Dr Anastasia Anagnostou
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
Wilfred Brown Building 318
- Email: anastasia.anagnostou@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266227
Research area(s)
Modelling and Simulation, Distributed Simulation, Cloud Computing, Open Science, e-Infrastructures, Healthcare Systems, Internet of Things
Research grants and projects
Research Projects
Project details
- Principal Investigator: STAMINA - Demonstration of intelligent decision support for pandemic crisis prediction and management within and across European bordersH2020-SU-SEC-2019 - Grant number: 883441 - 09/2020 to 08/2022 (€9.5M, Brunel contribution €370K)
- Co-investigator: COLA - Cloud Orchestration at the Level of ApplicationEU H2020-ICT-2016-2017 - Grant number: 731574 - 01/2017 to 06/2019 (€3M, Brunel contribution €250K)
- Research co-investigator: CraftBrew Whole Brewery Management system Innovate UK Improving food supply chain efficiency - Grant number: 50375-377176 - 01/2016 to 12/2017 (£600K, Brunel contribution £180K)
- Research co-investigator: AIMS - Architectures, Interoperability & Management of Simulations AIMS Consortium (THALES Group, Reading, United Kingdom) 2015-02 to 2015-08 (£10K)
- Fully-funded PhD Scholarship by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK (12/2010 - 01/2014)
- Research Fellow: Sci-GaIA - Energising Scientific Endeavour through Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in AfricaEU H2020 - H2020-INFRASUPP-2014-2015 INFRASUPP-7-2014 / Grant number: 654237 (05/2015 - 04/2017)
- Research Fellow: TANDEM - TransAfrican Network Development EU H2020 - H2020-INFRASUPP-2014-2015 INFRASUPP-7-2014 / Grant number: 654206 (02/2015 - 04/2017)
- Research Fellow: EMPHASIS - Economic Modelling of PHysical Activity: Simulating InterventionS Department of Health - Grant number: PR-R5-0213-25005 (04/2012 - 06/2017)
- Research Fellow: CloudSME - Cloud-based Simulation Platform for Manufacturing and Engineering EU FP7 - FoF-ICT-2013.7.1 / Grant number: 608886 (07/2013 - 03/2016)
- Research Assistant: MAPGUIDE - Economic modelling of diagnostic/treatment pathways in NICE clinical guidelines: feasibility and value for informing decisions about updates Medical Research Council - Grant number: G0901504 (12/2009 - 12/2012)
Research links
Co-author network
- Prof Simon Taylor
- Dr Derek Groen
- Dr Kate Mintram
- Dr Diana Suleimenova
- Prof Nana Anokye
- Dr Nura Abubakar
- Dr David Bell
- Dr Yani Xue
- Dr Alireza Jahani
- Dr Isabel Sassoon
- Prof Panos Louvieris
- Dr Armin Kashefi
- Prof Xiaohui Liu
- Dr Alan Serrano-Rico
- Visualise network
Similar research interests
- Professor Xiangming Zhou
- Professor Louise Mansfield
- Professor Simon Taylor
- Dr Qingping Yang
- Dr Weifeng Chen
Research group(s)