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Cutter, WJ., Craig, M., Norbury, R., Robertson, DM., Whitehead, M. and Murphy, DG. (2003) 'In Vivo Effects of Estrogen on Human Brain'. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1007 (1). pp. 79 - 88. ISSN: 0077-8923

Journal article

Venneri, A., Pestell, S. and Nichelli, P. (2003) 'A preliminary study of the cognitive mechanisms supporting time estimation'. Percept Mot Skills, 96 (3 Pt 2). pp. 1093 - 1106. ISSN: 0031-5125

Journal article

Norbury, R., Cutter, WJ., Compton, J., Robertson, DM., Craig, M., Whitehead, M. and et al. (2003) 'The neuroprotective effects of estrogen on the aging brain'. Experimental Gerontology, 38 (1-2). pp. 109 - 117. ISSN: 0531-5565

Journal article

Caffarra, P., Vezzadini, G., Zonato, F., Copelli, S. and Venneri, A. (2003) 'A normative study of a shorter version of Raven's progressive matrices 1938'. Neurol Sci, 24 (5). pp. 336 - 339. ISSN: 1590-1874

Journal article

Capone, JG., Della Sala, S., Spinnler, H. and Venneri, A. (2003) 'Upper and lower face and ideomotor apraxia in patients with Alzheimer's disease'. Behav Neurol, 14 (1-2). pp. 1 - 8. ISSN: 0953-4180

Journal article

Cornoldi, C., Venneri, A., Marconato, F., Molin, A. and Montinari, C. (2003) 'A rapid screening measure for the identification of visuospatial learning disability in schools'. J Learn Disabil, 36 (4). pp. 299 - 306. ISSN: 0022-2194

Journal article

Crawford, JR., Garthwaite, PH., Howell, DC. and Venneri, A. (2003) 'Intra-individual measures of association in neuropsychology: inferential methods for comparing a single case with a control or normative sample'. J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 9 (7). pp. 989 - 1000. ISSN: 1355-6177

Journal article

Forbes, KE. and Venneri, A. (2003) 'A case for case: handling letter case selection in written spelling'. Neuropsychologia, 41 (1). pp. 16 - 24. ISSN: 0028-3932

Journal article

Logie, RH., Venneri, A., Della Sala, S., Redpath, TW. and Marshall, I. (2003) 'Brain activation and the phonological loop: the impact of rehearsal'. Brain Cogn, 53 (2). pp. 293 - 296. ISSN: 0278-2626

Journal article

Tonini, G., Shanks, MF. and Venneri, A. (2003) 'Short-term longitudinal evaluation of cerebral blood flow in mild Alzheimer's disease'. Neurol Sci, 24 (1). pp. 24 - 30. ISSN: 1590-1874

Journal article

Venneri, A., Cornoldi, C. and Garuti, M. (2003) 'Arithmetic difficulties in children with visuospatial learning disability (VLD)'. Child Neuropsychol, 9 (3). pp. 175 - 183. ISSN: 0929-7049

Journal article

Smith, AT., Williams, AL. and Singh, KD. (2002) 'Receptive field construction in human area V2: Iteration or integration?'. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). pp. 584 - 584. ISSN: 1534-7362

Conference paper

Szameitat, AJ., Schubert, T., Müller, K. and Von Yves Cramon, D. (2002) 'Localization of executive functions in dual-task performance with fMRI'. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14 (8). pp. 1184 - 1199. ISSN: 0898-929X

Journal article

Braddick, OJ., O'Brien, J., Rees, G., Wattam-Bell, J., Atkinson, J. and Turner, R. (2002) 'Quantitative neural responses to form coherence in human extrastriate cortex'.32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Orlando, Florida. 2 - 7 November. Society for Neuroscience.

Conference paper

Chatzisarantis, NLD., Hagger, MS., Biddle, SJH. and Karageorghis, C. (2002) 'The cognitive processes by which perceived locus of causality predicts participation of physical activity'. Journal of Health Psychology, 7 (6). pp. 685 - 699. ISSN: 1359-1053

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Malhotra, P., Parton, A., Driver, J. and Husain, M. (2002) 'A spatial memory deficit exacerbates visual neglect following stroke'.Joint Meeting of the Association-of-British-Neurologists/British-Neuropsychiatry-Association. LONDON, ENGLAND. 2 - 4 October. BMJ Publishing Group. pp. 403 - 403. ISSN: 1468-330X

Conference paper

Tucci, S., Cheeta, S., Seth, P. and File, SE. (2002) 'CRF mediates conditioned anxiety to nicotine (Abstract)'. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 12 (Supplement 3). pp. 334 - 334. ISSN: 0924-977X

Journal article

Kumari, V., Gray, JA., Honey, GD., Soni, W., Bullmore, ET., Williams, SCR., et al. (2002) 'Procedural learning in schizophrenia: A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation'. Schizophrenia Research, 57 (1). pp. 97 - 107. ISSN: 0920-9964

Journal article

Ettinger, U., Kumari, V., Chitnis, XA., Corr, PJ., Sumich, AL., Rabe-Hesketh, S., et al. (2002) 'Relationship between brain structure and saccadic eye movements in healthy humans'. Neuroscience Letters, 328 (3). pp. 225 - 228. ISSN: 0304-3940

Journal article

O'Brien, J., Spencer, J., Atkinson, J., Braddick, O. and Wattam-Bell, J. (2002) 'Form and motion coherence processing in dyspraxia: Evidence of a global spatial processing deficit'. Neuroreport, 13 (11). pp. 1399 - 1402. ISSN: 0959-4965

Journal article

Caulfield, MJ., Karageorghis, CI., Terry, PC. and Chatzisarantis, NLD. (2002) 'Weight loss, mood responses, eating attitudes and behavioural regulation among professional jockeys'.Annual Conference of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. Manchester, United Kingdom. 19 - 23 July. Taylor & Francis. pp. 265 - 266. ISSN: 0264-0414

Conference paper

Kumari, V. and Sharma, T. (2002) 'Effects of typical and atypical antipsychotics on prepulse inhibition in schizophrenia: A critical evaluation of current evidence and directions for future research'. Psychopharmacology, 162 (2). pp. 97 - 101. ISSN: 0033-3158

Journal article

Caffarra, P., Vezzadini, G., Dieci, F., Zonato, F. and Venneri, A. (2002) 'A short version of the Stroop test: Normative data in an Italian population sample'. Nuova Rivista di Neurologia, 12 (4). pp. 111 - 115. ISSN: 1122-035X

Journal article

Hamer, M., Karageorghis, CI. and Vlachopoulos, SP. (2002) 'Behavioural regulations as predictors of exercise dependency among endurance athletes'. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 42 (2). pp. 233 - 238. ISSN: 0022-4707 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hamer, M., Karageorghis, CI. and Vlachopoulos, SP. (2002) 'Motives for exercise participation as predictors of exercise dependence among endurance athletes'. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 42 (2). pp. 233 - 238. ISSN: 0022-4707 Open Access Link

Journal article

Kumari, V., Soni, W. and Sharma, T. (2002) 'Prepulse inhibition of the startle response in risperidone-treated patients: Comparison with typical antipsychotics'. Schizophrenia Research, 55 (1-2). pp. 139 - 146. ISSN: 0920-9964

Journal article

Zachariah, E., Kumari, V., Galea, A., Das, M., Mehrotra, R., Taylor, D., et al. (2002) 'Effects of oral procyclidine administration on cognitive functions in healthy subjects: Implications for schizophrenia [2]'. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 22 (2). pp. 224 - 226. ISSN: 0271-0749

Journal article

Sharma, T., Kumari, V. and Russell, T. (2002) 'Exploring the social brain in schizophrenia'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 104S - 104S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Davis, K., Friedman, JI., Goff, D., Sharma, T. and Kumari, V. (2002) 'Cognitive enhancement strategies in schizophrenia'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 147S - 147S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Sharma, T., Kumari, V., Chitnis, XA., Lumsden, J., Butwell, M. and Taylor, PJ. (2002) 'Structural brain deficits in people with violence and schizophrenia or psychopathic disorder'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 26S - 27S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Zachariah, E., Galea, A., Mehrotra, R., Taylor, D. and Sharma, T. (2002) 'Effects of acute procyclidine, administration on prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response in patients with schizophrenia'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 42S - 42S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Das, M., Kumari, V., Barkataki, I., Ffytche, D., Mitterschiffthaler, M., Sumich, A., et al. (2002) 'Anticipatory fear in schizophrenia: A functional MRI study'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 48S - 48S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Zachariah, E., Kumari, V., Galea, A., Das, M. and Sharma, T. (2002) 'Effects of procyclidine administration on cognitive functions in schizophrenia'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 79S - 79S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Sharma, T., Zachariah, E., Honey, GD., Williams, SCR., Ffytehe, D. and Kumari, V. (2002) 'Functional neuroanatomy of working memory in obligate carriers of schizophrenia'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 143S - 143S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Barkataki, I., Kumari, V., Das, MK., Hughes, CC., Taylor, PJ., Hill, M., et al. (2002) 'Inhibitory functions in schizophrenia and psychopathic disorder'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 111S - 111S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Gray, J., Ffytche, D., Mitterschiffthaler, M., Das, M., Zachariah, E., et al. (2002) 'Cognitive effects of nicotine in man: A functional MRI investigation'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 158S - 158S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Barkataki, I., Kumari, V., Das, MK., Sumich, A., Taylor, PJ. and Sharma, T. (2002) 'Facial affect recognition in psychopathy and schizophrenia'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 163S - 163S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Sharma, T., Kumari, V., Hughes, C., Soni, W., Ravi, M. and Brendon, B. (2002) 'Cognitive effects of clozapine and olanzapine in patients with chronic schizophrenia'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 173S - 173S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Hughes, C., Kumari, V., Crawford, T., Soni, W. and Sharma, T. (2002) 'Frontal lobe and eye movement deficits in schizophrenia'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 166S - 167S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Mitterschiffthaler, MT., Kumari, V., Kukkastenvehmas, R., O'Mahony, H., Soni, W., Thapa, S., et al. (2002) 'Encoding and recall of visual images in Alzheimer's disease: A functional MRI study'. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. pp. 49S - 50S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Gray, JA., Geyer, M., Soni, W., Mitterschiffthaler, MT., Ffytche, D., et al. (2002) 'A functional MRI investigation of tactile prepulse inhibition in patients with schizophrenia'. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. pp. 117S - 117S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Sharma, T., Kumari, V., Mitterschiffthaler, MT., Kukkastenvehmas, R., O'Mahony, H., Thapa, S., et al. (2002) 'Cognitive effects of rivastigmine in Alzheimer's disease: An fMRI study'. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. pp. 90S - 90S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

List, A., Sagiv, N., Vuilleumier, PO., Deouell, LY., Knight, RT., D'Esposito, M., et al. (2002) 'Visual perseveration for faces and places: Neuroimaging studies'. JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. pp. 170 - 170. ISSN: 0898-929X

Journal article

Sagiv, N., List, A., Deouell, LY., Vuilleumier, P., Knight, RT., D'Esposito, M. and et al. (2002) 'Visual perseveration for faces, places, objects, and fonts; Implications for functional organization of the ventral pathway'. JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. pp. 170 - 171. ISSN: 0898-929X

Journal article

Schubert, T., Fischer, R., Stelzel, C. and Szameitat, A. (2002) 'Bottlenecks do not completely interrupt information processing in dual-task situations'. M I T PRESS. pp. 96 - 96. ISSN: 0898-929X

Conference paper

Malhi, GS., Lagopolous, J., Ward, PB., Little, C., Mitchell, PB., Parker, GB., et al. (2002) 'Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of cognitive generation of affect in bipolar depression'. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. pp. 123 - 124. ISSN: 0165-0327

Conference paper

Ettinger, U., Kumari, V., Zachariah, E., Galea, A., Das, M., Taylor, D., et al. (2002) 'Effects of procyclidine on antisaccade and smooth pursuit eye movements'. SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH. pp. 217 - 217. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Sharma, T., Kumari, V., Chitnis, XA., Lumsden, J., Butwell, M. and Taylor, PJ. (2002) 'Structural brain deficits in people with violence and schizophrenia or psychopathic disorder'. SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH. pp. 234 - 234. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Zachariah, E., Galea, A., Mehrotra, R., Taylor, D. and Sharma, T. (2002) 'Effects of acute procyclidine administration on prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response in patients with schizophrenia'. SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH. pp. 215 - 216. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Ettinger, U., Kumari, V., Corr, PJ., Chitnis, XA., Sumich, AL., Fannon, DG., et al. (2002) 'Neural correlates of saccadic eye movements in first-episode psychosis'. SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH. pp. 217 - 218. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Corr, PJ. and Kumari, V. (2002) 'Trait emotionality correlates with prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex'. SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH. pp. 215 - 215. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

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