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Conference paper

Massoud, MA., El-Fadel, M., Scrimshaw, MD. and Lester, JN. (2005) 'Assessing spatial variation of contaminants using Arc GIS: the case of Abou Ali River in North Lebanon'.3rd International Conference on River Basin Management. Bologna, ITALY. 1 WIT PRESS. pp. 593 - 602. ISSN: 1746-448X

Conference paper

Troisi, G. and Rigos, G. (2005) 'Antibacterial agents in Mediterranean finfish farming: A synopsis of drug pharmacokinetics in important euryhaline fish species and possible environmental implications'. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 15 (1-2). pp. 53 - 73. ISSN: 0960-3166

Journal article

Leris, ACA., Roberts, TR., Jiang, WG., Newbold, RF. and Mokbel, K. (2005) 'Evidence for a tumour suppressive function of APRG1 in breast cancer'. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 93 (2). pp. 97 - 100. ISSN: 0167-6806

Journal article

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Wang, Z., Liu, Y. and Liu, X. (2005) 'On global asymptotic stability of neural networks with discrete and distributed delays'. Physics Letters A, 345 (4-6). pp. 299 - 308. ISSN: 0375-9601 Open Access Link

Journal article

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Journal article

Panteris, E., Swift, S., Payne, A. and Liu, X. (2005) 'Biochemical pathway analysis via signature mining'.1st International Symposium on Computational Life Science (COMPLIFE'05. Konstanz, GERMANY. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 12 - 23. ISSN: 0302-9743 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Tucker, A., Vinciotti, V., Liu, X. and Garway-Heath, D. (2005) 'A spatio-temporal Bayesian network classifier for understanding visual field deterioration'. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 34 (2). pp. 163 - 177. ISSN: 0933-3657 Open Access Link

Journal article

Panteris, E., Swift, S., Payne, A. and Liu, X. (2005) 'Signature mining: a heuristic approach to biochemical pathway analysis'.The Intelligence Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology Workshop (IDAMAP2005).  [unpublished]

Conference paper

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Journal article

Hubble, N. (2005) ''Priest’s Repetitive Strain'', in Butler, AM. (ed.) Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Cambridge: Science Fiction Foundation. pp. 35 - 51.

Book chapter

Sheng, W., Swift, S., Zhang, L. and Liu, X. (2005) 'A weighted sum validity function for clustering with a hybrid niching genetic algorithm'. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics-Part B: Cybernetics, 35 (6). pp. 1156 - 1167. ISSN: 1083-4419 Open Access Link

Journal article

Koh, YKK., Lester, JN. and Scrimshaw, MD. (2005) 'Fate and Behaviour of Alkylphenols and their Poly-ethoxylates in an Activated Sludge Plant'. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 75 (6). pp. 1098 - 1106. ISSN: 0007-4861 Open Access Link

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Wang, Z. and Ho, DWC. (2005) 'Output feedback robust H∞ control with D-stability and variance constraints: A parametrization approach'. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 11 (2). pp. 263 - 280. ISSN: 1079-2724 Open Access Link

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Book chapter

Harman, M., Swift, S. and Mahdavi, K. (2005) 'An empirical study of the robustness of two module clustering fitness functions'.The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2005). Washington, DC. ACM. pp. 1029 - 1036.

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Journal article

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Vinciotti, V., Khanin, R., D'Alimonte, D., Liu, X., Cattini, N., Hotchkiss, G., et al. (2005) 'An experimental evaluation of a loop versus a reference design for two-channel microarrays'. Bioinformatics, 21 (4). pp. 492 - 501. ISSN: 1367-4803 Open Access Link

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Wang, Z., Ho, DWC. and Liu, X. (2005) 'State estimation for delayed neural networks'. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 16 (1). pp. 279 - 284. ISSN: 1045-9227 Open Access Link

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Yang, F., Wang, Z. and Liu, X. (2005) 'Robust H-infinity control for Stochastic time-delay systems with missing measurements'.24th Chinese Control Conference. Canton, PEOPLES R CHINA. 1 - 18 July. SOUTH CHINA UNIV TECHNOLOGY PRESS. pp. 531 - 534.

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Wang, Z., Shu, H. and Liu, X. (2005) 'Reliable stabilization of stochastic time-delay systems with nonlinear disturbances'. International Journal of General Systems, 35 (5). pp. 523 - 535. ISSN: 0308-1079

Journal article

Sutherland, I., Hawes, D., Ignatova, S., Janaway, L. and Wood, P. (2005) 'Review of progress toward the industrial scale-up of CCC'. Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies, 28 (12-13). pp. 1877 - 1891. ISSN: 1082-6076

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Ansell, N. and Van Blerk, L. (2005) 'Joining the conspiracy? Negotiating ethics and emotions in researching (around) AIDS in Southern Africa'. Ethics, Place and Environment, 8 (1). pp. 61 - 82. ISSN: 1366-879X Open Access Link

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Conference paper

Beatty, A. (2005) 'Aid in faraway places: the context of an earthquake'. Anthropology Today, 21 (4). pp. 5 - 7.

Journal article

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Book chapter

Birringer, J. (2005) 'Interactivity: ‘user testing’ for participatory artworks'. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 1 (2). pp. 147 - 173. ISSN: 1479-4713

Journal article

Schulte-Oehlmann, U. and Kortenkamp, A. (2005) 'The Prague declaration on endocrine disruption'. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 12 (4). pp. 188. ISSN: 0944-1344

Journal article

Rosenberger, S., Ermler, S., Greulich-Bode, KM. and Boukamp, P. (2005) 'The role of telomeres and telomerase in cancer and aging. Meeting report of the 3rd European Workshop in Ladenburg, Germany.'. Place of publication: B.I.F. FUTURA.


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Pham, CG., Papa, S., Bubici, C., Zazzeroni, F. and Franzoso, G. (2005) 'Oxygen JNKies: Phosphatases overdose on ROS'. Developmental Cell, 8 (4). pp. 452 - 454. ISSN: 1534-5807

Journal article

Pham, CG., Papa, S., Bubici, C., Zazzeroni, F. and Franzoso, G. (2005) 'In the crosshairs: NF-κB targets the JNK signaling cascade'. Current Medicinal Chemistry: Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergy Agents, 4 (6). pp. 569 - 576. ISSN: 1568-0142

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Zhang, L., Jack, LB. and Nandi, AK. (2005) 'Extending genetic programming for multi-class classification by combining K-nearest neighbor'.(ICASSP '05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005.. Philadelphia, PA. 1 - 23 March. IEEE. pp. 349 - 352. ISSN: 1520-6149

Conference paper

Kawamoto, M., Ohata, M., Kohno, K., Inouye, Y. and Nandi, AK. (2005) 'Robust Super-Exponential Methods for Blind Equalization in the Presence of Gaussian Noise'. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 52 (10). pp. 651 - 655. ISSN: 1549-7747

Journal article

Beatty, A. (2005) 'Javanese Shamanism', inShamanism. Berkshire, US : ABC-Clio.

Book chapter

Ansell, N. and van Blerk, L. (2005) 'Introduction: children and youth in developing areas'. Children's Geographies: advancing interdisciplinary understanding of younger people's lives, 3 (2). pp. 145 - 147. ISSN: 1473-3285

Journal article

Haverkamp, HC., Dempsey, JA., Miller, JD., Romer, LM. and Eldridge, MW. (2005) 'Physiological responses to exercise', in Hamid, Q., Shannon, J. and Martin, J. (eds.) Physiological Basis of Respiratory Disease. BC Decker Inc. pp. 525 - 540.

Book chapter

Liu, L., Meng, H., Zhang, L. and Wang, Z. (2005) 'An ASIC implementation of JPEG2000 codec'.IEEE 2005 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2005.. IEEE. pp. 691 - 694. ISSN: 0886-5930

Conference paper

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Conference paper

Meng, H., Hardoon, DR., Shawe-Taylor, J. and Szedmák, S. (2005) 'Generic object recognition by combining distinct features in machine learning'.Electronic Imaging 2005. San Jose, CA. SPIE. pp. 90 - 98. ISSN: 0277-786X

Conference paper

Farquhar, J., Hardoon, DR., Meng, H., Shawe-Taylor, J. and Szedmák, S. (2005) 'Two view learning: SVM-2K, Theory and Practice'. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). pp. 355 - 362. ISSN: 1049-5258

Conference paper

Liu, L., Chen, N., Zhang, C., Meng, H., Zhang, L., Wang, Z. and et al. (2005) 'An ASIC implementation of JPEG2000 encoder'. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 14 (4). pp. 603 - 608. ISSN: 1022-4653

Journal article

Caccamo, AE., Scaltriti, M., Caporali, A., D'Arca, D., Corti, A., Corvetta, D., et al. (2005) 'Ca2+ depletion induces nuclear clusterin, a novel effector of apoptosis in immortalized human prostate cells [5]'. Cell Death and Differentiation, 12 (1). pp. 101 - 104. ISSN: 1350-9047

Journal article

Ansell, N. (2005) 'AIDS and migration', in Gibney, M. and Hansen, R. (eds.) Global Migration in the 20th Century: An Encyclopedia. Oxford : ABC-CLIO. , 1. pp. 9 - 12.

Book chapter

Ansell, N. (2005) 'Children, youth, and development'. London: Routledge. ISSN 10: 0415287693 ISSN 13: 9780415287692


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Journal article

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