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Karageorghis, CI., Jones, L. and Low, DC. (2006) 'Relationship between exercise heart rate and music tempo preference'. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77 (2). pp. 240 - 250. ISSN: 0270-1367 Open Access Link

Journal article

Sumich, AL., Kumari, V., Heasman, BC., Gordon, E. and Brammer, M. (2006) 'Abnormal asymmetry of N200 and P300 event-related potentials in subclinical depression'. Journal of Affective Disorders, 92 (2-3). pp. 171 - 183. ISSN: 0165-0327

Journal article

O'Gorman, RL., Kumari, V., Williams, SCR., Zelaya, FO., Connor, SEJ., Alsop, DC. and et al. (2006) 'Personality factors correlate with regional cerebral perfusion'. NeuroImage, 31 (2). pp. 489 - 495. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

Ellis, AW., Venneri, A. and Shanks, MF. (2006) 'Words, dementia and the brain'. Biologist, 53 (3). pp. 124 - 128. ISSN: 0006-3347

Journal article

Barkataki, I., Kumari, V., Das, M., Taylor, P. and Sharma, T. (2006) 'Volumetric structural brain abnormalities in men with schizophrenia or antisocial personality disorder'. Behavioural Brain Research, 169 (2). pp. 239 - 247. ISSN: 0166-4328

Journal article

Kumari, V., Aasen, I., Taylor, P., ffytche, DH., Das, M., Barkataki, I., et al. (2006) 'Neural dysfunction and violence in schizophrenia: An fMRI investigation'. Schizophrenia Research, 84 (1). pp. 144 - 164. ISSN: 0920-9964

Journal article

Kumari, V., Das, MK., Goswami, S. and Sharma, T. (2006) 'Neuroticism and brain activity during anticipatory anxiety'.61st Annual Convention of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry. Toronto, CANADA. 15 - 20 May. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. pp. 164S - 164S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Anilkumar, A., Aasen, I., Mitterschiffthaler, MT. and Sharma, T. (2006) 'Neural effects of ziprasidone in first-episode schizophrenia: A longitudinal study using functional MRI and a procedural learning paradigm'.61st Annual Convention of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry. Toronto, CANADA. 15 - 20 May. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. pp. 78S - 78S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Postma, P., Gray, JA., Sharma, T., Geyer, MA., Mehrotra, R., Das, MK., et al. (2006) 'A behavioural and functional neuroimaging investigation into the effects of nicotine on sensorimotor gating in healthy subjects and persons with schizophrenia'.61st Annual Convention of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry. Toronto, CANADA. 15 - 20 May. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. pp. 78S - 78S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Frangou, S., Haldane, M., Jogia, J. and Kumari, V. (2006) 'Differences in frontal cortical activation during a working memory task after initiation of lamotrigine in patients with bipolar disorder'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 257S - 257S. ISSN: 0006-3223

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Sterr, A., Szameitat, A., Shen, S. and Freivogel, S. (2006) 'Application of the CIT concept in the clinical environment: Hurdles, practicalities, and clinical benefits'. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 19 (1). pp. 48 - 54. ISSN: 1543-3633

Journal article

Halari, R., Mehrotra, R., Sharma, T., Ng, V. and Kumari, V. (2006) 'Cognitive impairment but preservation of sexual dimorphism in cognitive abilities in chronic schizophrenia'. Psychiatry Research, 141 (2). pp. 129 - 139. ISSN: 0165-1781

Journal article

Sagiv, N., Heer, J. and Robertson, L. (2006) 'Does binding of synesthetic color to the evoking grapheme require attention?'. Cortex, 42 (2). pp. 232 - 242. ISSN: 0010-9452 Open Access Link

Journal article

Parton, A., Donner, TH., Donnelly, N. and Usher, M. (2006) 'Perceptual grouping based on temporal structure: Impact of subliminal flicker and visual transients'. Visual Cognition, 13 (4). pp. 481 - 502. ISSN: 1350-6285

Journal article

Frangou, S., Dakhil, N., Landau, S. and Kumari, V. (2006) 'Fronto-temporal function may distinguish bipolar disorder from schizophrenia'. Bipolar Disorders, 8 (1). pp. 47 - 55. ISSN: 1398-5647

Journal article

Halari, R., Sharma, T., Hines, M., Andrew, C., Simmons, A. and Kumari, V. (2006) 'Comparable fMRI activity with differential behavioural performance on mental rotation and overt verbal fluency tasks in healthy men and women'. Experimental Brain Research, 169 (1). pp. 1 - 14. ISSN: 0014-4819

Journal article

Postma, P., Gray, JA., Sharma, T., Geyer, M., Mehrotra, R., Das, M., et al. (2006) 'A behavioural and functional neuroimaging investigation into the effects of nicotine on sensorimotor gating in healthy subjects and persons with schizophrenia'. Germany. 1 Springer Science and Business Media LLC. pp. 589 - 599. ISSN: 0033-3158

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Aasen, I., Ffytche, D., Williams, SCR. and Sharma, T. (2006) 'Neural correlates of adjunctive rivastigmine treatment to antipsychotics in schizophrenia: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind fMRI study'. NeuroImage, 29 (2). pp. 545 - 556. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

Wright, MJ., Green, A. and Ali, K. (2006) 'Detection of changes in contour and contrast in picture arrays (Abstract)'. PION LTD. pp. 428. ISSN: 0301-0066

Conference paper

Ruparelia, K., O'Brien, JMD., Spencer, JV., Hill, HCH. and Johnston, A. (2006) 'Biological motion and face perception in autistic spectrum disorder'. PION LTD. pp. 137 - 137. ISSN: 0301-0066

Conference paper

Malhotra, PA., Parton, AD., Greenwood, R. and Husain, M. (2006) 'Noradrenergic modulation of space exploration in visual neglect'. Annals of Neurology, 59 (1). pp. 186 - 190. ISSN: 0364-5134

Journal article

Spencer, J., O'Brien, J., Johnston, A. and Hill, H. (2006) 'Infants' discrimination of faces by using biological motion cues'. Perception, 35 (1). pp. 79 - 89. ISSN: 0301-0066

Journal article

Spencer, JV. and O'Brien, JM. (2006) 'Visual form-processing deficits in autism.'. Perception, 35 (8). pp. 1047 - 1055. ISSN: 0301-0066

Journal article

Smith, AT., Cotillon-Williams, NM. and Williams, AL. (2006) 'Attentional modulation in the human visual cortex: The time-course of the BOLD response and its implications'. NeuroImage, 29 (1). pp. 328 - 334. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

Simner, J., Mulvenna, C., Sagiv, N., Tsakanikos, E., Witherby, SA., Fraser, C., et al. (2006) 'Synaesthesia: The prevalence of atypical cross-modal experiences'. Perception, 35 (8). pp. 1024 - 1033. ISSN: 0301-0066

Journal article

Ettinger, U., Ffytche, D., Kumari, V., Kathmann, N., Reuter, B., Zelaya, F. and et al. (2006) 'Response inhibition and generation in the antisaccade task: An event-related fMRI study'. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY. pp. S19 - S19. ISSN: 0048-5772

Conference paper

Navarra, G., Musolino, C., Venneri, A., De Marco, ML. and Bartolotta, M. (2006) 'Palliative antecolic isoperistaltic gastrojejunostomy: a randomized controlled trial comparing open and laparoscopic approaches'. Surg Endosc, 20 (12). pp. 1831 - 1834. ISSN: 1432-2218

Journal article

Kumari, V., Antonova, E., Geyer, M., Ffytche, D., Aasen, I., Vythelingum, GN., et al. (2006) 'Functional brain correlates of prepulse inhibition deficits in schizophrenia patients treated with typical or atypical antipsychotics'.13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research. Davos, SWITZERLAND. 1 - 10 February. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. pp. 147 - 147. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Ivanoiu, A., Cooper, JM., Shanks, MF. and Venneri, A. (2006) 'Patterns of impairment in autobiographical memory in the degenerative dementias constrain models of memory'. Neuropsychologia, 44 (10). pp. 1936 - 1955. ISSN: 0028-3932

Journal article

Gardini, S., Cornoldi, C., De Beni, R. and Venneri, A. (2006) 'Left mediotemporal structures mediate the retrieval of episodic autobiographical mental images'. Neuroimage, 30 (2). pp. 645 - 655. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

Ellis, AW., Burani, C., Izura, C., Bromiley, A. and Venneri, A. (2006) 'Traces of vocabulary acquisition in the brain: Evidence from covert object naming'. Neuroimage, 33 (3). pp. 958 - 968. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

Cooper, JM., Shanks, MF. and Venneri, A. (2006) 'Provoked confabulations in Alzheimer's disease'. Neuropsychologia, 44 (10). pp. 1697 - 1707. ISSN: 0028-3932

Journal article

Ettinger, U., Antonova, E., Halari, R., Kumar, A., Zachariah, E., Crawford, T., et al. (2006) 'Relationship between antisaccade and neuropsychological test performance and the role of IQ'.13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research. Davos, SWITZERLAND. 1 - 10 February. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. pp. 216 - 216. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Halari, R., Mehrotra, R., Sharma, T., Ng, V. and Kumari, V. (2006) 'Cognitive impairment but preservation of sexual dimorphism in cognitive abilities in chronic schizophrenia'.13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research. Davos, SWITZERLAND. 1 - 10 February. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. pp. 123 - 123. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Halari, R., Mehrotra, R., Sharma, T. and Kumari, V. (2006) 'Does self-perceived mood predict more variance in cognitive performance than clinician rated symptoms in schizophrenia?'.13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research. Davos, SWITZERLAND. 1 - 10 February. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. pp. 123 - 123. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Cooke, MA., Sapara, A., Aasen, I., Fannon, DG., Kumar, A., Peters, ER., et al. (2006) 'Smaller left inferior frontal lobe associated with poorer insight into illness in schizophrenia'.13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research. Davos, SWITZERLAND. 1 - 10 February. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. pp. 158 - 158. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Aasen, I. and Kumari, V. (2006) 'Working memory efficiency and the frontal cortex in schizophrenia'.13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research. Davos, SWITZERLAND. 1 - 10 February. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. pp. 142 - 143. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Fannon, DG., Sumich, A., Marshall, NKA. and Sharma, T. (2006) 'Volumetric measures of hippocampus and acoustic prepulse inhibition in first episode schizophrenia'.13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research. Davos, SWITZERLAND. 1 - 10 February. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. pp. 241 - 242. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Kumari, V. (2006) 'Do psychotherapies produce neurobiological effects?'. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 18 (2). pp. 61 - 70. ISSN: 0924-2708

Journal article

Tsermentseli, S., O'Brien, JMD. and Spencer, JV. (2006) 'Imaging processing of form and motion coherence in Asperger syndrome'. PION LTD. pp. 131 - 132. ISSN: 0301-0066

Conference paper

PARTON., Greenwood, Richard., Husain, Masud. and Malhotra, Paresh A. (2006) 'Brief communications: Noradrenergic modulation of space exploration in visual neglect'. Annals of Neurology, 59 (1). pp. 186 - 190. ISSN: 0364-5134

Journal article

Terry, PC. and Karageorghis, CI. (2006) 'Psychophysical effects of music in sport and exercise: An update on theory, research, and application'.Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice. Auckland, New Zealand. 1 - 30 September. TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. pp. 197 - 198. ISSN: 1742-9536

Conference paper

Wright, M. and Jackson, R. (2006) 'Brain regions concerned with anticipatory skills in tennis: An fMRI'. Hogrefe. pp. 334 - 334. ISSN: 0269-8803

Conference paper

Terry, PC. and Karageorghis, CI. (2006) 'Psychophysical effects of music in sport and exercise: An update on theory, research and application'.Joint Conference of the Australian and Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Psychological Society. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Loizou, G. and Karageorghis, CI. (2006) 'Effect of video and music on emotions'.2006 Music in Sport Conference. Aarhus, Denmark. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Bishop, DT. and Karageorghis, CI. (2006) 'Emotional responses to music in tennis: A mixed-methods approach'.Music in Sport Conference. Aarhus, Denmark. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Terry, PC., Dinsdale, SL., Karageorghis, CI. and Lane, AM. (2006) 'Use and perceived effectiveness of pre-competition mood regulation strategies among athletes'.Joint Conference of the Australian and Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Psychological Society. The Australian Psychological Society. pp. 420 - 424.Open Access Link

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Bishop, DT. and Forzoni, R. (2006) 'The use of music video in sport psych interventions: empirical and anecdotal considerations'.BASES Annual Conference. University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, UK. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Smith, AT., Wall, MB., Williams, AL. and Singh, KD. (2006) 'Sensitivity to optic flow in human cortical areas MT and MST'. European Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (2). pp. 561 - 569. ISSN: 0953-816X

Journal article

Parton, A., Malhotra, P., Nachev, P., Ames, D., Ball, J., Chataway, J. and et al. (2006) 'Space re-exploration in hemispatial neglect'. NeuroReport, 17 (8). pp. 833 - 836. ISSN: 0959-4965

Journal article

Shaw, L., Wright, M. and O'Brien, J. (2006) 'Attention effect of high and low valence visual stimuli: an fMRI analysis'. HOGREFE & HUBER PUBLISHERS. pp. 332 - 332. ISSN: 0269-8803

Conference paper

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