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Charbonneau, M., Strachan, JWA. and Winters, J. (2022) 'The problem with solutions: A commentary of “Blind alleys and fruitful pathways in the comparative study of cultural cognition” by Andrew Whiten'. Physics of Life Reviews, 44. pp. 61 - 63. ISSN: 1571-0645

Journal article

Han, SJ., Kelly, P., Winters, J. and Kemp, C. (2022) 'Simplification Is Not Dominant in the Evolution of Chinese Characters'. Open Mind, 6. pp. 264 - 279. ISSN: 2470-2986 Open Access Link

Journal article

Page, AE., Migliano, AB., Dyble, M., Major-Smith, D., Viguier, S. and Hassan, A. (2022) 'Sedentarization and maternal childcare networks: role of risk, gender and demography'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378 (1868). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 0962-8436

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Clegg, JM., Wen, NJ. and Rawlings, B. (2022) 'Culture is an optometrist: Cultural contexts adjust the prescription of social learning bifocals'. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45. pp. e255 - e255. ISSN: 0140-525X

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Gottlieb, L. and Schmitt, DP. (2022) 'When Staying Home is Not Safe: An Investigation of the Role of Attachment Style on Stress and Intimate Partner Violence in the Time of COVID-19'. Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal, 52 (2). pp. 639 - 654. ISSN: 0004-0002 Open Access Link

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Lynch, R., Schaffnit, S., Sear, R., Sosis, R., Shaver, J., Alam, N., et al. (2022) 'Religiosity is associated with greater size, kin density, and geographic dispersal of women’s social networks in Bangladesh'. Scientific Reports, 12 (1). pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 2045-2322 Open Access Link

Journal article

Spake, L., Hassan, A., Sear, R., Shenk, MK., Sosis, R. and Shaver, JH. (2022) 'Disentangling the relationships between religion and fertility'. Religion, Brain and Behavior, 12 (4). pp. 343 - 346. ISSN: 2153-599X Open Access Link

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Ozduzen, O., Aslan Ozgul, B. and Ferenczi, N. (2022) 'Misinformation and Trusted Voices'. Place of publication: United Kingdom. Parliament.. Available at: Access Link


Sear, R., Prentice, AM. and Wells, J. (2022) 'Nutritional status and adult mortality in a mid-20th century Gambian population: do different types of physical ‘capital’ have different associations with mortality?'. History of the Family, 28 (2). pp. 360 - 381. ISSN: 1081-602X Open Access Link

Journal article

Wells, JCK., Cole, TJ., Cortina-Borja, M., Sear, R., Leon, DA., Marphatia, AA., et al. (2022) 'Life history trade-offs associated with exposure to low maternal capital are different in sons compared to daughters: Evidence from a prospective Brazilian birth cohort'. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. pp. 1 - 22. ISSN: 2296-2565 Open Access Link

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Costello, W., Rolon, V., Thomas, AG. and Schmitt, D. (2022) 'Levels of Well-Being Among Men Who Are Incel (Involuntarily Celibate)'. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 8 (4). pp. 375 - 390.

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Gaines, S. (2022) 'Processes in International Relationships: A Critical Review'. Personal Relationships, 29 (3). pp. 524 - 545. ISSN: 1350-4126 Open Access Link

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Willard, A., Baimel, A., Turpin, H., Jong, J. and Whitehouse, H. (2022) 'Rewarding the good and punishing the bad: The role of karma and afterlife beliefs in shaping moral norms'. Evolution and Human Behavior, 41 (5). pp. 385 - 396. ISSN: 1090-5138 Open Access Link

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Du, J., Page, AE. and Mace, R. (2022) 'Grandpaternal care and child survival in a pastoralist society in western China'. Evolution and Human Behavior, 43 (5). pp. 358 - 366. ISSN: 1090-5138

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Costello, W., Rolon, V., Thomas, AG. and Schmitt, DP. (2022) 'Levels of well-being among men who are incels (involuntary celibates)'. .

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Costello, W., Arevalo, VR., Thomas, AG. and Schmitt, DP. (2022) 'Levels of well-being among men who are incels (involuntary celibates)'. .

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Semenyna, SW., Gómez Jiménez, FR. and Vasey, PL. (2022) 'Intra- and Intersexual Mate Competition in Two Cultures: A Comparison of Women’s Response to Mate Competition with Women and Gender-Nonbinary Males in Samoa and among the Istmo Zapotec'. Human Nature, 33 (2). pp. 145 - 171. ISSN: 1045-6767

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Turpin, HD. and Willard, AK. (2022) 'Credibility Enhancing Displays, religious scandal and the decline of Irish Catholic orthodoxy'. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 4. pp. 1 - 19. ISSN: 2513-843X Open Access Link

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Lefringhausen, K., Marshall, TC., Ferenczi, N., Zagefka, H. and Kunst, JR. (2022) 'Majority members’ acculturation: How proximal-acculturation relates to expectations of immigrants and intergroup ideologies over time'. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 26 (5). pp. 953 - 984. ISSN: 1368-4302 Open Access Link

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Lew-Levy, S., Bombjaková, D., Milks, A., Kiabiya Ntamboudila, F., Kline, MA. and Broesch, T. (2022) 'Costly teaching contributes to the acquisition of spear hunting skill among BaYaka forager adolescents'. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289 (1974). pp. 20220164. ISSN: 0962-8452 Open Access Link

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Ozduzen, O., Aslan Ozgul, B., Karduni, A., Ferenczi, N., Ianosev, B., Dou, W., et al. (2022) '"Medicine is still against Black people": Mapping and visualising intersections of social inequalities, community mistrust, and vaccine hesitancy in online and physical spaces in the UK and US'. Place of publication: The British Academy. Available at: Access Link


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Brown, R., de Barra, M. and Earp, B. (2022) 'Broad Medical Uncertainty and the Ethical Obligation for Openness'. Synthese: an international journal for epistemology, methodology and philosophy of science, 200 (2). pp. 1 - 29. ISSN: 0039-7857 Open Access Link

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Baimel, A., Apicella, C., Atkinson, Q., Bolyanatz, A., Cohen, E., Handley, C., et al. (2022) 'Material insecurity predicts greater commitment to moralistic and less commitment to local deities: a cross-cultural investigation'. Religion, Brain and Behavior, 12 (1-2). pp. 4 - 17. ISSN: 2153-599X Open Access Link

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Purzycki, BG., Willard, AK., Klocová, EK., Apicella, C., Atkinson, Q., Bolyanatz, A., et al. (2022) 'The moralization bias of gods’ minds: a cross-cultural test'. Religion, Brain and Behavior, 12 (1-2). pp. 38 - 60. ISSN: 2153-599X Open Access Link

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Vardy, T., Moya, C., Placek, CD., Apicella, CL., Bolyanatz, A., Cohen, E., et al. (2022) 'The religiosity gender gap in 14 diverse societies'. Religion, Brain and Behavior, 12 (1-2). pp. 18 - 37. ISSN: 2153-599X Open Access Link

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van Leeuwen, F., Inbar, Y., Petersen, MB., Aarøe, L., Barclay, P., Barlow, FK., et al. (2022) 'Disgust sensitivity relates to attitudes toward gay men and lesbian women across 31 nations'. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 26 (3). pp. 629 - 651. ISSN: 1368-4302 Open Access Link

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Zevallos-Roberts, E., Cunningham, K., Adhikari, RP., Thapa, B. and Sear, R. (2022) 'Beyond the mother-child dyad: Is co-residence with a grandmother associated with adolescent girls' family planning knowledge?'. PLoS ONE, 17 (3). pp. 1 - 17. ISSN: 1932-6203 Open Access Link

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Gómez Jiménez, FR. and Vasey, PL. (2022) 'Kin-directed altruism and the evolution of male androphilia among Istmo Zapotec Muxes'. Evolution and Human Behavior, 43 (3). pp. 224 - 233. ISSN: 1090-5138

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Jaeggi, AV., Martin, JS., Floris, J., Bender, N., Haeusler, M., Sear, R. and et al. (2022) 'Life-history tradeoffs in a historical population (1896-1939) undergoing rapid fertility decline: Costs of reproduction?'. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 4. pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 2513-843X Open Access Link

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Morin, O., Müller, TF., Morisseau, T. and Winters, J. (2022) 'Cultural Evolution of Precise and Agreed-Upon Semantic Conventions in a Multiplayer Gaming App'. Cognitive Science, 46 (2). pp. 1 - 26. ISSN: 0364-0213 Open Access Link

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Walters, S. and Sear, R. (2022) 'Fertility and faith: The danger of a grand narrative'. Religion, Brain and Behavior, 12 (4). pp. 431 - 437. ISSN: 2153-599X Open Access Link

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Gaines, SO. and Sedikides, C. (2022) 'Socioemotional Exchanges Between Men and Women in Heterosexual Relationships'. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 1664-1078 Open Access Link

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Hoogeveen, S., Haaf, JM., Bulbulia, JA., Ross, RM., McKay, R., Altay, S., et al. (2022) 'The Einstein effect provides global evidence for scientific source credibility effects and the influence of religiosity'. Nature Human Behaviour, 6 (4). pp. 523 - 535. ISSN: 2397-3374 Open Access Link

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Franco, AB. and Pound, N. (2022) 'The foundations of Bolsonaro’s support: Exploring the psychological underpinnings of political polarization in Brazil'. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 32 (5). pp. 846 - 859. ISSN: 1052-9284 Open Access Link

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Adair, L. and Lozano, N. (2022) 'Adaptive choice: Psychological perspectives on abortion and reproductive freedom'. Women's Reproductive Health, 9 (1). pp. 1 - 26. ISSN: 2329-3691 Open Access Link

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Semenyna, SW., Gómez Jiménez, FR. and Vasey, PL. (2022) 'Confounds, Causality, and Sexual Orientation: The Implications of a Population-Level Study of Sibling Characteristics and Same-Sex Attraction'. Journal of Sex Research, 59 (6). pp. 690 - 696. ISSN: 0022-4499

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Wilbanks, D., Moon, JW., Stewart, B., Gray, K. and Varnum, MEW. (2022) 'Not just a hijack: Imaginary worlds can enhance individual and group-level fitness'. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45. pp. e305. ISSN: 0140-525X

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Gaines, SO. and Mickelson, KD. (2021) 'Support communication in culturally diverse families: The role of stigma, revisited', in Vangelisti, AL. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Family Communication. New York; London : Routledge. pp. 187 - 200. ISBN 10: 1-003-04342-9. ISBN 13: 978-0-367-48903-8. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Randall, AK., Gaines, SO., Otermans, PCJ. and Schmitt, DP. (2021) 'Erratum to Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries'. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39 (1). pp. 92 - 99. ISSN: 0265-4075 Open Access Link

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Sear, R. (2021) 'Demography and the rise, apparent fall, and resurgence of eugenics'. Population Studies, 75 (sup1: 75 years of Population Studies: A diamond anniversary special issue.). pp. 201 - 220. ISSN: 0032-4728 Open Access Link

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Sigle, W., Reid, A. and Sear, R. (2021) '75 years of Population Studies: A diamond anniversary special issue'. Population Studies, 75 (S1). pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 0032-4728 Open Access Link

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Adair, L. and Lozano, N. (2021) 'Conceptualizing abortion as adaptive: Throwing the baby out with the bathwater?'. Women's Reproductive Health, 9 (1). pp. 51 - 56. ISSN: 2329-3691 Open Access Link

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Journal article

Kelly, P., Winters, J., Miton, H. and Morin, O. (2021) 'The Predictable Evolution of Letter Shapes An Emergent Script of West Africa Recapitulates Historical Change in Writing Systems'. Current Anthropology, 62 (6). pp. 669 - 691. ISSN: 0011-3204 Open Access Link

Journal article

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