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O'Brien, JMD. and Johnston, A. (2000) 'Texture and motion in depth perception'.23rd European Conference on Visual Perception. Groningen. 27 - 31 August. Pion. pp. 3 - 3. ISSN: 0301-0066

Conference paper

Spencer, J., O'Brien, J., Braddick, J., Atkinson, O., Wattam-Bell, J. and Riggs, K. (2000) 'Form and motion processing in autism'.23rd European Conference on Visual Perception. Groningen. 27 - 31 August. Pion. pp. 98 - 99. ISSN: 0301-0066

Conference paper

Spencer, J., O'Brien, J., Riggs, K., Braddick, O., Atkinson, A. and Wattam-Bell, J. (2000) 'Motion processing in autism: evidence for a dorsal stream deficiency'. NeuroReport, 11 (12). pp. 2765 - 2767. ISSN: 0959-4965

Journal article

Braddick, OJ., O'Brien, JM., Wattam-Bell, J., Atkinson, J. and Turner, R. (2000) 'Form and motion coherence activate independent, but not dorsal/ventral segregated, networks in the human brain'. Current Biology, 10 (12). pp. 731 - 734. ISSN: 0960-9822

Journal article

Kumari, V., Soni, W., Mathew, VM. and Sharma, T. (2000) 'Age of onset of psychotic symptoms predicts information processing deficits in schizophrenia'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 52S - 52S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Soni, W., Honey, GD., Williams, SCR., Vythelingum, N., Corr, PJ., et al. (2000) 'Neural correlates of procedural learning: A functional MRI study'. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. pp. 52S - 52S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Soni, W., Piper, K., Potter, M., Das, M. and Sharma, T. (2000) '171. Information processing deficits in schizophrenia: effects of risperidone as compared to typical antipsychotics'. Elsevier BV. pp. S51 - S52. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Donnelly, N., Usher, M. and Parton, A. (2000) 'The effect of visual synchrony on grouping increases with display size'. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. pp. S438 - S438. ISSN: 1552-5783

Conference paper

Kenny, PJ., Cheeta, S. and File, SE. (2000) 'Anxiogenic effects of nicotine in the dorsal hippocampus are mediated by 5-HT1A and not by muscarinic M1 receptors'. Neuropharmacology, 39 (2). pp. 300 - 307. ISSN: 0028-3908

Journal article

Singh, KD., Williams, AL. and Smith, AT. (2000) 'An fMRI study of cortical activation during left-right discrimination of static, local motion, global motion and biological motion stimuli'. Elsevier BV. pp. S702 - S702. ISSN: 1053-8119

Conference paper

Karageorghis, CI. (2000) 'Effects of synchronous and asynchronous music in cycle ergometry (Abstract)'. Journal of Sports Sciences. pp. 16 - 16. ISSN: 0264-0414

Conference paper

Vlachopoulos, SP., Karageorghis, CI. and Terry, PC. (2000) 'Motivation profiles in sport: A self-determination theory perspective'. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 71 (4). pp. 387 - 397. ISSN: 0270-1367 Open Access Link

Journal article

Wright, M., Green, A. and Baker, S. (2000) 'Limitations for change detection in multiple Gabor targets'. Visual Cognition, 7 (1-3). pp. 237 - 252. ISSN: 1350-6285 Open Access Link

Journal article

Cheeta, S., Kenny, PJ. and File, SE. (2000) 'The role of 5-HT1A receptors in mediating the anxiogenic effects of nicotine following lateral septal administration'. European Journal of Neuroscience, 12 (10). pp. 3797 - 3802. ISSN: 0953-816X

Journal article

Sagiv, N., Vuilleumier, P. and Swick, D. (2000) 'Extinguished faces: Electrophysiological correlates of conscious and unconscious perception in unilateral spatial neglect'. JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. pp. 95 - 95. ISSN: 0898-929X

Journal article

Vuilleumier, P., Hazeltine, E., Poldrack, RA., Sagiv, N., Rafal, RD. and Gabrieli, J. (2000) 'The neural fate of neglected faces: An event-related fMRI study of visual extinction'. JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. pp. 97 - 98. ISSN: 0898-929X

Journal article

File, SE., Cheeta, S. and Kenny, PJ. (2000) 'Neurobiological mechanisms by which nicotine mediates different types of anxiety'. European Journal of Pharmacology, 393 (1-3). pp. 231 - 236. ISSN: 0014-2999

Journal article

O'Brien, J. and Johnston, A. (2000) 'When texture takes precedence over motion in depth perception'. Perception, 29 (4). pp. 437 - 452. ISSN: 0301-0066

Journal article

Wydell, TN. and Shinkai, T. (2000) 'Kanji character-sond consistency effects in Japanese surface and phonological dyslexic patients (Abstract)'. International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3-4). pp. 88 - 180. ISSN: 0020-7594

Journal article

Spencer, J., O'Brien, J., Braddick, J., Atkinson, O., Wattam-Bell, J. and Riggs, K. (2000) 'Form and motion processing in autism'. PION LTD. pp. 98 - 99. ISSN: 0301-0066

Conference paper

Cheeta, S., Kenny, PJ. and File, SE. (2000) 'Hippocampal and septal injections of nicotine and 8-OH-DPAT distinguish among different animal tests of anxiety'. Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 24 (7). pp. 1053 - 1067. ISSN: 0278-5846

Journal article

Wright, MJ. (2000) 'Contrast sensitivity functions for temporal phase discrimination'. VSP BV. pp. 94 - 94. ISSN: 0169-1015

Conference paper

File, SE., Kenny, PJ. and Cheeta, S. (2000) 'The role of the dorsal hippocampal serotonergic and cholinergic systems in the modulation of anxiety'. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 66 (1). pp. 65 - 72. ISSN: 0091-3057

Journal article

O'Brien, JMD. and Johnston, A. (2000) 'Texture and motion in depth perception'. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. pp. 3 - 3. ISSN: 0301-0066

Conference paper

Wright, M., Green, A. and Baker, S. (2000) 'Psychophysics of change detection in multiple Gabor target arrays'. PION LTD. pp. 124 - 124. ISSN: 0301-0066

Conference paper

Pestell, S., Shanks, MF., Warrington, J. and Venneri, A. (2000) 'Quality of spelling breakdown in Alzheimer's disease is independent of disease progression'. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 22 (5). pp. 599 - 612. ISSN: 1380-3395

Journal article

Bradshaw, MF., Parton, AD. and Glennerster, A. (2000) 'The task-dependent use of binocular disparity and motion parallax information'. Vision Research, 40 (27). pp. 3725 - 3734. ISSN: 0042-6989

Journal article

Kumari, V., Zachariah, E., Mehrotra, R., Taylor, D. and Sharma, T. (2000) 'Effects of procyclidine on prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response in healthy human volunteers'. Elsevier BV. pp. 147 - 147. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Ettinger, U., Kumari, V., Chitnis, XA., Sumich, AL., Fannon, DG., Soni, W., et al. (2000) 'Magnetic resonance imaging correlates of prepulse inhibition in first episode psychosis'. Elsevier BV. pp. 146 - 146. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Crawford, T., Soni, W., Chitnis, X., Piper, K. and Sharma, T. (2000) 'Prepulse inhibition effects do not correlate with anti-saccadic abnormalities in schizophrenia'. Elsevier BV. pp. 146 - 147. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Soni, W., Mehrotra, R., Binneman, B., Biswas, A., Varatheesan, M., Kumari, V. and et al. (2000) 'Change in negative symptoms with risperidone predicts improved quality of life in schizophrenia'. Elsevier BV. pp. 199 - 200. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Zachariah, E., Kumari, V., Mehrotra, R., Taylor, D., Das, M. and Sharma, T. (2000) 'Effects of 10 mg oral procyclidine administration on memory functions in healthy human subjects'. Elsevier BV. pp. 278 - 278. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Soni, W., Matthew, VM. and Sharma, T. (2000) 'Age of onset of psychotic symptoms predicts information processing deficits in schizophrenia'. Elsevier BV. pp. 291 - 291. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Venneri, A., Shanks, MF., Staff, RT. and Della Sala, S. (2000) 'Nurturing syndrome: a form of pathological bereavement with delusions in Alzheimer's disease'. Neuropsychologia, 38 (2). pp. 213 - 224. ISSN: 0028-3932

Journal article

Staff, RT., Venneri, A., Gemmell, HG., Shanks, MF., Pestell, SJ. and Murray, AD. (2000) 'HMPAO SPECT imaging of Alzheimer's disease patients with similar content-specific autobiographic delusion: comparison using statistical parametric mapping'. J Nucl Med, 41 (9). pp. 1451 - 1455. ISSN: 0161-5505

Journal article

Staff, RT., Gemmell, HG., Shanks, MF., Murray, AD. and Venneri, A. (2000) 'Changes in the rCBF images of patients with Alzheimer's disease receiving Donepezil therapy'. Nucl Med Commun, 21 (1). pp. 37 - 41. ISSN: 0143-3636

Journal article

Macdonald-Nethercott, EM., Kinnear, PR. and Venneri, A. (2000) 'Effect of a directional cue on line bisection'. Brain Cogn, 43 (1-3). pp. 325 - 328. ISSN: 0278-2626

Journal article

Ettinger, U., Chitnis, XA., Kumari, V., Sumich, A., Fannon, DG., Doku, V., et al. (2000) 'MRI of the thalamus in first episode psychosis'. Elsevier BV. pp. 114 - 115. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Macdonald-Nethercott, EM., Kinnear, PR. and Venneri, A. (2000) 'Bisection of shapes and lines: analysis of the visual and motor aspects of pseudoneglect'. Percept Mot Skills, 91 (1). pp. 217 - 226. ISSN: 0031-5125

Journal article

Cornoldi, C., Rigoni, F., Venneri, A. and Vecchi, T. (2000) 'Passive and active processes in visuo-spatial memory: double dissociation in developmental learning disabilities'. Brain Cogn, 43 (1-3). pp. 117 - 120. ISSN: 0278-2626

Journal article

Bizzozero, I., Costato, D., Sala, SD., Papagno, C., Spinnler, H. and Venneri, A. (2000) 'Upper and lower face apraxia: role of the right hemisphere'. Brain, 123 ( Pt 11) (11). pp. 2213 - 2230. ISSN: 0006-8950

Journal article

Kumari, V., Soni, W., Piper, K., Potter, M., Das, M. and Sharma, T. (2000) 'Information processing deficits in schizophrenia: Effects of risperidone as compared to typical antipsychotics'. BLACKWELL SCIENCE LTD. pp. 240 - 240. ISSN: 0953-816X

Conference paper

Corr, PJ. and Kumari, V. (2000) 'Individual differences in mood reactions to d-amphetamine: A test of three personality factors'. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 14 (4). pp. 371 - 377. ISSN: 0269-8811

Journal article

Kumari, V., Soni, W., Mathew, VM. and Sharma, T. (2000) 'Prepulse inhibition of the startle response in men with schizophrenia: Effects of age of onset of illness, symptoms, and medication'. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57 (6). pp. 609 - 614. ISSN: 0003-990X

Journal article

Wilson, GD., Kumari, V., Gray, JA. and Corr, PJ. (2000) 'The role of neuroticism in startle reactions to fearful and disgusting stimuli'. Personality and Individual Differences, 29 (6). pp. 1077 - 1082. ISSN: 0191-8869

Journal article

Wydell, TN. and Shinkai, T. (2000) 'Impaired pronunciations of Kanji words by Japanese CVA patients'. 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2000.

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Soni, W., Honey, GD., Williams, SCR., Vythelingum, N., Corr, PJ., et al. (2000) 'Neural correlates of procedural learning: A functional MRI study'. Elsevier BV. pp. 131 - 131. ISSN: 0920-9964

Conference paper

Soni, W., Honey, GD., Williams, SCR., Vythelingum, N., Corr, PJ., Gray, JA., et al. (1999) 'Neural correlates of procedural learning: A functional MRI study'. NeuroImage, 9 (6 PART II). pp. 202 - 202. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

Hamer, M., Karageorghis, CI. and Terry, PC. (1999) 'Exercise dependence among triathletes: Possible effects of competitive orientation, triathlon experience and training volume (Abstract)'.Annual Conference of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. 7 - 10 September. Abstract published in the Journal of Sports Sciences. pp. 49 - 50. ISSN: 0264-0414

Conference paper

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