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Dr Cristina Stoian
Reader in International Business

Eastern Gateway 202L

Research area(s)

  • SME Internationalisation
  • International Entrepreneurship
  • Knowledge approaches to international business
  • Sustainable development in international business
  • The influence of stakeholders on internationalisation strategy
  • Professional Advisory Services for SMEs

Research group(s)

Research grants and projects

Project details

Funder name: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RAKE) Fund 2012 Awards sponsored by Barclays and Economic and Social Research Council. Title: Small and Medium-sized Accountancy Practices Advisory Role in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises’ Internationalisation Efforts: An Exploratory Study in the UK.  Start date: October 2012.  End date: September 2013.  Amount: GBP 10,250.  Role: Principal Investigator. Link:

Funder name: Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Spain).  Title: International Entrepreneurship Determinants: Institutions, Organisational Capabilities and Business Networks.  Start date: November 2013.  End date: October 2017.  Amount: EUROS 20,600.  Role: Co-Investigator.

Funder name: Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Spain).  Title: Dynamic Capabilities and Institutions as Determinants of International Entrepreneurship.  Start date: October 2017.  End date: September 2021.  Amount: EUROS 29,400.  Role: Co-Investigator.

Internal Research Awards

Funder reference: BRIEF AWARD.  Funder name: Brunel University London.  Title: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Micromultinational Enterprises.  Start date: 1 November 2013.  End date: 31 October 2014.  Amount: GBP 14,400. Role: Principal Investigator.

Funder reference: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability.  Funder name: Brunel University London.  Title: Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Seminar Series.  Start/End date: Academic year 2018-19.  Amount: GBP 2,100. Role: Co-Investigator. 

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