Dr Zohreh Kaheh
Lecturer (Education) - Mathematics/Statistics
Research area(s)
My research mainly focuses on combining the areas of data analytics and decision modelling in different contexts, including Supply Chain Management and Energy Markets.
Research grants and projects
Project details
-Towards Sustainable Manufacturing and Energy Management: Optimization of Manufacturing and Logistics Processes from Circular Economy Perspective
- EU-funded COGITO project (COnstruction-phase diGItal Twin mOdel)- completed
- Implementation of Demand Response Programs in Iran Power Industry- completed
- PhD thesis: Optimal Strategies for Players in Balancing Market and Day-ahead Market for Flexible Ramp Procurement in the Presence of Wind Farms and DR Aggregators- completed
- Peak Load Forecasting and Identifying Effective Factors in Electrical Load Modeling for Tehran Distribution Network- completed
- MSc thesis: Developing a Simulated Negotiation Mechanism based on Bi-Level Programming Model for a Distributed Procurement Problem at Two Echelons of an Automotive Supply Chain- completed