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Chaiwatanasirikul, KA. and Sala, A. (2011) 'The tumour-suppressive function of CLU is explained by its localisation and interaction with HSP60'. Cell Death and Disease. ISSN: 2041-4889 Open Access Link

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Kanda, R. and Glendinning, R. (2011) 'Mass spectrometry for environmental and wastewater monitoring'. Spectroscopy Europe, 23 (5). ISSN: 0966-0941

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Ball, SJ., Maguire, M., Braun, A. and Hoskins, K. (2011) 'Policy subjects and policy actors in schools: some necessary but insufficient analyses'. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32 (4). pp. 611 - 624. ISSN: 0159-6306

Journal article

Ball, SJ., Maguire, M., Braun, A. and Hoskins, K. (2011) 'Policy actors: doing policy work in schools'. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32 (4). pp. 625 - 639. ISSN: 0159-6306

Journal article

Braun, A., Ball, SJ., Maguire, M. and Hoskins, K. (2011) 'Taking context seriously: towards explaining policy enactments in the secondary school'. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32 (4). pp. 585 - 596. ISSN: 0159-6306

Journal article

Maguire, M., Hoskins, K., Ball, S. and Braun, A. (2011) 'Policy discourses in school texts'. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32 (4). pp. 597 - 609. ISSN: 0159-6306

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Xiang, Q., Zhang, H., Xu, J., Liu, X. and Rittle, LJ. (2011) 'When In-Network Processing Meets Time: Complexity and Effects of Joint Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks'. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 10 (10). pp. 1488 - 1502. ISSN: 1536-1233

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Chowdhury, J., Merrell, J., Bogin, B., Meier, P., Heinrich, M., Garaj, V., et al. (2011) 'Using Participatory Approaches to Enhance the Participation of Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in Research'.The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Festival of Social Science 2011: Practicing Community-engaged Research in Wales Event. Cardiff, Wales, UK.

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Lockyer, S. (2011) 'From toothpick legs to dropping vaginas: Gender and sexuality in Joan Rivers' stand-up comedy performance'. Comedy Studies, 2 (2). pp. 113 - 123. ISSN: 2040-610X Open Access Link

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Wong, MM., Wong, MLD., Hijazin, I. and Nandi, AK. (2011) 'Composite field GF(((22)2)2) AES S-Box with direct computation in GF(24) inversion'. 2011 7th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia: Emerging Convergences and Singularity of Forms - Proceedings of CITA'11. pp. 1 - 6.

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Al-Hamzawi, R., Yu, K. and Pan, J. (2011) 'Prior elicitation in Bayesian quantile regression for longitudinal data'. Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics, 2 (03). ISSN: 2155-6180 Open Access Link

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Shen, B., Wang, Z., Shu, H. and Wei, G. (2011) 'H filtering for uncertain time-varying systems with multiple randomly occurred nonlinearities and successive packet dropouts'. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 21 (14). pp. 1693 - 1709. ISSN: 1049-8923

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Pavlidis, SP., Payne, AM. and Swift, SM. (2011) 'Multi-membership gene regulation in pathway based microarray analysis'. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 6 (1). pp. 22. ISSN: 1748-7188 Open Access Link

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Wainwright, E., Marandet, E. and Rizvi, S. (2011) 'The Means of Correct Training: Embodied Regulation in Training for Body Work among Mothers'. . pp. 50 - 66.

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Arbenz, L., Bridger, JM., Foster, HA., Van der Heuvel, R., Han, T., Sutherland, IA. and et al. (2011) 'Stem cell separations and countercurrent chromatography'. [Poster] Exhibited at. 16th International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification (BPP2011), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 18 9 2011


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Giltrow, E., Eccles, PD., Hutchinson, TH., Sumpter, JP. and Rand-Weaver, M. (2011) 'Characterisation and expression of β1-, β2- and β3-adrenergic receptors in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)'. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 173 (3). pp. 483 - 490. ISSN: 0016-6480 Open Access Link

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Zhu, Z., Aslam, MW. and Nandi, AK. (2011) 'Support vector machine assisted genetic programming for MQAM classification'.2011 10th International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS). Iasi, ROMANIA. 15 - 1 July. IEEE. pp. 51 - 56.

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Spinelli, G. and Sharma, B. (2011) 'Intelligence Management and Complexities: A Case Study Approach'.9th ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Facing Complexity. Alghero, Italy. 13 - 16 September. ACM. pp. 21 - 26.

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Abdollahi, SR., Al-Raweshidy, HS., Nilavalan, R. and Ahmadinia, A. (2011) 'An integrated transportation system for baseband data, digital and analogue radio signals over fibre network'.2011 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011). Istanbul, TURKEY. 12 - 8 July. IEEE. pp. 2003 - 2008. ISSN: 2376-6492

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Al-Rubaye, S., Al-Dulaimi, A. and Cosmas, J. (2011) 'Pilot power optimization for autonomous femtocell networks'. 2011 Wireless Advanced, WiAd 2011. pp. 170 - 175.

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Al-Dulaimi, A., Al-Rubaye, S. and Cosmas, J. (2011) 'Adaptive congestion control for mobility in cognitive radio networks'. 2011 Wireless Advanced, WiAd 2011. pp. 273 - 277.

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Ignatova, S., Sumner, N., Colclough, N. and Sutherland, I. (2011) 'Gradient elution in counter-current chromatography: A new layout for an old path'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (36). pp. 6053 - 6060. ISSN: 0021-9673

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Van den Heuvel, RNAM. and König, CS. (2011) 'Improved g-level calculations for coil planet centrifuges'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (36). pp. 6038 - 6043. ISSN: 0021-9673

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Sutherland, I., Ignatova, S., Hewitson, P., Janaway, L., Wood, P., Edwards, N., et al. (2011) 'Scalable technology for the extraction of pharmaceutics (STEP): The transition from academic knowhow to industrial reality'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (36). pp. 6114 - 6121. ISSN: 1873-3778

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Ignatova, S., Hewitson, P., Mathews, B. and Sutherland, I. (2011) 'Evaluation of dual flow counter-current chromatography and intermittent counter-current extraction'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (36). pp. 6102 - 6106. ISSN: 0021-9673

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Hewitson, P., Ignatova, S. and Sutherland, I. (2011) 'Intermittent counter-current extraction-Effect of the key operating parameters on selectivity and throughput'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (36). pp. 6072 - 6078. ISSN: 0021-9673

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Ceccon, S., Garway-Heath, D., Crabb, D. and Tucker, A. (2011) 'Ensembles of Bayesian network classifiers using glaucoma data and expertise'. Springer-Verlag. pp. 133 - 150. ISSN: 1860-949X

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Ignatova, SN. (2011) 'Role of countercurrent chromatography in modernisation of Chinese herbal medicines'.World Congress of Chinese Medicine (WCCM2011). London, UK. 2 - 3 September. [unpublished]

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Surajudeen-Bakinde, N., Zhu, X., Gao, J., Nandi, AK. and Lin, H. (2011) 'Genetic algorithm based frequency domain equalization for DS-UWB systems without guard interval'.ICC 2011 - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications. Kyoto, JAPAN. 2 - 9 June. IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 0536-1486

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Shen, B., Wang, Z., Liang, J. and Liu, Y. (2011) 'Recent advances on filtering and control for nonlinear stochastic complex systems with incomplete information: A survey'. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012 (1). ISSN: 1024-123X Open Access Link

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Feng, J., Wang, Z. and Zeng, M. (2011) 'Optimal robust non-fragile Kalman-type recursive filtering with finite-step autocorrelated noises and multiple packet dropouts'. Aerospace Science and Technology, 15 (6). pp. 486 - 494. ISSN: 1270-9638

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Merrell, J., Chowdhury, J., Molik, B., Bogin, B., Garaj, V., Heinrich, M., et al. (2011) 'Impact of Migration on Nutrition and Ageing: Experiences of Bangladeshi Women Living in Cardiff'.The Welsh Public Health Conference 2011: Fairer Health Outcomes for All.

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Tsuji, Y., Satake, K., Ishibe, T., Kusumoto, S., Harada, T., Nishiyama, A. and et al. (2011) 'Field surveys of tsunami heights from the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku, Japan Earthquake'. Bulletin of Earthquake Research Institute of University of Tokyo, 86. pp. 29 - 279.Open Access Link

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Birringer, J. (2011) 'Dancing in the Museum'. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, 33 (3). pp. 43 - 52. ISSN: 1520-281X

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Halliday, I., Atherton, M., Care, CM., Collins, MW., Evans, D., Evans, PC., et al. (2011) 'Multi-scale interaction of particulate flow and the artery wall'. Medical Engineering and Physics, 33 (7). pp. 840 - 848. ISSN: 1350-4533 Open Access Link

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Sutherland, IA., Hewitson, P. and De Folter, J. (2011) 'Toroidal coil chromatography: The effect of scale-up and "g" field on stage efficiency'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (36). pp. 6144 - 6147. ISSN: 1873-3778 Open Access Link

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Zeka, A., Jones, BJ. and Anopa, Y. (2011) 'Estimating personal exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollutants during school day in primary schools (Abstract)'.Abstract 01470. In: Abstracts of the 2011 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Research Triangle Park, NC:Environmental Health Perspectives. Barcelona, Spain. Environmental Health Perspectives.

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Wang, Z. and Niu, Y. (2011) 'Distributed estimation and filtering for sensor networks'. International Journal of Systems Science, 42 (9). pp. 1421 - 1425. ISSN: 0020-7721

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Shen, B., Wang, ZD. and Liu, XH. (2011) 'A stochastic sampled-data approach to distributed H-infinity filtering in sensor networks'. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers, 58 (9). pp. 2237 - 2246. ISSN: 1549-8328

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Hu, J., Wang, Z. and Gao, H. (2011) 'A delay fractioning approach to robust sliding mode control for discrete-time stochastic systems with randomly occurring non-linearities'. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 28 (3). pp. 345 - 363. ISSN: 0265-0754

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Birringer, J. (2011) 'Dance with Camera'. PAJ: a journal of performance and art. pp. 44 - 52. ISSN: 1537-9477

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Birringer, J. (2011) 'Move: Choreographing You'. PAJ: a journal of performance and art. pp. 44 - 52. ISSN: 1537-9477

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Koenig, CS. and Collins, MW. (2011) 'SPECIAL ISSUE Micro and Nano Flows 2009-Biomedical Stream'. MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS, 33 (7). pp. 799 - 799. ISSN: 0951-8320

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Hajdu, F., Ansell, N., Robson, E., Van Blerk, L. and Chipeta, L. (2011) 'Income-generating activities for young people in southern Africa: Exploring AIDS and other constraints'. Geographical Journal, 177 (3). pp. 251 - 263. ISSN: 0016-7398 Open Access Link

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Pontrelli, G., König, CS., Halliday, I., Spencer, TJ., Collins, MW., Long, Q. and et al. (2011) 'Modelling wall shear stress in small arteries using the Lattice Boltzmann method: Influence of the endothelial wall profile'. Med Eng Phys, 33 (7). pp. 832 - 839. ISSN: 1350-4533

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Green, D. and Wilson, PH. (2011) 'Validation of the Elements/RE-ACTION System for use with children: Evaluation of performance across developmental stages'.2011 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR). IEEE. pp. 1 - 7.

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Atwal, A., Spiliotopoulou, G. and Giles, A. (2011) 'Factors influence the quality of life of poliomyelitis survivors and those experiencing post-polio syndrome'.European Conference on Polio. Copenhagen, Denmark. 31 - 2 September. Journal of rehabilitation medicine.

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Nawaz, M., Cosmas, J., Adnan, A. and Ali, M. (2011) 'Inter-intra frame segmentation using colour and motion for region of interest coding of video'.2011 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE. pp. 1 - 4.

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Dias-da-Silva, D., Carmo, H. and Silva, E. (2011) 'Additive join effects between ecstasy and other amphetamine-type agents in primary cultured rat hepatocytes'.47th Congress of the European-Societies-of-Toxicology. Paris, FRANCE. 28 - 31 August. Elsevier. pp. S211 - S211. ISSN: 0378-4274

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