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Trewick, AL., El-Sayed Moustafa, JS., De Smith, AJ., Froguel, P., Greve, G., Njølstad, PR., et al. (2011) 'Accurate single-nucleotide polymorphism allele assignment in trisomic or duplicated regions by using a single base-extension assay with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry'. Clinical Chemistry, 57 (8). pp. 1188 - 1195. ISSN: 0009-9147

Journal article

Li, Y., Zheng, H., Luo, R., Wu, H., Zhu, H., Li, R., et al. (2011) 'Structural variation in two human genomes mapped at single-nucleotide resolution by whole genome de novo assembly'. Nature Biotechnology, 29 (8). pp. 723 - 730. ISSN: 1087-0156

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Juenger, H., de Haan, B., Krageloh-Mann, I., Staudt, M. and Karnath, H-O. (2011) 'Early Determination of Somatosensory Cortex in the Human Brain'. Cerebral Cortex, 21 (8). pp. 1827 - 1831. ISSN: 1047-3211

Journal article

Suzuki, A., Premkumar, P. and Kumari, V. (2011) 'IMPACT OF MODAFINIL ON ACQUISITION AND SUBSEQUENT PERFORMANCE OF PCP -TREATED RATS IN THE 5-CHOICE SERIAL REACTION TIME TASK'.Summer Meeting of the British-Association-for-Psychopharmacology. Harrogate, ENGLAND. 1 - 27 July. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. pp. A71 - A71. ISSN: 0269-8811

Conference paper

Centeno, M., Vollmar, C., Jonathan, O., Stretton, J., Bonelli, S., Symms, M., et al. (2011) 'IMAGING THE EFFECTS OF AGE OF ONSET AND DURATION OF EPILEPSY IN FRONTAL LOBE EPILEPSY'.29th International Epilepsy Congress. Rome, ITALY. 1 - 1 September. WILEY-BLACKWELL. pp. 177 - 178. ISSN: 0013-9580

Conference paper

Norbury, R., Mannie, Z. and Cowen, PJ. (2011) 'IMAGING VULNERABILITY FOR DEPRESSION'.Summer Meeting of the British-Association-for-Psychopharmacology. Harrogate, ENGLAND. 1 - 27 July. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. pp. A63 - A63. ISSN: 0269-8811

Conference paper

Mannie, Z., Filippini, N., Williams, C., Near, J., Norbury, R. and Cowen, P. (2011) 'INCREASED ANTERIOR CINGULATE ACTIVATION IN YOUNG PEOPLE AT INCREASED RISK OF DEPRESSION PERFORMING A NOVELTY DETECTION MEMORY ENCODING TASK'.Summer Meeting of the British-Association-for-Psychopharmacology. Harrogate, ENGLAND. 1 - 27 July. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. pp. A47 - A47. ISSN: 0269-8811

Conference paper

Godlewska, BR., Norbury, R., Selveraj, S., Cowen, PJ. and Harmer, CJ. (2011) 'SHORT-TERM SSRI TREATMENT REMEDIATES AMYGDALA HYPERACTIVITY IN DEPRESSED PATIENTS: A PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY'.Summer Meeting of the British-Association-for-Psychopharmacology. Harrogate, ENGLAND. 1 - 27 July. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. pp. A16 - A16. ISSN: 0269-8811

Conference paper

Pompei, F., Dima, D., Rubia, K., Kumari, V. and Frangou, S. (2011) 'Dissociable functional connectivity changes during the Stroop task relating to risk, resilience and disease expression in bipolar disorder'. NeuroImage, 57 (2). pp. 576 - 582. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

Kumari, V., Fannon, D., Peters, ER., Ffytche, DH., Sumich, AL., Premkumar, P., et al. (2011) 'Neural changes following cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis: A longitudinal study'. Brain, 134 (8). pp. 2396 - 2407. ISSN: 0006-8950 Open Access Link

Journal article

Ettinger, U., Williams, SCR., Fannon, D., Premkumar, P., Kuipers, E., Möller, HJ. and et al. (2011) 'Functional magnetic resonance imaging of a parametric working memory task in schizophrenia: Relationship with performance and effects of antipsychotic treatment'. Psychopharmacology, 216 (1). pp. 17 - 27. ISSN: 0033-3158

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Eleftherohorinou, H., Andersson-Assarsson, JC., Walters, RG., El-Sayed Moustafa, JS., Coin, L., Jacobson, P., et al. (2011) 'famCNV: Copy number variant association for quantitative traits in families'. Bioinformatics, 27 (13). pp. 1873 - 1875. ISSN: 1367-4803

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Huda, MSB., Dovey, TM., Wong, SP., English, PJ., Halford, JCG., McCulloch, P., et al. (2011) 'Ghrelin does not orchestrate the metabolic changes seen in fasting but has significant effects on lipid mobilisation and substrate utilisation'. European Journal of Endocrinology, 165 (1). pp. 45 - 55. ISSN: 0804-4643

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Boyland, EJ., Harrold, JA., Kirkham, TC., Corker, C., Cuddy, J., Evans, D., et al. (2011) 'Food commercials increase preference for energy-dense foods, particularly in children who watch more television'. Pediatrics, 128 (1). pp. e93 - e100. ISSN: 0031-4005

Journal article

Sobczak, M., Sagiv, N. and Williams, AL. (2011) 'Automatic attributions of human qualities to graphemes and linguistic sequences in synaesthesia: an fMRI study'.15th Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness meeting. Kyoto, Japan. 9 - 12 June. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Karageorghis, CI., Jones, L., Priest, D-L., Akers, RI., Clarke, A., Perry, JM., et al. (2011) 'Revisiting the Relationship Between Exercise Heart Rate and Music Tempo Preference'. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82 (2). pp. 274 - 284. ISSN: 0270-1367 Open Access Link

Journal article

Szameitat, DP., Darwin, CJ., Wildgruber, D., Alter, K. and Szameitat, AJ. (2011) 'Acoustic correlates of emotional dimensions in laughter: Arousal, dominance, and valence'. Cognition and Emotion, 25 (4). pp. 599 - 611. ISSN: 0269-9931

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Wilke, M., de Haan, B., Juenger, H. and Karnath, H-O. (2011) 'Manual, semi-automated, and automated delineation of chronic brain lesions: A comparison of methods'. NeuroImage, 56 (4). pp. 2038 - 2046. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

Pompei, F., Jogia, J., Tatarelli, R., Girardi, P., Rubia, K., Kumari, V. and et al. (2011) 'Familial and disease specific abnormalities in the neural correlates of the Stroop Task in Bipolar Disorder'. NeuroImage, 56 (3). pp. 1677 - 1684. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

Jogia, J., Dima, D., Kumari, V. and Frangou, S. (2011) 'Frontopolar cortical inefficiency underpins reward and working memory dysfunction in bipolar disorder'.9th International Conference on Bipolar Disorder. Pittsburgh, PA. 1 - 11 June. WILEY-BLACKWELL. pp. 58 - 58. ISSN: 1398-5647

Conference paper

Premkumar, P., Peters, ER., Fannon, D., Anilkumar, AP., Kuipers, E. and Kumari, V. (2011) 'Coping styles predict responsiveness to cognitive behaviour therapy in psychosis'. Psychiatry Research, 187 (3). pp. 354 - 362. ISSN: 0165-1781

Journal article

Vollmar, C., O'Muircheartaigh, J., Barker, GJ., Symms, MR., Thompson, P., Kumari, V., et al. (2011) 'Motor system hyperconnectivity in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: A cognitive functional magnetic resonance imaging study'. Brain, 134 (6). pp. 1710 - 1719. ISSN: 0006-8950 Open Access Link

Journal article

Quednow, BB., Ettinger, U., Mössner, R., Rujescu, D., Giegling, I., Collier, DA., et al. (2011) 'The schizophrenia risk allele c of the tcf4 rs9960767 polymorphism disrupts sensorimotor gating in schizophrenia spectrum and healthy volunteers'. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (18). pp. 6684 - 6691. ISSN: 0270-6474

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de Smith, AJ., van Haelst, MM., Ellis, RJ., Holder, SE., Payne, SJ., Hashim, SK., et al. (2011) 'Chromosome 19p13.3 deletion in a patient with macrocephaly, obesity, mental retardation, and behavior problems'. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 155 (5). pp. 1192 - 1195. ISSN: 1552-4825

Journal article

Fernando, MMA., de Smith, AJ., Coin, L., Morris, DL., Froguel, P., Mangion, J., et al. (2011) 'Investigation of the HIN200 Locus in UK SLE Families Identifies Novel Copy Number Variants'. Annals of Human Genetics, 75 (3). pp. 383 - 397. ISSN: 0003-4800

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Buxton, JL., Walters, RG., Visvikis-Siest, S., Meyre, D., Froguel, P. and Blakemore, AIF. (2011) 'Childhood obesity is associated with shorter leukocyte telomere length'. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 96 (5). pp. 1500 - 1505. ISSN: 0021-972X

Journal article

Godlewska, BR., Norbury, R., Selvaraj, S., Harmer, CJ. and Philip, CJ. (2011) 'Decreased Neural Response to Fear after a Short-term SSRI Treatment: A 3T Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study'.66th Annual Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry. San Francisco, CA. 1 - 14 May. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. pp. 163S - 164S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Selvaraj, S., Godlewska, BR., Norbury, R., Bose, S., Turkheimer, F., Stokes, P., et al. (2011) 'Decreased regional gray matter volume in S allele carriers of the 5-HTTLPR triallelic polymorphism'. Molecular Psychiatry, 16 (5). pp. 472 - 473. ISSN: 1359-4184

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Coen, SJ., Kano, M., Kumari, V., Farmer, AD., Williams, SC. and Aziz, Q. (2011) 'Neuroticism Influences Brain Activity During the Experience of Visceral Pain'.Conference on Digestive Disease Week 2011. Chicago, IL. 1 - 10 May. W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. pp. S57 - S57. ISSN: 0016-5085

Conference paper

Kumari, V., Fannon, D., Peters, ER., Ffytche, DH., Sumich, AL., Premkumar, P., et al. (2011) 'Attenuated Brain Activity to Threat with a Favourable Outcome of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychosis'.66th Annual Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry. San Francisco, CA. 1 - 14 May. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. pp. 218S - 218S. ISSN: 0006-3223

Conference paper

Imura, J., Haruhara, N., Uno, A., Kaneko, M., Wydell, TN., Awaya, N., et al. (2011) 'Error analysis of writing to dictation of kanji words in japanese children with developmental dyslexia and normally developed children -using Screening Test of Reading and Writing for Japanese Primary School Children (STRAW)-'. Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 52 (2). pp. 165 - 172. ISSN: 0030-2813

Journal article

Dovey, TM., Taylor, L., Stow, R., Boyland, EJ. and Halford, JCG. (2011) 'Responsiveness to healthy television (TV) food advertisements/commercials is only evident in children under the age of seven with low food neophobia'. Appetite, 56 (2). pp. 440 - 446. ISSN: 0195-6663

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Baas, U., de Haan, B., Grässli, T., Karnath, H-O., Mueri, R., Perrig, WJ., et al. (2011) 'Personal neglect—A disorder of body representation?'. Neuropsychologia, 49 (5). pp. 898 - 905. ISSN: 0028-3932

Journal article

Mannie, ZN., Taylor, MJ., Harmer, CJ., Cowen, PJ. and Norbury, R. (2011) 'Frontolimbic responses to emotional faces in young people at familial risk of depression'. Journal of Affective Disorders, 130 (1-2). pp. 127 - 132. ISSN: 0165-0327

Journal article

Sobczak, M., Sagiv, N. and Williams, AL. (2011) 'Personification and the brain: An fMRI study'.UK Synaesthesia Association Meeting. University of East London.

Conference paper

Hamilton-Fletcher, G., Sagiv, N. and Williams, AL. (2011) 'An fMRI Study of Projector and Associator Grapheme-Colour Synaesthetes'.UK Synaesthesia Association Meeting. University of East London.

Conference paper

Godlewska, B., Norbury, R., Selveraj, S. and Cowen, P. (2011) 'P.3.018 Decreased neural response to fear after a short-term SSRI treatment: a 3T functional magnetic resonance imaging study'.European-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology Workshop on Neuropsychopharmacology for Young Scientists in Europe. Nice, FRANCE. Elsevier BV. pp. S73 - S73. ISSN: 0924-977X

Conference paper

Ettinger, U., Williams, SC., Meisenzahl, EM., Moeller, HJ., Kumari, V. and Koutsouleris, N. (2011) 'ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BRAIN STRUCTURE AND PSYCHOMETRIC SCHIZOTYPY'. SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN. pp. 164 - 164. ISSN: 0586-7614

Conference paper

Centeno, M., Vollmar, C., O'muircheartaigh, J., Barker, G., Symms, M., Kumari, V., et al. (2011) 'Memory in Frontal Lobe Epilepsy: An fMRI Study'. NEUROLOGY. pp. A552 - A553. ISSN: 0028-3878

Conference paper

Taylor, MJ., Mannie, ZN., Norbury, R., Near, J. and Cowen, PJ. (2011) 'Elevated cortical glutamate in young people at increased familial risk of depression'. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 14 (2). pp. 255 - 259. ISSN: 1461-1457

Journal article

Speliotes, EK., Yerges-Armstrong, LM., Wu, J., Hernaez, R., Kim, LJ., Palmer, CD., et al. (2011) 'Genome-Wide Association Analysis Identifies Variants Associated with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease That Have Distinct Effects on Metabolic Traits'. PLoS Genetics, 7 (3). pp. e1001324 - e1001324. ISSN: 1553-7404

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Cheadle, SW., Parton, A., Müller, HJ. and Usher, M. (2011) 'Subliminal gamma flicker draws attention even in the absence of transition-flash cues'. Journal of Neurophysiology, 105 (2). pp. 827 - 833. ISSN: 0022-3077

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Szameitat, AJ., Schubert, T. and Müller, HJ. (2011) 'How to test for dual-task-specific effects in brain imaging studies - An evaluation of potential analysis methods'. NeuroImage, 54 (3). pp. 1765 - 1773. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

O'Muircheartaigh, J., Vollmar, C., Traynor, C., Barker, GJ., Kumari, V., Symms, MR., et al. (2011) 'Clustering probabilistic tractograms using independent component analysis applied to the thalamus'. NeuroImage, 54 (3). pp. 2020 - 2032. ISSN: 1053-8119

Journal article

O'Muircheartaigh, J., Vollmar, C., Barker, GJ., Kumari, V., Symms, MR., Thompson, P., et al. (2011) 'Focal structural changes and cognitive dysfunction in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy'. Neurology, 76 (1). pp. 34 - 40. ISSN: 0028-3878

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Perryman, K., Rose, AK., Winfield, H., Jenner, J., Oyefeso, A., Phillips, TS., et al. (2011) 'The perceived challenges facing alcohol treatment services in England: A qualitative study of service providers'. JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 16 (1). pp. 38 - 49. ISSN: 1465-9891

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Sumner, R., Parton, A., Nowicky, AV., Kishore, U. and Gidron, Y. (2011) 'Hemispheric lateralisation and immune function: A systematic review of human research'. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 240-241. pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 0165-5728 Open Access Link

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Sagiv, N., Ilbeigi, A. and Ben-Tal, O. (2011) 'Reflections on Synaesthesia, Perception, and Cognition'. Intellectica, 55 (1). pp. 81 - 94. ISSN: 0769-4113

Journal article

Karageorghis, CI. and Terry, PC. (2011) 'Inside sport psychology'. Human Kinetics. ISSN 10: 0736033297 ISSN 13: 9780736033299


Smith, AT., Kosillo, P. and Williams, AL. (2011) 'The confounding effect of response amplitude on MVPA performance measures.'. Neuroimage, 56 (2). pp. 525 - 530. ISSN: 1095-9572

Journal article

Terry, PC., Karageorghis, CI., Saha, AM. and D'Auria, S. (2011) 'Effects of synchronous music on treadmill running among elite triathletes'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. ISSN: 1440-2440

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