritische Wörterbuch des Marxismus 6/I. Hamburg-Berlin : Argument.

Book chapter

Thomas, PD. (2004) 'Overman and the Commune'. New Left Review, II (31).

Journal article

Thomas, P. (2003) 'Cultural Studies: Towards a Realist Intervention', inCritical Realism: The Difference it Makes. New York : Routledge.

Book chapter

Thomas, P. (2002) 'Philosophical strategies: Althusser and Spinoza'. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 10 (3). pp. 71 - 113. ISSN: 1465-4466

Journal article

Thomas, PD. (1998) 'On Luce Irigaray'. Exordium.

Journal article

Thomas, P. (1998) 'The Student Movement Yet-to-Come', in Ferrier, C. and Pelan, R. (eds.) Australia/ Marxism/ History/ Theory. Brisbane : Australian Studies Centre.

Book chapter

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