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Dr Survjit Cheeta
Reader in Psychology

Research area(s)

  • Psychopharmacology
  • Neural systems underpinning depression
  • Emotional processing, learning and memory
  • Cognitive behavioural therapies

Research Interests

My research interests are within the field of Psychopharmacology, with a particular focus on the disease states of depression and anxiety. My research has aimed to understand these conditions from a multi-disciplinary perspective (molecular to clinical and social policy). Within the pre-clinical sciences i have used models of these disease states to understand their neurobiological underpinnings. Currently I am using epidemiological data and psychological paradigms of emotion and cognition to identify markers for normal and abnormal brain function. I have also been involved in policy development for the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction at a local and national level. Most recently, I was involved in the National Alcohol Needs Assessment project. This project was funded by the Department of Health, with the aim of supporting the National Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for England, which was published by the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, 2004.

Research grants and projects

Project details

Subjective and objective cognitive profiling of sleep disordersSurvjit Cheeta and Prof Sandra File (King’s College London)

Neuropsychological correlates of pessimismDr Survjit Cheeta (CI)

Gender differences in risk factors for depression: the role of neuroticismDr Survjit Cheeta (CI)


Dept of Health National Alcohol Needs AssessmentIn collaboration with St George’s Hospital Medical School I have been involved with a number of projects investigating identification of alcohol use disorders in primary care, the current level of service provision for alcohol use disorders in England and the client characteristics of alcohol service users.

Brunel University London
Kingston Lane
Middlesex UB8 3PH

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