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Lee, H., Mihailescu, P. and Shepherdson, J. (2004) 'Multi-agent technology as an enabler of computer supported cooperative work for the mobile workforce'. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 183 - 198. ISSN: 0302-9743

Conference paper

Su, W., Zhang, X., Lin, T., Pei, Y. and Zhao, H. (2004) 'Study of pulse spray, heat release, emissions and efficiencies in a compound diesel HCCI combustion engine'.ASME 2004 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. ASMEDC. pp. 389 - 398.

Conference paper

Su, W., Zhang, X., Lin, T., Pei, Y. and Zhao, H. (2004) 'STUDY OF PULSE SPRAY, HEAT RELEASE, EMISSIONS AND EFFICIENCIES IN A COMPOUND DIESEL HCCI COMBUSTION ENGINE'. ASME 2004 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, ICEF 2004. pp. 389 - 398.

Conference paper

Zhao, H. (2003) 'Optical diagnostics for internal combustion engines'. Institute of Physics Conference Series. pp. 63. ISSN: 0951-3248

Conference paper

Peng, Z., Zhao, H. and Ladommatos, N. (2003) 'Visualization of the homogeneous charge compression ignition/controlled autoignition combustion process using two-dimensional planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging of formaldehyde'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 217 (12). pp. 1125 - 1134. ISSN: 0954-4070 Open Access Link

Journal article

Berg, EV., Edelbauer, W., Tatschl, R., Alajbegovic, A., Volmajer, M., Kegl, B. and et al. (2003) 'Validation of a CFD model for coupled simulation of nozzle flow, primary fuel jet break-up and spray formation'.ASME 2003 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference. ASMEDC. pp. 171 - 180. ISSN: 1066-5048

Conference paper

Ganippa, LC. (2003) 'Atomisation and Combustion Studies of Diesel Sprays'. Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola. ISSN: 0346-718X

Journal article

Fisekis, K., Davies, M., Kolokotroni, M. and Langford, P. (2003) 'Prediction of discomfort glare from windows'. Lighting Research and Technology, 35 (4). pp. 360 - 369. ISSN: 1477-1535

Journal article

Wilson, MP., Fisekis, K., Davies, M., Kolokotroni, M. and Langford, P. (2003) 'Comment 2 on 'Prediction of discomfort glare from windows' by K Fisekis, M Davies, M Kolokotroni and P Langford'. Lighting Research and Technology, 35 (4). pp. 370 - 371. ISSN: 1477-1535

Journal article

Osterhaus, WKE., Fisekis, K., Davies, M., Kolokotroni, M. and Langford, P. (2003) 'Comment 1 on 'Prediction of discomfort glare from windows' by K Fisekis, M Davies, M Kolokotroni and P Langford'. Lighting Research and Technology, 35 (4). pp. 369. ISSN: 1477-1535

Journal article

Hu, M., Worrall, S., Sadka, AH. and Kondoz, A. (2003) 'A novel chin detection method for 2D scalable model-based video coding'. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 43 (19). pp. 123 - 135.

Journal article

Lee, H., Ahn, HJ. and Park, SJ. (2003) 'A flexible agent system for change adaptation in supply chains'. Expert Systems with Applications, 25 (4). pp. 603 - 618. ISSN: 0957-4174

Journal article

Aziz, MMA., Abou El-Zahab, EED., Ibrahim, AM. and Zobaa, AF. (2003) 'Effect of connecting shunt capacitor on nonlinear load terminals'. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 18 (4). pp. 1450 - 1454. ISSN: 0885-8977 Open Access Link

Journal article

Zobaa, AF. (2003) 'Capacitive compensation at nonsinsoidal buses based on IEEE Std. 18-1992'. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 18 (4). pp. 1562 - 1563. ISSN: 0885-8977 Open Access Link

Journal article

Aziz, MMA., El-Zahab, EEA. and Zobaa, AF. (2003) 'Power factor and your electrical utility bill in Egypt'. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 18 (4). pp. 1567 - 1568. ISSN: 0885-8977 Open Access Link

Journal article

Shepherdson, JW., Lee, H. and Mihailescu, P. (2003) 'mPower — a component-based development framework for multi-agent systems to support business processes'. BT Technology Journal, 21 (4). pp. 92 - 103. ISSN: 1358-3948 Open Access Link

Journal article

Chomiak, J., Ganippa, LC. and Tao, F. (2003) 'EGR effects on soot concentration in Diesel flames'.18th International Symposium on Combustion Process. Ustron, Poland. 2 - 5 September. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Ampofo, F. and Karayiannis, TG. (2003) 'Experimental benchmark data for turbulent natural convection in an air filled square cavity'. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46 (19). pp. 3551 - 3572. ISSN: 0017-9310

Journal article

Wilkin, P. (2003) 'Revising the democratic revolution: Into the Americas'. Third World Quarterly, 24 (4). pp. 655 - 669. ISSN: 0143-6597

Journal article

Sellars, CM., Abbod, MF., Zhu, Q. and Linkens, DA. (2003) 'Hybrid modelling methodology applied to microstructural evolution during hot deformation of aluminium alloys'.4th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials. UNIV CARLOS III MADRID, MADRID, SPAIN. 7 - 11 July. TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD. pp. 27 - 34. ISSN: 0255-5476 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Berger, M., Bouzid, M., Buckland, M., Lee, H., Lhuillier, N., Olpp, D., et al. (2003) 'An approach to agent-based service composition and its application to mobile business processes'. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2 (3). pp. 197 - 206. ISSN: 1536-1233 Open Access Link

Journal article

Ehleskog, R., Ganippa, LC., Magnusson, A. and Andersson, S. (2003) 'Multiple Diesel Injection: Fuel Flow and Penetration Measurement'.Fourth International Symposium on Towards Clean Diesel Engines. Mierlo, The Netherlands. 5 - 6 June. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Li, M., van Santen, P., Walker, DW., Rana, OF. and Baker, MA. (2003) 'PortalLab: a web services toolkit for building semantic grid portals'.3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2003). Tokyo, Japan. 12 - 15 May. IEEE. pp. 190 - 197.

Conference paper

Aziz, MAA., Abou El-Zahab, EE. and Zobaa, AF. (2003) 'LC compensators based on cost minimization for nonlinear loads'.2003 Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering. Montreal, Que., Canada. 7 - 9 May. IEEE. pp. 143 - 147.

Conference paper

Zobaa, AF. and El-Din, EMT. (2003) 'Power factor optimization based on manufacturers standards of the capacitors for nonlinear loads'.2003 Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering. Montreal, Que., Canada. 7 - 9 May. IEEE. pp. 138 - 142.

Conference paper

Li, M. and Istepanian, RSH. (2003) '3G network oriented mobile agents for intelligent diabetes management: a conceptual model'.4th International IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2003). Birmingham, UK. 24 - 26 April. IEEE. pp. 31 - 34. ISSN: 1049-3565

Conference paper

Sheng, Y., Sadka, AH. and Kondoz, AM. (2003) 'Fast and automatic facial feature extraction for 3-D model-based video coding'.4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. London, UK. 9 - 11 April. WORLD SCIENTIFIC. pp. 387 - 390.

Conference paper

Abbod, MF., Zhu, Q., Linkens, DA., Sellars, CM. and Mahfouf, M. (2003) 'Construction and validation of complex hybrid neuro-fuzzy models for Al-Mg materials properties prediction'.IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing. UNIV ALGARVE, FARO, PORTUGAL. 8 - 11 April. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. pp. 267 - 272.

Conference paper

Lee, J., Lee, J. and Lee, H. (2003) 'Exploration and exploitation in the presence of network externalities'. Management Science, 49 (4). pp. 553 - 570. ISSN: 1526-5501 Open Access Link

Journal article

Michelassi, V., Wissink, JG. and Rodi, W. (2003) 'Direct numerical simulation, large eddy simulation and unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations of periodic unsteady flow in a low-pressure turbine cascade: a comparison'. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART A-JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY, 217 (A4). pp. 403 - 411. ISSN: 0957-6509

Journal article

Mansouri, SA., Moattar-Husseini, SM. and Zegordi, SH. (2003) 'A genetic algorithm for multiple objective dealing with exceptional elements in cellular manufacturing'. Production Planning and Control, 14 (5). pp. 437 - 446. ISSN: 0953-7287

Journal article

Li, M., Walker, DW., Rana, OF., Huang, Y., Williams, PT. and Ward, RC. (2003) 'Engineering high-performance legacy codes as CORBA components for problem-solving environments'. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 63 (11). pp. 1152 - 1163. ISSN: 0743-7315 Open Access Link

Journal article

Zhu, Q., Abbod, MF., Talamantes-Silva, J., Sellars, CM., Linkens, DA. and Beynon, JH. (2003) 'Hybrid modelling of aluminium-magnesium alloys during thermomechanical processing in terms of physically-based, neuro-fuzzy and finite elements models'. Acta Materialia, 51 (17). pp. 5051 - 5062. ISSN: 1359-6454

Journal article

Hu, Z., Wang, X., Chen, H. and Taylor, GA. (2003) 'Volt/VAr control in distribution systems using a time-interval based approach'. IEE Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 150 (5). pp. 548 - 554. ISSN: 1350-2360

Journal article

Florides, GA., Kalogirou, SA., Tassou, SA. and Wrobel, LC. (2003) 'Design and construction of a LiBr-water absorption machine'. Energy Conversion and Management, 44 (15). pp. 2483 - 2508. ISSN: 0196-8904

Journal article

Mahfouf, M., Abbod, MF. and Linkens, DA. (2003) 'Online elicitation of Mamdani-type fuzzy rules via TSK-based generalized predictive control'. IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, 33 (3). pp. 465 - 475. ISSN: 1083-4419

Journal article

Catto, JWF., Linkens, DA., Abbod, MF., hen, MF., Meuth, M. and Hamdy, FC. (2003) 'The application of artificial intelligence in predicting the outcome of bladder cancer: a comparison of neuro-fuzzy modelling and artifical neural networks'. European Urology Supplements, 2 (1). pp. 66.

Journal article

Michelassi, V., Wissink, J. and Rodi, W. (2003) 'The effect of impinging wakes on the boundary layer of a thin-shaped turbine blade', in Krause, E., Jäger, W. and Resch, M. (eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '03. Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag. pp. 303 - 314. ISBN 10: 3-540-40850-9.

Book chapter

Tsolakis, A., Megaritis, A. and Wyszynski, ML. (2003) 'Application of exhaust gas fuel reforming in compression ignition engines fueled by diesel and biodiesel fuel mixtures'. Energy and Fuels, 17 (6). pp. 1464 - 1473. ISSN: 0887-0624

Journal article

Dehouche, Z., Goyette, J., Bose, TK. and Schulz, R. (2003) 'Moisture effect on hydrogen storage properties of nanostructured MgH2-V-Ti composite'. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 28 (9). pp. 983 - 988. ISSN: 0360-3199

Journal article

Michelassi, V., Wissink, J. and Rodi, W. (2003) 'LES of flow in a low pressure turbine with incoming wakes', in Krause, E. and Jäger, W. (eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '02. Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag. pp. 335 - 346. ISBN 10: 3-540-43860-2.

Book chapter

Ganippa, LC., Andersson, S., Chomiak, J. and Matsson, A. (2003) 'Combustion characteristics of diesel sprays from equivalent nozzles with sharp and rounded inlet geometries'. Combustion Science and Technology, 175 (6). pp. 1015 - 1032. ISSN: 0010-2202

Journal article

Michelassi, V., Wissink, JG., Fröhlich, J. and Rodi, W. (2003) 'Large-eddy simulation of flow around low-pressure turbine blade with incoming wakes'. AIAA Journal, 41 (11). pp. 2143 - 2156. ISSN: 0001-1452

Journal article

Taylor, GA., Bailey, C. and Cross, M. (2003) 'A vertex-based finite volume method applied to non-linear material problems in computational solid mechanics'. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 56 (4). pp. 507 - 529. ISSN: 0029-5981 Open Access Link

Journal article

Li, M. and Qi, M. (2003) 'MAPBOT: A Web based Map Information Retrieval System'. Information and Software Technology, 45 (10). pp. 691 - 698. ISSN: 0950-5849

Journal article

Taylor, GA., Phichaisawat, S., Irving, MR. and Song, Y-H. (2003) 'Ancilliary services II: voltage security and reactive power management', in Song, Y-H. and Wang, X-F. (eds.) Operation of Market-Oriented Power Systems. Springer. , XVIII. pp. 253 - 279. ISBN 13: 978-1-85233-670-7.

Book chapter

Wissink, JG. and Rodi, W. (2003) 'DNS of a laminar separation bubble in the presence of oscillating external flow'. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 71 (1-4). pp. 311 - 331. ISSN: 1386-6184

Journal article

Catto, JW., Linkens, DA., Abbod, MF., Chen, M., Burton, JL., Feeley, KM. and et al. (2003) 'Artificial intelligence in predicting bladder cancer outcome: a comparison of neuro-fuzzy modeling and artificial neural networks'. Clinical Cancer Research, 9 (11). pp. 4172 - 4177. ISSN: 1078-0432

Journal article

Wissink, JG. (2003) 'DNS of separating, low Reynolds number flow in a turbine cascade with incoming wakes'. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 24 (4). pp. 626 - 635. ISSN: 0142-727X

Journal article

Wissink, J. and Rodi, W. (2003) 'Direct numerical simulation of boundary layer separation along a curved wall with oscillating oncoming flow', in Wagner, S., Hanke, W., Bode, A. and Durst, F. (eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2002. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. pp. 113 - 123. ISBN 10: 3-540-00474-2.

Book chapter

Date, P. and Cantoni, M. (2003) 'A lower bound on achieved closed-loop performance based on finite data'.7th European Control Conference. Cambridge, UK. European Control Conference, ECC 2003. pp. 743 - 746.

Conference paper

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