Professor Steve Counsell
Wilfred Brown Building 114
- Email: steve.counsell@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266740
Research area(s)
Software Engineering: Software Metrics, Automated Program Repair, Refactoring, Code smells.
Research Interests
Professor Counsell’s research interests are in the areas of empirical software engineering, software fault-analyses, refactoring, software metrics, the agile methodology, industry perspectives on software engineering problems and the role of research impact. Much of his research involves collaboration with industry and helping to understand the problems that industry developers and project managers face.
Research grants and projects
Project details
Steve was Co-investigator on an EPSRC grant investigating the link between program slicing and faults (EP/E055141/1) and Co-investigator on a three year grant with Moorfields Eye Hospital on glaucoma data analysis (EP/H019685/1). He was Principal investigator on the EPSRC funded REFactoring and TESTing (REFTEST) Network (EP/E055141/1).
Steve is currently CI (with Prof. Hall and Dr Bowes) on an EPSRC funded project EP/L011751/1 exploring fault prediction techniques. The project is in collaboration with industry using fault data and exploration of which techniques provide best explanation of faults in software.
Research links
Co-author network
- Dr Stephen Swift
- Prof Allan Tucker
- Prof Xiaohui Liu
- Prof Martin Shepperd
- Prof George Ghinea
- Dr Giuseppe Destefanis
- Dr Nour Ali
- Dr stasha Lauria
- Dr Mahir Arzoky
- Visualise network
Similar research interests
- Dr Nour Ali
- Professor Tatiana Kalganova
- Professor Kate Hone
- Professor Hua Dong
- Professor Lionel Ganippa
Research group(s)