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Dong, H., Wang, Z. and Gao, H. (2010) 'Robust H∞ filtering for a class of nonlinear networked systems with multiple stochastic communication delays and packet dropouts'. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 58 (4). pp. 1957 - 1966. ISSN: 1053-587X Open Access Link

Journal article

Shieh, JS., Abbod, MF., Krishna, DE., Chou, YC. and Fan, SZ. (2010) 'The simulation of controlling of anesthesia using a novel multivariable fuzzy logic and self-organizing fuzzy logic controller', inGeneral Anesthesia Research Developments. pp. 129 - 142.

Book chapter

Lee, CY., Zhao, H. and Ma, T. (2010) 'A low cost air hybrid concept'. Oil and Gas Science and Technology, 65 (1). pp. 19 - 26. ISSN: 1294-4475

Journal article

Ma, L., Wang, Z., Chen, X. and Guo, Z. (2010) 'Robust control for a class of nonlinear networked systems with stochastic communication delays via sliding mode conception'. Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 8 (1). pp. 34 - 39. ISSN: 1672-6340

Journal article

Wang, Z. and Gao, H. (2010) 'Guest Editorial: Dynamics analysis of gene regulatory networks'. International Journal of Systems Science, 41 (1). pp. 1 - 4. ISSN: 0020-7721

Journal article

Mageed, HA., Zobaa, AF., Ghitas, A., Helmy, M., Raouf, A., El-Rahman, AHA. and et al. (2010) 'New concept in measuring and calibrating the solar cell short circuit current'.3rd International Metrology Conference 2010, CAFMET 2010. Cairo, Egypt. Comite Africain de Metrologie ( CAFMET ). pp. 290 - 296.

Conference paper

Li, N., Xie, H., Shen, M. and Zhao, H. (2010) 'CFD study on effects of thermal and residual gas inhomogeneous distribution on auto-ignition of gasoline HCCI combustion'.SAE 2010 World Congress & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

Conference paper

Lee, CY., Zhao, H. and Ma, T. (2010) 'The performance characteristics of an production oriented air hybrid powertrain'. SAE Technical Papers, 3 (1). pp. 609 - 619. ISSN: 0148-7191

Journal article

Dongol, B. and Hayes, IJ. (2010) 'Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties'.10th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction. Quebec City, CANADA. 1 - 23 June. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. pp. 119 - 139. ISSN: 0302-9743

Conference paper

Suresh Kumar, V., Zobaa, AF., Dinesh Kannan, R. and Kalaiselvi, K. (2010) 'Power quality and stability improvement in wind park system using STATCOM'. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 4 (1). pp. 169 - 176. ISSN: 1995-6665

Journal article

Pei, E., Campbell, RI. and Evans, MA. (2010) 'Development of a tool for building shared representations among industrial designers and engineering designers'. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 6 (3). pp. 139 - 166. ISSN: 1571-0882

Journal article

Zhao, H. (2009) 'Preface', inAdvanced Direct Injection Combustion Engine Technologies and Development: Diesel Engines. pp. xvii - xx.

Book chapter

Gashi, B. and Date, P. (2009) 'Optimal portfolio control with trading strategies of finite variation'.44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference (CDC-ECC '05). Seville, Spain. 12 - 15 December. IEEE. pp. 4536 - 4541. ISSN: 0191-2216 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Ma, L., Wang, Z., Guo, Z., Dong, H. and Shen, B. (2009) 'Robust variance-constrained fault-tolerant control for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems'.7th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2009). Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA. 11 - 29 August. IEEE. pp. 1061 - 1066. ISSN: 2072-5639

Conference paper

Dong, H., Wang, Z. and Gao, H. (2009) 'Robust H filtering of nonlinear networked systems with multiple stochastic communication delays'. Proceedings of 2009 7th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2009. pp. 203 - 208. ISSN: 2072-5639

Conference paper

Hou, S., Xie, H., Chen, T., Hu, S. and Zhao, H. (2009) 'Transient operation strategy of gasoline HCCI engine'. Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 40 (12). pp. 13 - 18. ISSN: 1000-1298

Journal article

Greaves, D., Smith, G., Attrill, M., Belmont, M., Chadwick, A., Conley, D., et al. (2009) 'Marine renewable energy development - research, design, install'. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering, 162 (4). pp. 187 - 196. ISSN: 1751-7737

Journal article

Hassan, MG., Hirst, R., Siemieniuch, C. and Zobaa, AF. (2009) 'The impact of energy awareness on energy efficiency'. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2 (4). pp. 284 - 297. ISSN: 1939-7038

Journal article

Zhao, H. (2009) 'Advanced direct injection combustion engine technologies and development: Diesel engines'. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. ISSN 10: 1 84569 744 8 ISSN 13: 978 1 84569 744 0


Al-Enezi, JR., Abbod, MF. and Al-Sharhan, S. (2009) 'Advancement in artificial immune systems: A perspective of models, algorithms and applications'.Exhibition, "Innovative Engineering for Sustainable Environment". IEEE. pp. 1 - 6.

Conference paper

Liang, J., Wang, Z. and Liu, X. (2009) 'On synchronization of coupled delayed neural networks'. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 254. pp. 117 - 149. ISSN: 1860-949X

Journal article

Petrov, P. and Abbod, M. (2009) 'Analysis of rheological behavior of Al-Cu-Mg-Fe-Ni alloy at elevated temperatures using phenomenological flow stress model'. International Journal of Material Forming, 2 (SUPPL. 1). pp. 371 - 374. ISSN: 1960-6206

Journal article

Dong, H., Wang, Z. and Gao, H. (2009) 'H fuzzy control for systems with repeated scalar nonlinearities'. . pp. 51 - 65.

Journal article

Zhang, HC., Xie, H., Chen, T., Hu, ST. and Zhao, H. (2009) 'Correlation of knock sensor signal and HCCI engine combustion parameters'. Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 42 (12). pp. 1123 - 1129. ISSN: 0493-2137

Journal article

Zhao, H. and Gill, K. (2009) 'In-cylinder fuel injection and combustion analysis on 2nd generation bio-fuels in a single cylinder CR DI diesel optical engine'. Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Internal Combustion Engines: Performance, Fuel Economy and Emissions. pp. 149 - 162.

Conference paper

Osborne, RJ., Stokes, J., Ceccarini, D., Jackson, NS., Lake, TH., Joyce, M., et al. (2009) 'Development of a multi-cylinder two-stroke/four-stroke switching gasoline engine'. Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Low-Carbon Vehicles 2009. pp. 209 - 218.

Conference paper

Zhang, Y., Zhao, H., Xie, H. and Hel, B. (2009) 'Variable valve actuation enabled high efficiency gasoline engine'. Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Internal Combustion Engines: Performance, Fuel Economy and Emissions. pp. 29 - 41.

Conference paper

Lee, CY., Zhao, H. and Ma, T. (2009) 'High efficiency air hybrid engine technology'. Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Low-Carbon Vehicles 2009. pp. 145 - 157.

Conference paper

Suresh Kumar, V., Zobaa, AF., Dinesh Kannan, R. and Kalaiselvi, K. (2009) 'Power quality and stability improvement in wind park system using STATCOM'.The International Conference & Exhibition on Green Energy& Sustainability for Arid Region & Mediterranean Countries. Amman, Jordan. 10 - 12 November. Hashemite University.

Conference paper

Zeineldin, HH., Zobaa, AF., Elmathana, MT. and Al-Oquili, OM. (2009) 'Coordination of directional overcurrent relays to prevent islanding of distributed generators'.The International Conference & Exhibition on Green Energy& Sustainability for Arid Region & Mediterranean Countries. Amman, Jordan. 10 - 12 November. Hashemite University.

Conference paper

Jovanovic, M. and Zobaa, AF. (2009) 'Control of brushless doubly-fed reluctance machines – An emerging technology for variable speed wind turbines'.The International Conference & Exhibition on Green Energy& Sustainability for Arid Region & Mediterranean Countries. Amman, Jordan. 10 - 12 November. Hashemite University.

Conference paper

Ahmed, T. and Zobaa, AF. (2009) 'Offshore power conditioning system connecting arrays of wave energy converters to the electric power grid'.8th IET International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management. Hong Kong, China. 8 - 11 November. IET. pp. 1 - 6.

Conference paper

Zobaa, AF. and Lecci, A. (2009) 'Ant colony optimization of controller parameters for power converters'.8th IET International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management. Hong Kong, China. 8 - 11 November. IET. pp. 1 - 5.

Conference paper

Yang, F., Wang, Z., Lauria, S. and Liu, X. (2009) 'Mobile robot localization using robust extended H∞ filtering'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 223 (8). pp. 1067 - 1080. ISSN: 0959-6518 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hou, SZ., Xie, H., Chen, T., Hu, ST. and Zhao, H. (2009) 'Hybrid combustion and its heat release rate computing model of an HCCI gasoline engine'. Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 42 (11). pp. 997 - 1005. ISSN: 0493-2137

Journal article

Zhao, H. (2009) 'Direct injection gasoline engines with autoignition combustion', inAdvanced Direct Injection Combustion Engine Technologies and Development: Gasoline and Gas Engines. pp. 133 - 165.

Book chapter

Zhao, H. (2009) 'Advanced direct injection combustion engine technologies and development: Gasoline and gas engines'.


Zhao, H. (2009) 'Preface'.


Zhao, H. (2009) 'Overview of gasoline direct injection engines', inAdvanced Direct Injection Combustion Engine Technologies and Development: Gasoline and Gas Engines. pp. 1 - 19.

Book chapter

Dongol, B. and Hayes, IJ. (2009) 'Enforcing safety and progress properties: An approach to concurrent program derivation'.2009 Australian Software Engineering Conference. Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA. 5 - 17 April. IEEE. pp. 3 - 12. ISSN: 1530-0803

Conference paper

Zhao, H. (2009) 'Advanced direct injection combustion engine technologies and development: Gasoline and gas engines'. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. ISSN 10: 1 84569 389 2 ISSN 13: 978 1 84569 389 3


Zhou, H., Sadka, AH., Swash, MR., Azizi, J. and Umar, AS. (2009) 'Content-based image retrieval and clustering: A brief survey'. Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2 (3). pp. 187 - 199. ISSN: 1874-4761

Journal article

Koulouri, T. and Lauria, S. (2009) 'Exploring miscommunication and collaborative behaviour in human-robot interaction'.SIGDIAL 2009: the 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group in Discourse and Dialogue. Queen Mary University of London. Association for Computational Linguistics. pp. 111 - 119.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Koulouri, T. and Lauria, S. (2009) 'A corpus-based analysis of route instructions in human-robot interaction'.Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS). Londonderry.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Wang, Z. and Gao, H. (2009) 'Analysis and synchronization of complex networks'. International Journal of Systems Science, 40 (9). pp. 905 - 907. ISSN: 0020-7721

Journal article

Kalganova, T., Lunt, P., Ritchie, M., Alberts, P., Yates, T., Sharma, A., et al. (2009) 'Virtual Learning Environment Strategy Working Group (VLESWG) of Brunel University Final Report'. Place of publication: Brunel University. Available at: Access Link


Almohaisen, FM. and Abbod, MF. (2009) 'GRAIN GROWTH SIMULATION USING CELLULAR AUTOMATA'.6th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC)/2nd Symposium Session on Multiscale Mechanical Modelling of Complex Materials and Engineering Applications. Berlin, GERMANY. 25 - 29 August. TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD. pp. 17. ISSN: 1022-6680

Conference paper

Date, P. (2009) 'Linear and nonlinear filtering in mathematical finance: an overview'.9th WSEAS International Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific Computation (ISTASC '09). Moscow, RUSSIA. 20 - 22 August. WORLD SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING ACAD AND SOC. pp. 25 - 30. ISSN: 1792-4308

Conference paper

Wei, GL., Wang, Z., Lam, J., Fraser, K., Rao, GP. and Liu, XH. (2009) 'Robust filtering for stochastic genetic regulatory networks with time-varying delay'. Mathematical Biosciences, 220 (2). pp. 73 - 80. ISSN: 0025-5564 Open Access Link

Journal article

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