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Gaines Jr, SO. (2008) 'Anti-miscegenation laws', in O'Brien, J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Gender and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage. , 1. pp. 37 - 39.

Book chapter

Gaines Jr, SO. (2008) 'Frantz Fanon (1925-1961): soldier, psychiatrist, pan-African scholar/activist', in Juang, RM. and Morrissette, N. (eds.) Africa and the Americas: Culture, Politics and History. Santa Barbara, CA : ABC-CLIO. , 1. pp. 444 - 445.

Book chapter

Gaines Jr, SO. and Ramkissoon, MW. (2008) 'US/Caribbean relationships', in Karis, TA. and Killian, KD. (eds.) Intercultural Couples: Exploring Diversity in Intimate Relationships. Binghamton, New York : Taylor and Francis. pp. 227 - 250. ISBN 13: 9780203843789. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Price, ME. (2008) 'The resurrection of group selection as a theory of human cooperation'. Social Justice Research, 21 (2). pp. 228 - 240. ISSN: 1573-6725 Open Access Link

Journal article

Clark, AP. (2008) 'Attracting interest: Dynamic displays of proceptivity increase the attractiveness of men and women'. Evolutionary Psychology, 6 (4). pp. 563 - 574. ISSN: 1474-7049 Open Access Link

Journal article

Kitayama, S. and Imada, T. (2008) 'Defending cultural self: A dual-process analysis of cognitive dissonance', in Maehr, ML., Karabenick, SA. and Urdan, TC. (eds.) Advances in motivation and achievement. New York : Elsevier Press. , 15. pp. 171 - 207. ISBN 10: 1848550308. ISBN 13: 9781848550308.

Book chapter

Imada, T. (2008) 'Mutual Influence between Culture and Mind: The Examination of Dissonance, Emotion, and Cultural Values'. PhD Thesis.

Thesis dissertation

Schmitt, DP., Realo, A., Voracek, M. and Allik, J. (2008) 'Why Can't a Man Be More Like a Woman? Sex Differences in Big Five Personality Traits Across 55 Cultures'. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94 (1). pp. 168 - 182. ISSN: 0022-3514

Journal article

Schmitt, DP. (2008) 'Attachment Matters: Patterns of Romantic Attachment Across Gender, Geography, and Cultural Forms', inSocial Relationships: Cognitive, Affective, and Motivational Processes. Psychology Press. pp. 75 - 97.

Book chapter

Sear, R. and Mace, R. (2008) 'Who keeps children alive? A review of the effects of kin on child survival'. Evolution and Human Behavior, 29 (1). pp. 1 - 18. ISSN: 1090-5138

Journal article

Shanley, DP., Sear, R., Mace, R. and Kirkwood, TBL. (2007) 'Testing evolutionary theories of menopause'. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274 (1628). pp. 2943 - 2949. ISSN: 0962-8452

Journal article

Price, ME. (2007) 'Review of Mind and Religion: Psychological and Cognitive Foundations of Religiosity'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 13 (4). pp. 1046 - 1047. ISSN: 1359-0987

Journal article

Pound, N., Penton-Voak, IS. and Brown, WM. (2007) 'Facial symmetry is positively associated with self-reported extraversion'. Personality and Individual Differences, 43 (6). pp. 1572 - 1582. ISSN: 0191-8869 Open Access Link

Journal article

Benton, CP., Etchells, PJ., Porter, G., Clark, AP., Penton-Voak, IS. and Nikolov, SG. (2007) 'Turning the other cheek: The viewpoint dependence of facial expression after-effects'. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274 (1622). pp. 2131 - 2137. ISSN: 0962-8452

Journal article

Gaines, SO. (2007) 'Personality and personal relationship processes: Concluding thoughts'. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 24 (4). pp. 613 - 617. ISSN: 0265-4075 Open Access Link

Journal article

Gaines, SO. (2007) 'Personality and personal relationship processes: An introduction to the special issue'. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 24 (4). pp. 475 - 478. ISSN: 0265-4075 Open Access Link

Journal article

Penton-Voak, IS., Cahill, S., Pound, N., Kempe, V., Schaeffler, S. and Schaeffler, F. (2007) 'Male facial attractiveness, perceived personality, and child-directed speech'. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28 (4). pp. 253 - 259. ISSN: 1090-5138

Journal article

Dickins, TE., Sear, R. and Wells, AJ. (2007) 'Mind the gap(s)... in theory, method and data: Re-examining Kanazawa (2006)'. British Journal of Health Psychology, 12 (2). pp. 167 - 178. ISSN: 1359-107X

Journal article

Sear, R. (2007) 'The impact of reproduction on Gambian women: Does controlling for phenotypic quality reveal costs of reproduction?'. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 132 (4). pp. 632 - 641. ISSN: 0002-9483

Journal article

Brown, WM. and Price, ME. (2007) 'Evolutionary psychology sensu lato: A review of The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology edited by Robin Dunbar and Louise Barrett, Oxford University Press (2007)'. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 5 (1-4). pp. 235 - 240. ISSN: 1789-2082

Journal article

Schmitt, DP., Allik, J., McCrae, RR., Benet-Martínez, V., Alcalay, L., Ault, L., et al. (2007) 'The geographic distribution of Big Five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-description across 56 nations'. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38 (2). pp. 173 - 212. ISSN: 0022-0221

Journal article

Sear, R., Lawson, DW. and Dickins, TE. (2007) 'Synthesis in the human evolutionary behavioural sciences'. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 5 (1). pp. 3 - 28. ISSN: 1789-2082

Journal article

Price, ME., Brown, WM. and Curry, OS. (2007) 'The integrative framework for the behavioural sciences has already been discovered, and it is the adaptationist approach'. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30 (1). pp. 39 - 40. ISSN: 0140-525X Open Access Link

Journal article

Mishra, S., Clark, A. and Daly, M. (2007) 'One woman's behavior affects the attractiveness of others'. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28 (2). pp. 145 - 149. ISSN: 1090-5138

Journal article

Schützwohl, A. (2007) 'Decision strategies in continuous ratings of jealousy feelings elicited by sexual and emotional infidelity'. Evolutionary Psychology, 5.

Journal article

Schmitt, DP. (2006) 'Evolutionary and cross-cultural perspectives on love: The influence of gender, personality, and local ecology on emotional investment in romantic relationships', inThe New Psychology of Love. pp. 249 - 273.

Book chapter

Schmitt, DP. (2006) 'Sexual strategies across sexual orientations: How personality traits and culture relate to sociosexuality among gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and heterosexuals'. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 18 (2-3). pp. 183 - 214. ISSN: 0890-7064

Journal article

Sear, R. (2006) 'Height and reproductive success: How a Gambian population compares with the west'. Human Nature, 17 (4). pp. 405 - 418. ISSN: 1045-6767

Journal article

Shackelford, TK., Goetz, AT., Guta, FE. and Schmitt, DP. (2006) 'Mate guarding and frequent in-pair copulation in humans: Concurrent or compensatory anti-cuckoldry tactics?'. Human Nature, 17 (3). pp. 239 - 252. ISSN: 1045-6767

Journal article

Schmitt, DP. (2006) 'Cultural influences on human mating strategies: Evolutionary theories, mechanisms, and explanations of change'. Psychological Inquiry, 17 (2). pp. 116 - 117. ISSN: 1047-840X

Journal article

Clark, AP. (2006) 'Are the correlates of sociosexuality different for men and women?'. Personality and Individual Differences, 41 (7). pp. 1321 - 1327. ISSN: 0191-8869

Journal article

Penton-Voak, IS., Pound, N., Little, AC. and Perrett, DI. (2006) 'Personality judgments from natural and composite facial images: More evidence for a "kernel of truth" in social perception'. Social Cognition, 24 (5). pp. 607 - 640. ISSN: 0278-016X

Journal article

Kitayama, S., Ishii, K., Imada, T., Takemura, K. and Ramaswamy, J. (2006) 'Voluntary settlement and the spirit of independence: Evidence from Japan's "northern frontier"'. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91 (3). pp. 369 - 384. ISSN: 0022-3514

Journal article

Sear, R. (2006) 'Size‐dependent reproductive success in Gambian men: Does height or weight matter more?'. Biodemography and Social Biology, 53 (3-4). pp. 172 - 188. ISSN: 1948-5565

Journal article

Gaines, SO., Gurung, AR., Lin, Y-Y. and Pouli, N. (2006) 'Interethnic relationships', in Noller, P. and Feeney, JA. (eds.) Close relationships: Functions, forms and processes. Psychology Press. pp. 171 - 186.

Book chapter

Price, ME., Barrett, HC. and Hagen, EH. (2006) 'Do human parents face a quantity-quality tradeoff? Evidence from a Shuar community'. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 130 (3). pp. 405 - 418. ISSN: 0002-9483

Journal article

Prentice, A., Allal, N., Sear, R. and Mace, R. (2006) 'The Uptake of Modern Contraception in a Gambian Community', inSociety for the Study of Human Biology. CRC Press. pp. 191 - 205. ISBN 13: 9780849340475.

Book chapter

Mace, R., Allai, N., Sear, R. and Prentice, A. (2006) 'The uptake of modern contraception in a Gambian community: The diffusion of an innovation over 25 years', inSocial Information Transmission and Human Biology. pp. 191 - 205.

Book chapter

Gaines, SO., Henderson, MC., Kim, M., Gilstrap, S., Yi, J., Rusbult, CE., et al. (2006) 'Cultural value orientations, internalized homophobia, and accommodation in romantic relationships'. Journal of Homosexuality, 50 (1). pp. 97 - 117. ISSN: 0091-8369

Journal article

Price, ME. (2006) 'Monitoring, reputation and "greenbeard" reciprocity in a Shuar work team'. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27 (2). pp. 201 - 219. ISSN: 0894-3796

Journal article

Schutzwohl, A. (2006) 'Judging female figures: A new methodological approach to male attractiveness judgments of female waist-to-hip ratio'. Biological Psychology, 71 (2). pp. 223 - 229. ISSN: 0301-0511

Journal article

Schutzwohl, A. (2006) 'Sex differences in jealousy: Information search and cognitive preoccupation'. Personality and Individual Differences, 40 (2). pp. 285 - 292. ISSN: 0191-8869

Journal article

Shackelford, TK. and Pound, N. (2006) 'Sperm Competition in Humans: Classic and Contemporary Readings'. Springer. ISSN 10: 0387280367 ISSN 13: 9780387280363


Pound, N., Shackelford, TK. and Goetz, AT. (2006) 'Sperm Competition in Humans', in Shackelford, TK. and Pound, N. (eds.) Sperm Competition in Humans: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Springer. pp. 3 - 31. ISBN 10: 0387280367. ISBN 13: 9780387280363.

Book chapter

Price, ME. (2006) 'Judgments about cooperators and freeriders on a Shuar work team: An evolutionary psychological perspective'. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 101 (1). pp. 20 - 35. ISSN: 0749-5978

Journal article

Tooby, J., Cosmides, L. and Price, ME. (2006) 'Cognitive adaptations for n-person exchange: The evolutionary roots of organizational behavior'. Managerial and Decision Economics, 27 (2-3). pp. 103 - 129. ISSN: 0143-6570

Journal article

Gaines, SO. (2006) 'Review of Understanding social psychology across cultures'. Psychology Teaching Review, 14. pp. 106 - 109.Open Access Link

Journal article

Shackelford, TK., Schmitt, DP. and Buss, DM. (2005) 'Brief report. Mate preferences of married persons in the newlywed year and three years later'. Cognition and Emotion, 19 (8). pp. 1262 - 1270. ISSN: 0269-9931

Journal article

Gervais, M. and Wilson, DS. (2005) 'The evolution and functions of laughter and humor: A synthetic approach'. Quarterly Review of Biology, 80 (4). pp. 395 - 430. ISSN: 0033-5770

Journal article

Shackelford, TK., Weekes-Shackelford, VA. and Schmitt, DP. (2005) 'An evolutionary perspective on why some men refuse or reduce their child support payments'. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 27 (4). pp. 297 - 306. ISSN: 0197-3533

Journal article

Schmitt, DP. and Allik, J. (2005) 'Simultaneous administration of the Rosenberg self-esteem scale in 53 nations: Exploring the universal and culture-specific features of global self-esteem'. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89 (4). pp. 623 - 642. ISSN: 0022-3514

Journal article

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