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Westgarth-Smith, AR., Leroy, SAG. and Collins, PEF. (2005) 'The North Atlantic Oscillation and UK butterfly populations'. Biologist, 52 (5). pp. 273 - 276. ISSN: 0006-3347 Open Access Link

Journal article

Yap, D., Megaritis, A., Wyszynski, ML. and Xu, H. (2005) 'Effect of inlet valve timing on boosted gasoline HCCI with residual gas trapping'. SAE Technical Papers. ISSN: 0148-7191

Journal article

Xu, H., Liu, M., Gharahbaghi, S., Richardson, S., Wyszynski, M. and Megaritis, T. (2005) 'Modelling of HCCI engines: Comparison of single-zone, multi-zone and test data'. SAE Technical Papers. ISSN: 0148-7191

Journal article

Bougie, B., Ganippa, LC., van Vliet, AP., Dam, NJ., Meerts, WL. and ter Meulen, JJ. (2005) 'Soot particulate size measurements in a heavy-duty diesel engine'."Combura symposium", STW conference of the Dutch section of the combustion institute. Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. [unpublished]

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Ahmad, Z., Worrall, S., Sadka, AH. and Kondoz, AM. (2005) 'A novel compression scheme for MPEG-4 headers for visual communication'.IEE International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2005). IEE. pp. 309 - 314. ISSN: 0537-9989

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Wang, X., Kodikara, C., Sadka, AH. and Kondoz, AM. (2005) 'Robust GOB intra refresh scheme for H.264/AVC video over UMTS'.6th IEE International Conference on 3G and Beyond (05/11182). IEE. pp. 55 - 58. ISSN: 0537-9989

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Wissink, JG., Rodi, W. and Hodson, HP. (2005) 'The influence of disturbances carried by periodically incoming wakes on boundary layer separation along the suction side of a turbine blade'. 4th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena. pp. 1195 - 1200.

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Bellas, I. and Tassou, SA. (2005) 'Present and future applications of ice slurries'. International Journal of Refrigeration, 28 (1). pp. 115 - 121. ISSN: 0140-7007

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Grace, IN., Datta, D. and Tassou, SA. (2005) 'Sensitivity of refrigeration system performance to charge levels and parameters for on-line leak detection'. Applied Thermal Engineering, 25 (4). pp. 557 - 566. ISSN: 1359-4311

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Tassou, SA. and Bansal, PK. (2005) 'Special issue on new developments in refrigeration systems'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 219 (2). pp. i - iii. ISSN: 0954-4089

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Nigim, KA., Zobaa, AF. and El-Amin, I. (2005) 'An introduction to reactive power compensation for wind farms'. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 3 (3). pp. 185 - 195. ISSN: 1472-8923

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Zobaa, AF. (2005) 'Cost-effective applications of power factor correction for nonlinear loads'. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 20 (1). pp. 359 - 365. ISSN: 0885-8977 Open Access Link

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Mihailescu, P., Lee, H. and Shepehrdson, J. (2005) 'Optimising the performance of J2ME mobile applications'. WSEAS Transaction Journal on Systems, 4 (11). pp. 1891 - 1898. ISSN: 1109-2777

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Shepehrdson, J., Lee, H. and Mihailescu, P. (2005) 'Evaluation of multi-agent platforms as an enabler of enterprise mobilisation'. WSEAS Transaction Journal on Systems, 4 (11). pp. 1899 - 1905. ISSN: 1109-2777

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Wang, F., Maidment, GG., Missenden, JF., Karayiannis, TG. and Bailey, C. (2005) 'Innovations in food display cabinets'. Proceedings of the Institute of Refrigeration.

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Yap, D., Karlovsky, J., Megaritis, A., Wyszynski, ML. and Xu, H. (2005) 'An investigation into propane homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine operation with residual gas trapping'. Fuel, 84 (18). pp. 2372 - 2379. ISSN: 0016-2361

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Tsolakis, A., Megaritis, A., Yap, D. and Abu-Jrai, A. (2005) 'Combustion characteristics and exhaust gas emissions of a diesel engine supplied with reformed EGR'. SAE Technical Papers. ISSN: 0148-7191

Journal article

Yap, D., Wyszynski, ML., Megaritis, A. and Xu, H. (2005) 'Applying boosting to gasoline HCCI operation with residual gas trapping'. SAE Technical Papers. ISSN: 0148-7191

Journal article

He, BQ., Xie, H., Zhang, Y., Qin, J. and Zhao, H. (2005) 'An experimental study on HCCI combustion in a four-stroke gasoline engine with reduced valve lift operations'.Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

Conference paper

Standing, R., Kalian, N., Ma, T., Zhao, H., Wirth, M. and Schamel, A. (2005) 'Effects of injection timing and valve timings on CAI operation in a multi-cylinder di gasoline engine'.SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

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Zhang, XY., Su, WH., Pei, YQ., Zhao, CP., Lin, TJ. and Zhao, H. (2005) 'CFD study of mixing enhancement by a bump ring in a combustion chamber'. Neiranji Xuebao/Transactions of CSICE (Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines), 23 (1). pp. 1 - 9. ISSN: 1000-0909

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Miliarakis, A., Al Raweshidy, H. and Stratakis, M. (2005) 'Lobi-x: Location-based, bi-directional, information exchange, over wireless networks'.The First International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management. Delft, Netherlands. Geo-information for Disaster Management. pp. 1173 - 1181.

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Phillips, P. and Louvieris, P. (2005) 'Performance measurement systems in tourism, hospitality, and leisure small medium-sized enterprises: A balanced scorecard perspective'. Journal of Travel Research, 44 (2). pp. 201 - 211. ISSN: 0047-2875

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Qin, J., Xie, H., Zhang, Y. and Zhao, H. (2005) 'A combustion heat release correlation for CAI combustion simulation in 4-stroke gasoline engines'.SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

Conference paper

Wilson, T., Haste, M., Xu, H., Richardson, S., Yap, D. and Megaritis, T. (2005) 'In-cylinder flow with negative valve overlapping - Characterised by PIV measurement'. SAE Technical Papers. ISSN: 0148-7191

Journal article

Xie, H., Yang, L., Qin, J., Gao, R., Zhu, HG., He, BQ. and et al. (2005) 'The effect of spark ignition on the CAI combustion operation'.Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

Conference paper

Bhave, A., Kraft, M., Mauss, F., Oakley, A. and Zhao, H. (2005) 'Evaluating the EGR-AFR operating range of a HCCI engine'.SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

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Osborne, RJ., Stokes, J., Lake, TH., Carden, PJ., Mullineux, JD., Helle-Lorentzen, R., et al. (2005) 'Development of a two-stroke/four-stroke switching gasoline engine - The 2/4SIGHT concept'.SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

Conference paper

Kalian, N., Standing, R. and Zhao, H. (2005) 'Effects of ignition timing on CAI combustion in a multi-cylinder di gasoline engine'.Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

Conference paper

Cao, L., Zhao, H., Jiang, X. and Kalian, N. (2005) 'Numerical study of effects of fuel injection timings on CAI/HCCI combustion in a four-stroke GDI engine'.SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

Conference paper

Gill, K., Marriner, C., Sison, K. and Zhao, H. (2005) 'In-cylinder studies of multiple diesel fuel injection in a single cylinder optical engine'.SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

Conference paper

Kodikara, C., Worrall, S., Sadka, AH. and Kondoz, A. (2005) 'Robust real time video communications over UTRAN by joint link and system level adapative radio resource allocation'. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 121 (5). pp. 1231 - 1243. ISSN: 1558-2205

Journal article

Leach, B., Zhao, H., Li, Y. and Ma, T. (2005) 'Control of CAI combustion through injection timing in a gdi engine with an air-assisted injector'.SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition. SAE International. ISSN: 0148-7191

Conference paper

Zhong, S., Wyszynski, ML., Megaritis, A., Yap, D. and Xu, H. (2005) 'Experimental investigation into HCCI combustion using gasoline and diesel blended fuels'. SAE Technical Papers. ISSN: 0148-7191

Journal article

Li, Y., Zhao, H., Leach, B. and Ma, T. (2004) 'Flow optimization and fuel stratification for the stratified fuel spark ignition engine'. International Journal of Engine Research, 5 (5). pp. 401 - 423. ISSN: 1468-0874

Journal article

Sivarajah, K. and Al-Raweshidy, H. (2004) 'Ongoing channel selection reassignment scheme for fast dynamic channel allocation in a UTRA-TDD system'. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 59 (4). pp. 2414 - 2418. ISSN: 1550-2252

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Louvieris, P. and Oppewal, H. (2004) 'Channel benefits portfolio management in the eBusiness era'. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 7 (4). pp. 257 - 264. ISSN: 1352-2752

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Wissink, JG. (2004) 'Separating, transitional flow affected by various inflow oscillation regimes'. ANZIAM Journal, 46 (5 ELECTRONIC SUPPL.). ISSN: 1446-1811

Journal article

Xie, H., Qin, J., Zhang, Y., Zhu, HG. and Zhao, H. (2004) 'Combustion correlation for CAI combustion and its application to CAI engine simulation'. Ranshao Kexue Yu Jishu/Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 511 - 515. ISSN: 1006-8740

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Bie, ZH., Song, YH., Wang, XF., Taylor, GA. and Irving, MR. (2004) 'A transition-optimized approach to reactive power and voltage control'.IEEE-Power-Engineering-Society General Meeting. Denver, CO. 1 - 10 June. IEEE. pp. 226 - 232.

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Louvieris, P., Powell-Perry, J. and Beynon-Davies, P. (2004) 'A/B Dashboard: The case for a virtual information systems development environment to support a RAD project'. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 4189 - 4198. ISSN: 1060-3425

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Zhao, X., Collins, MW., Karayiannis, TG. and Atherton, M. (2004) 'An iterative coupling approach for the combined fluid flow and structure analysis'.22nd CAD-FEM Users' Meeting, International Congress on FEM Technology with ANSYS CFX & ICEM CFD Conference. Dresden, Germany. 10 - 12 November. [unpublished]

Conference paper

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