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Karageorghis, CI., Jung, ME., Karageorghis, CI., Potfratz, ST. and Black, JD. (2016) 'HIIT Me Baby One More Time: The efficacy of dissociative techniques during high-intensity exercise'. HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC. pp. S37 - S37. ISSN: 0895-2779

Conference paper

Antonova, E., Amaratunga, K., Wright, B., Ettinger, U. and Kumari, V. (2016) 'Schizotypy and mindfulness: Magical thinking without suspiciousness characterizes mindfulness meditators'. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 5. pp. 1 - 6. ISSN: 2215-0013 Open Access Link

Journal article

Karageorghis, CI. and Bird, JM. (2016) 'Under Pressure: Music-related interventions in high-performance domains', inArt in Motion III. Munich, Germany : Peter Lang. pp. 149 - 173. ISBN 13: 978-3-631-67172-6.

Book chapter

D'Innocenzo, G., Gonzalez, C., Williams, AM. and Bishop, D. (2016) 'Looking to Learn: The Effects of Visual Guidance on Observational Learning of the Golf Swing'. PLoS One, 11 (5). pp. e0155442 - e0155442. ISSN: 1932-6203 Open Access Link

Journal article

Karageorghis, CI. (2016) 'Music in the exercise domain: An update on concetual approaches, underlying mechanisms and applications'.2016 British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Conference. Nottingham, UK. Proceedings of the 2016 British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Conference.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Bird, JM. and Karageorghis, CI. (2016) 'The application of music-video in exercise: A grounded theory approach'.2016 British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Conference. Nottingham, UK. Proceedings of the 2016 British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Conference.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Karageorghis, CI. (Accepted) 'Examining the efficacy of functional asynchronous music in mixed-gender touch rugby'.


Bird, JM., Hall, J., Arnold, R., Karageorghis, CI. and Hussein, A. (2016) 'Effects of music and music-video on affective responses during and after high-intensity exercise'.Art in Motion 2016 – Training for Excellence. Munich, Germany. Proceedings of the Art in Motion – Training for Excellence 2016 Conference.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Bird, JM. and Karageorghis, CI. (2016) 'A grounded theory of music-video use during exercise'.Art in Motion – Training for Excellence 2016. Munich, Germany.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Wright, BAL., Peters, ER., Ettinger, U., Kuipers, E. and Kumari, V. (2016) 'Moderators of noise-induced cognitive change in healthy adults'. Noise and Health, 18 (82). pp. 117 - 132. ISSN: 1463-1741 Open Access Link

Journal article

Bigliassi, M., Silva, VB., Karageorghis, CI., Bird, JM., Santos, PC. and Altimari, LR. (2016) 'Brain mechanisms that underlie the effects of motivational audiovisual stimuli on psychophysiological responses during exercise'. Physiology and Behavior, 158. pp. 128 - 136. ISSN: 1873-507X Open Access Link

Journal article

Karageorghis, CI., Hutchinson, JC., Pottratz, ST. and Black, JD. (2016) 'The Diabeates Project: Effects of music and music-video during exercise in a clinical setting'.North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) 2016 Conference. Montreal, Canada. Proceedings of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) 2016 Conference.Open Access Link

Conference paper

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Conference paper

De Marco, M., Meneghello, F., Duzzi, D. and Venneri, A. (2016) 'Network Correlates of Neurocognitive Efficiency at the Early Stages of Alzheimer's Neurodegeneration'.68th Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Neurology (AAN). Vancouver, CANADA. 5 - 21 April. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. ISSN: 0028-3878

Conference paper

Bishop, D. (2016) 'Effects of spoken cues on decision-making in netball: An eye movement study'. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 47 (1). pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 0047-0767 Open Access Link

Journal article

Mason, L., Peters, E. and Kumari, V. (2016) 'Functional connectivity predictors and mechanisms of cognitive behavioural therapies: A systematic review with recommendations'. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50 (4). pp. 311 - 321. ISSN: 0004-8674

Journal article

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Journal article

Goodwin, GM. and Norbury, R. (2016) 'The amygdala and fear', inStress: Concepts, Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior: Handbook of Stress. Elsevier. pp. 305 - 310. ISBN 13: 9780128009512.

Book chapter

Bird, JM., Hall, J., Arnold, R., Karageorghis, CI. and Hussein, A. (2016) 'Effects of music and music-video on core affect during exercise at the lactate threshold'. Psychology of Music, 44 (6). pp. 1471 - 1487. ISSN: 0305-7356 Open Access Link

Journal article

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Journal article

Wright, B., Peters, E., Ettinger, U., Kuipers, E. and Kumari, V. (2016) 'Effects of environmental noise on cognitive (dys)functions in schizophrenia: A pilot within-subjects experimental study'. Schizophrenia Research, 173 (1-2). pp. 101 - 108. ISSN: 0920-9964 Open Access Link

Journal article

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Bitbol, M. and Antonova, E. (2016) 'Open peer commentaries: On Michael Kirchhoff and Daniel Hutto's "never mind the gap"'. Constructivist Foundations, 11 (2). pp. 354 - 356. ISSN: 1782-348X

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Journal article

Underwood, R., Kumari, V. and Peters, E. (2016) 'Cognitive and neural models of threat appraisal in psychosis: A theoretical integration'. Psychiatry Research, 239. pp. 131 - 138. ISSN: 0165-1781 Open Access Link

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Journal article

Bitbol, M. and Antonova, E. (2016) 'On the Too Often Overlooked Radicality of Neurophenomenology'. CONSTRUCTIVIST FOUNDATIONS, 11 (2). pp. 354 - 356. ISSN: 1782-348X

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Journal article

Puzzo, I., Smaragdi, A., Gonzalez, K., Martin-Key, N. and Fairchild, G. (2016) 'Neurobiological, Neuroimaging, and Neuropsychological Studies of Children and Adolescents with Disruptive Behavior Disorders'. Family Relations, 65 (1). pp. 134 - 150. ISSN: 0197-6664

Journal article

Underwood, R., Kumari, V. and Peters, E. (2016) 'Appraisals of psychotic experiences: An experimental investigation of symptomatic, remitted and non-need-for-care individuals'. Psychological Medicine, 46 (6). pp. 1249 - 1263. ISSN: 0033-2917 Open Access Link

Journal article

Sedgwick, O., Young, S., Das, M. and Kumari, V. (2016) 'Objective predictors of outcome in forensic mental health services-A systematic review'. CNS Spectrums, 21 (6). pp. 430 - 444. ISSN: 1092-8529 Open Access Link

Journal article

Felix, JF., Bradfield, JP., Monnereau, C., van der Valk, RJP., Stergiakouli, E., Chesi, A., et al. (2016) 'Genome-wide association analysis identifies three new susceptibility loci for childhood body mass index'. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS, 25 (2). pp. 389 - 403. ISSN: 0964-6906

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Journal article

Karageorghis, CI. (2016) 'The scientific application of music in exercise and sport: Towards a new theoretical model', in Lane, AM. (ed.) Sport and Exercise Psychology: Topics in Applied Psychology: Second Edition. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 276 - 322. ISBN 13: 9781317499091.

Book chapter

Barnhofer, T., Huntenburg, JM., Lifshitz, M., Wild, J., Antonova, E. and Margulies, DS. (2016) 'How mindfulness training may help to reduce vulnerability for recurrent depression: A neuroscientific perspective'. Clinical Psychological Science, 4 (2). pp. 328 - 343. ISSN: 2167-7026

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Journal article

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Conference paper

Cocks, AJ., Young, WR., Ellmers, TJ., Jackson, RC. and Williams, AM. (2016) 'How anxiety and incremental secondary task demands impact processing efficiency, visual search, and gait kinematics in older adults'.North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Montreal, Quebec. 1 - 18 June. Human Kinetics. pp. S55 - S56. ISSN: 0895-2779 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Taylor, D., Murphy, J., Ahmad, M., Purkayastha, S., Scholtz, S., Ramezani, R., et al. (2016) 'Quantified-Self for Obesity: Physical Activity Behaviour Sensing to Improve Health Outcomes.'. Stud Health Technol Inform, 220. pp. 414 - 416. ISSN: 0926-9630

Journal article

Dovey, TM. (2016) 'The psychology of eating', inThe Curated Reference Collection in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.

Book chapter

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