Dr Emily Horton
Senior Lecturer
Gaskell Building 143
- Email: emily.horton@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266369
- English
- English and Creative Writing
- Arts and Humanities
- College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Since beginning teaching at Brunel in 2009, Emily has taught across all levels of the department, including a range of modules both inside and beyond her research specialism, and encompassing undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
She currently convenes two key modules: World Literature (Level 1) and The Women's Movement (Level 2). Previously, she acted as a principle lecturer on Postmillennial Fiction (MA), Post-war and Late Twentieth Century Writing (Level 3), Learning London (Level 1), and Popular Fictions (Level 1), as well as lecturing on Modernism (Level 2) and Postcolonialism (Level 2).
She also supervises final year undergraduates.