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Aziz, MMA., Abou El-Zahab, EE-D., Zobaa, AF. and Khorshied, DM. (2007) 'Passive harmonic filters design using Fortran Feasible Sequential Quadratic Programming'. Electric Power Systems Research, 77 (5-6). pp. 540 - 547. ISSN: 1873-2046

Journal article

Zobaa, AF. (2007) 'Optimal sizing of the passive filter's elements in hybrid active filters'. Electric Power Components and Systems, 35 (4). pp. 483 - 488. ISSN: 1532-5016

Journal article

Zobaa, AF. (2007) 'Letter to the editor: Optimal sizing of the passive filter's elements in hybrid active filters'. Electric Power Components and Systems, 35 (4). pp. 483 - 488. ISSN: 1532-5008

Journal article

Chen, T., He, BQ., Xie, H. and Zhao, H. (2007) 'Combustion and emission characteristics of HCCI engine fueled with methanol fuel'. Ranshao Kexue Yu Jishu/Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, 13 (2). pp. 177 - 182. ISSN: 1006-8740

Journal article

Huang, C., Hobson, PR., Taylor, GA. and Kyberd, P. (2007) 'A study of publish/subscribe systems for real-time grid monitoring'.21st International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2007). Long Beach, CA. 26 - 30 March. IEEE. pp. 1 - 8.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Zobaa, AF. (2007) 'Distortion power optimization for nonlinear loads'. Electric Power Components and Systems, 35 (6). pp. 733 - 740. ISSN: 1532-5016

Journal article

Abdel-Salam, NM., Abdel-Aziz, M., Zobaa, AF. and Aziz, M. (2007) 'Effect of new water projects in Upper Egypt on hydropower generation'.Eleventh International Water Technology Conference, IWTC 2007. Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. 15 - 18 March. IWTC. pp. 499 - 514.

Conference paper

Bowen, BH., Sparrow, FT., Irwin, MW., Sharifi, A. and Zobaa, AF. (2007) 'The economic benefits of a fully integrated middle east power grid'.6th International Conference of the Middle East Economic Association. Dubai, UAE. 14 - 16 March. Zayed University.

Conference paper

Watkins, R., Palmer, J. and Kolokotroni, M. (2007) 'Increased temperature and intensification of the urban heat island: Implications for human comfort and urban design'. Built Environment, 33 (1). pp. 85 - 96. ISSN: 0263-7960

Journal article

Zobaa, AF. (2007) 'Some observations to the concept of power factor correction in nonsinusoidal environments'. Electric Power Components and Systems, 35 (5). pp. 603 - 606. ISSN: 1532-5016

Journal article

Li, Y., Zhao, H., Brouzos, N. and Leach, B. (2007) 'Managing controlled auto-ignition combustion by injection on a direct-injection gasoline engine'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 221 (9). pp. 1125 - 1137. ISSN: 0954-4070

Journal article

Catto, J., Abbod, M., Linkens, D., Wild, P., Herr, A., Wissman, CS., et al. (2007) 'Improving gene array analysis: The application of artificial intelligence identifies novel biomarkers of superficial bladder cancer progression'. European Urology Supplements, 6 (2). pp. 118. ISSN: 1569-9056

Journal article

Wild, PJ., Catto, JW., Abbod, MF., Linkens, DA., Herr, A., Pilarsky, C., et al. (2007) 'Artificial intelligence and bladder cancer arrays'. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie, 91. pp. 308 - 319. ISSN: 0070-4113

Journal article

Xu, HM., Myszynski, ML., Megaritis, A., Yap, D., Wilson, T., Qiao, J., et al. (2007) 'Research on expansion of operating windows of controlled homogeneous auto-ignition engines'. International Journal of Engine Research, 8 (1). pp. 29 - 40. ISSN: 1468-0874

Journal article

Abu-Jrai, A., Tsolakis, A. and Megaritis, A. (2007) 'The influence of H2 and CO on diesel engine combustion characteristics, exhaust gas emissions, and after treatment selective catalytic NOx reduction'. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (15). pp. 3565 - 3571. ISSN: 0360-3199

Journal article

Tabatabai, F. and Al-Raweshidy, HS. (2007) 'Feedforward linearization technique for reducing nonlinearity in semiconductor optical amplifier'. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 25 (9). pp. 2667 - 2674. ISSN: 0733-8724

Journal article

Das, S., Abbod, MF., Zhu, Q., Palmiere, EJ., Howard, IC. and Linkens, DA. (2007) 'A combined neuro fuzzy-cellular automata based material model for finite element simulation of plane strain compression'. Computational Materials Science, 40 (3). pp. 366 - 375. ISSN: 0927-0256 Open Access Link

Journal article

Elwakil, ES. and Darwish, MK. (2007) 'Critical review of converter topologies for switched reluctance motor drives'. International Review of Electrical Engineering, 2 (1). pp. 50 - 58. ISSN: 1827-6660 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hobson, PR., Frizziero, E., Huang, C., Irving, MR., Kalganova, T., Kyberd, P., et al. (2007) 'Grid computing technologies for renewable electricity generator monitoring and control'.OCEANS 2007 - Europe. IEEE. IEEE. pp. 1 - 4.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Abbod, MF., Catto, JW., Linkens, DA. and Hamdy, FC. (2007) 'Application of artificial intelligence to the management of urological cancer'. The Journal of Urology, 178 (4 Pt 1). pp. 1150 - 1156. ISSN: 0022-5347

Journal article

Westgarth-Smith, AR., Leroy, SAG., Collins, PEF. and Harrington, R. (2007) 'Temporal variations in English populations of a forest insect pest, the green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum), associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation and global warming'. Quaternary International, 173-174 (SUPPL.). pp. 153 - 160. ISSN: 1040-6182 Open Access Link

Journal article

Bougie, B., Ganippa, LC., van Vliet, AP., Meerts, WL., Dam, NJ. and ter Meulen, JJ. (2007) 'Soot particulate size characterization in a heavy-duty diesel engine for different engine loads by laser-induced incandescence'. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31 (1). pp. 685 - 691. ISSN: 1540-7489

Journal article

Sison, K., Ladommatos, N., Song, HW. and Zhao, H. (2007) 'Soot generation of diesel fuels with substantial amounts of oxygen-bearing compounds added'. Fuel, 86 (3). pp. 345 - 352. ISSN: 0016-2361

Journal article

Cooke, R., Cripps, A., Irwin, A. and Kolokotroni, M. (2007) 'Alternative energy technologies in buildings: stakeholder perceptions'. Renewable Energy, 32 (14). pp. 2320 - 2333. ISSN: 0960-1481

Journal article

Pepona, E., Paoletti, S., Garulli, A. and Date, P. (2007) 'An iterative procedure for piecewise affine identification of nonlinear interconnected systems'.46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. New Orleans, LA. IEEE. pp. 5098 - 5103. ISSN: 0743-1546

Conference paper

Zobaa, AF., Freitas, W. and McConnach, JS. (2007) 'International Journal of Global Energy Issues: Editorial'. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 27 (3). pp. 251 - 252. ISSN: 0954-7118

Journal article

Freitas, W., Asada, EN., Zobaa, AF. and McConnach, JS. (2007) 'Policy and economic issues of electrical power and energy systems'. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 27 (3). pp. 253 - 261. ISSN: 0954-7118

Journal article

Al-Khwildi, AN., Khan, S., Loo, KK. and Al-Raweshidy, HS. (2007) 'On-demand link weight routing protocol with cross-layer communication'.18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication. Athens, GREECE. IEEE. pp. 904 - 908.

Conference paper

Romero, R., Zobaa, AF., Asada, EN. and Freitas, W. (2007) 'Mathematical optimisation techniques applied to power system operation and planning'. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 5 (4). pp. 393 - 403. ISSN: 1472-8923

Journal article

Zobaa, AF. and Jovanovic, M. (2007) 'A comprehensive overview on reactive power compensation technologies for wind power applications'.12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006. EPE-PEMC 2006. Portoroz, Slovenia. IEEE. pp. 1848 - 1852.

Conference paper

Jouhara, H. and Axcell, BP. (2007) 'An Experimental Study of Wickless Miniature Heat Pipes operating in the Range of 200 �C to 450 �C'.11 th UK National Heat Transfer Conference.  [unpublished]

Conference paper

Hapuarachchi, TD., Ren, G., Fan, M., Hogg, PJ. and Peijs, T. (2007) 'Fire retardancy of natural fibre reinforced sheet moulding compound'. Applied Composite Materials, 14 (4). pp. 251 - 264. ISSN: 0929-189X

Journal article

Huo, Y., Tian, S. and Karayiannis, TG. (2007) 'R134a flow boiling heat transfer in small diameter tubes', in Sunden, B. and Shah, RK. (eds.) Advances in Compact Heat Exchangers. RT Edwards Inc.. pp. 95 - 111. ISBN 10: 1930217161. ISBN 13: 9781930217164. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Tsolakis, A., Megaritis, A., Wyszynski, ML. and Theinnoi, K. (2007) 'Engine performance and emissions of a diesel engine operating on diesel-RME (rapeseed methyl ester) blends with EGR (exhaust gas recirculation)'. Energy, 32 (11). pp. 2072 - 2080. ISSN: 0360-5442

Journal article

Yates, DR., Rehman, I., Abbod, MF., Meuth, M., Cross, SS., Linkens, DA., et al. (2007) 'Promoter hypermethylation identifies progression risk in bladder cancer'. Clinical Cancer Research, 13 (7). pp. 2046 - 2053. ISSN: 1078-0432

Journal article

Sum-Im, T., Taylor, GA., Irving, MR. and Song, YH. (2007) 'A differential evolution algorithm for multistage transmission expansion planning'.42nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference. Brighton, ENGLAND. IEEE. pp. 357 - 364.

Conference paper

Yoo, Y., Tuck, M., Kondakindi, R., Seo, C-Y., Dehouche, Z. and Belkacemi, K. (2007) 'Enhanced hydrogen reaction kinetics of nanostructured Mg-based composites with nanoparticle metal catalysts dispersed on supports'. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 446-447. pp. 84 - 89. ISSN: 0925-8388

Journal article

Mamon, RS. and Date, P. (2007) 'Editorial - special issue in financial mathematics'. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 18 (4). pp. 313 - 314. ISSN: 1471-6798

Journal article

Yoo, Y., Tuck, M., Kondakindi, R., Seo, CY., Dehouche, Z. and Belkacemi, K. (2007) 'Enhanced hydrogen reaction kinetics of nanostructured Mg-based composites with nanoparticle metal catalysts dispersed on supports'.10th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems, Fundamentals and Applications. Maui, Hawaii, US. Elsevier BV. pp. 84 - 89. ISSN: 0925-8388

Conference paper

Abbod, MF., Sellars, CM., Cizek, P., Linkens, DA. and Mahfouf, M. (2007) 'Modelling the flow behaviour, recrystallisation and crystallographic texture in hot deformed Fe-30 wt pct Ni austenite'. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 38 (10). pp. 2400 - 2409. ISSN: 1073-5623 Open Access Link

Journal article

Tassou, SA., Chaer, I., Sugiartha, N., Ge, YT. and Marriott, D. (2007) 'Application of trigeneration systems to the food retail industry'. Energy Conversion and Management, 48 (11). pp. 2988 - 2995. ISSN: 0196-8904

Journal article

Megaritis, A., Yap, D. and Wyszynski, ML. (2007) 'Effect of water blending on bioethanol HCCI combustion with forced induction and residual gas trapping'. Energy, 32 (12). pp. 2396 - 2400. ISSN: 0360-5442

Journal article

Kolokotroni, M., Zhang, Y. and Watkins, R. (2007) 'The London heat island and building cooling design'. Solar Energy, 81 (1). pp. 102 - 110. ISSN: 0038-092X

Journal article

Jiang, X., Zhao, H. and Luo, KH. (2007) 'Direct computation of perturbed impinging hot jets'. Computers and Fluids, 36 (2). pp. 259 - 272. ISSN: 0045-7930

Journal article

Hawkes, R. and Date, P. (2007) 'Medium term horizon volatility forecasting: a comparitive study'. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 23 (6). pp. 465 - 481. ISSN: 1524-1904

Journal article

Leach, B., Zhao, H., Li, Y. and Ma, T. (2007) 'Two-phase, fuel distribution measurements in a gasoline direct injection engine with an air-assisted injector using advanced optical diagnostics'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 221 (6). pp. 663 - 673. ISSN: 0954-4070

Journal article

Wild, PJ., Catto, JWF., Abbod, MF., Linkens, DA., Herr, A., Pilarsky, C., et al. (2007) 'Improving gene array analysis: the application of artificial intelligence identifies novel biomarkers of non invasive papillary bladder cancer progression'. Pathology - Research and Practice, 203 (5). pp. 278 - 279. ISSN: 0344-0338

Journal article

Jiang, X., Zhao, H. and Luo, KH. (2007) 'Direct numerical simulation of a non-premixed impinging jet flame'. Journal of Heat Transfer, 129 (8). pp. 951 - 957. ISSN: 0022-1481

Journal article

Date, P., Mamon, R. and Wang, IC. (2007) 'Valuation of cash flows under random rates of interest: a linear algebraic approach'. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 41 (1). pp. 84 - 95. ISSN: 0167-6687 Open Access Link

Journal article

Pegg, IM., Cripps, A. and Kolokotroni, M. (2007) 'Post-occupancy performance of five low-energy schools in the UK'. ASHRAE Transactions, 113 (2). pp. 3 - 13. ISSN: 0001-2505

Journal article

Valentino, M., Jiang, X. and Zhao, H. (2007) 'A comparative RANS/LES study of transient gas jets and sprays under diesel conditions'. Atomization and Sprays, 17 (5). pp. 451 - 472. ISSN: 1044-5110

Journal article

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