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Dias-da-Silva, D., Carmo, H. and Silva, E. (2011) 'Additive join effects between ecstasy and other amphetamine-type agents in primary cultured rat hepatocytes'.47th Congress of the European-Societies-of-Toxicology. Paris, FRANCE. 28 - 31 August. Elsevier. pp. S211 - S211. ISSN: 0378-4274

Conference paper

Sutherland, IA., Ignatova, SN., Simmonds, M. and Sendker, J. (2011) 'Good practice in TCMs (GPTCM): preliminary results on the quality of botanical origin, processing and extraction information contained in papers on Cornus Officinalis in the last three years'.The 10th Meeting of Consortium for Globilisation of Chinese Medicine (CGCM2011). Shanghai, China. 26 - 28 August. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Maguire, M. and Hoskins, K. (2011) 'Changing lives: women, inclusion and the PhD'. Journal of Education Policy, 27 (1). pp. 151 - 152. ISSN: 0268-0939 Open Access Link

Journal article

Halliday, I., Pontrelli, G., Spencer, TJ., Care, CM., Koenig, CS. and Collins, MW. (2011) 'Near wall hemodynamics: Modelling the glycocalyx and the endothelial surface'.Micro and Nano Flows 2011 (MNF2011). Thessaloniki. 22 - 24 August. Brunel University.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Bravo-Solorio, S. and Nandi, AK. (2011) 'Exposing duplicated regions affected by reflection, rotation and scaling'.ICASSP 2011 - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Prague Congress Ctr, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. 18 - 27 May. IEEE. pp. 1880 - 1883. ISSN: 1520-6149

Conference paper

Salazar-Gonzalez, AG., Li, Y. and Liu, X. (2011) 'Optic disc segmentation by incorporating blood vessel compensation'.2011 IEEE SSCI Third International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging (CIMI 2011). IEEE. pp. 1 - 8.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Vagnarelli, P., Ribeiro, S., Sennels, L., Sanchez-Pulido, L., de Lima Alves, F., Verheyen, T., et al. (2011) 'Repo-Man Coordinates Chromosomal Reorganization with Nuclear Envelope Reassembly during Mitotic Exit'. Developmental Cell, 21 (2). pp. 328 - 342. ISSN: 1878-1551 Open Access Link

Journal article

Sutherland, I., Hewitson, P., Siebers, R., van den Heuvel, R., Arbenz, L., Kinkel, J. and et al. (2011) 'Scale-up of protein purifications using aqueous two-phase systems: Comparing multilayer toroidal coil chromatography with centrifugal partition chromatography'. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (32). pp. 5527 - 5530. ISSN: 0021-9673

Journal article

Mehta, IS., Arican, HD., Eskiw, CH., Kill, IR. and Bridger, JM. (2011) 'Farnesyltransferase inhibitor treatment restores chromosome territory positions and active chromosome dynamics in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome cells.'. Genome Biology: biology for the post-genomic era, 12 (8). pp. R74. ISSN: 1465-6906 Open Access Link

Journal article

Sabin, RJ. and Anderson, RM. (2011) 'Cellular senescence - its role in cancer and the response to ionizing radiation'. Genome Integrity, 2 (1). pp. 7. ISSN: 2041-9414 Open Access Link

Journal article

Mehta, I., Eskiw, C., Aricane, H., Kill, I. and Bridger, J. (2011) 'Farnesyltransferase inhibitor treatment restores chromosome territory positions and active chromosome dynamics in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome cells.'. Genome Biology, 12 (8). ISSN: 1474-760X

Journal article

Birringer, J. (2011) '"Is You Me? Dance and Choreomania"', in Birringer, J. and Fenger, J. (eds.) Tanz und Wahnsinn / Dance and Choreomania. Leipzig : Henschel. , 21. pp. 15 - 28. ISBN 10: 3894877103.

Book chapter

Bravo-Solorio, S. and Nandi, AK. (2011) 'Automated detection and localisation of duplicated regions affected by reflection, rotation and scaling in image forensics'. Signal Processing, 91 (8). pp. 1759 - 1770. ISSN: 0165-1684

Journal article

Xiong, W., Ho, DWC. and Wang, Z. (2011) 'Consensus analysis of multiagent networks via aggregated and pinning approaches'. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 22 (8). pp. 1231 - 1240. ISSN: 1045-9227 Open Access Link

Journal article

Zu, H., Li, S. and Yu, K. (2011) 'Crude oil shocks and stock markets: A panel threshold cointegration approach'. Energy Economics, 33 (5). pp. 987 - 994. ISSN: 0140-9883

Journal article

Froerer, P. (2011) 'Children's moral reasoning about illness in Chhattisgarh, central India'. Childhood: a global journal of child research, 18 (3). pp. 367 - 383. ISSN: 0907-5682

Journal article

Gao, H., Long, Q., Das, SK., Sadat, U., Graves, M., Gillard, JH. and et al. (2011) 'Stress analysis of carotid atheroma in transient ischemic attack patients: Evidence for extreme stress-induced plaque rupture'. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 39 (8). pp. 2203 - 2212. ISSN: 0090-6964

Journal article

Silva, E., Rajapakse, N., Scholze, M., Backhaus, T., Ermler, S. and Kortenkamp, A. (2011) 'Joint effects of heterogeneous estrogenic chemicals in the E-Screen-exploring the applicability of concentration addition'. Toxicological Sciences, 122 (2). pp. 383 - 394. ISSN: 1096-6080

Journal article

Gao, H., Long, Q., Das, SK., Sadat, U., Graves, M., Gillard, JH. and et al. (2011) 'Stress Analysis of Carotid Atheroma in Transient Ischemic Attack Patients: Evidence for Extreme Stress-Induced Plaque Rupture'. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. ISSN: 0090-6964

Journal article

Zeka, A., Gore, R. and Kriebel, D. (2011) 'The two-stage clonal expansion model in occupational cancer epidemiology: Results from three cohort studies'. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 68 (8). pp. 618 - 624. ISSN: 1351-0711

Journal article

Spasos, M., Tsiakmakis, K., Charalampidis, N. and Nilavalan, R. (2011) 'RF-MEMS switch actuation pulse optimization using Taguchi's method'. Microsystem Technologies, 17 (8). pp. 1351 - 1359. ISSN: 0946-7076 Open Access Link

Journal article

Dunford, C. (2011) 'Goal-orientated group intervention for children with developmental coordination disorder'. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 31 (3). pp. 288 - 300. ISSN: 0194-2638

Journal article

Turner, T., Cartmell, E., Lester, JN., Casse, F., Comber, SD. and Scrimshaw, MD. (2011) 'The pharmaceutical use of permethrin: Sources and behavior during municipal sewage treatment'. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 61 (2). pp. 193 - 201. ISSN: 0090-4341 Open Access Link

Journal article

Iacovidou, E., Vlachopoulou, M., Mallapaty, S., Ohandja, D-G., Gronow, J. and Voulvoulis, N. (2011) 'Anaerobic digestion in municipal solid waste management in the UK - Works in theory, but in practice…'.Fourth International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. San Servolo, Venice, Italy.

Conference paper

Ul-Hassan, M., Chaudhary, AJ., Soomro, SA. and Aziz, S. (2011) 'Industrial effluent treatment by photocatalytic degradation of sodium dodecylbenzensulfonate (DBS)', in Uqaili, MA. and Harijan, K. (eds.) Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development. Vienna : Springer. pp. 237 - 243. ISBN 10: 3-7091-0109-3. ISBN 13: 978-3-7091-0108-7.

Book chapter

Memon, S., Manivannan, N., Boulgouris,, N. and Balachanran, W. (2011) 'Reference Patterns for Automatic Active Pore Detection in Fingertip Images'.WASET 2011 : World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,. Paris. 29 - 29 July.

Conference paper

Abdollahi, SR., Al-Raweshidy, HS. and Nilavalan, R. (2011) 'Fully photonic analogue to digital conversion technique for super broadband digitized radio over fibre link'.16th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications. Newcastle, UK. 20 - 22 July. Resolve16th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications. pp. 72 - 75.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Spinelli, G. and Basharat, A. (2011) 'Multi-agent collaboration based on enhanced cognitive awareness: An architecture for agents' profiling on the semantic web'. Expert Systems, 28 (5). pp. 461 - 487. ISSN: 0266-4720

Journal article

Ignatova, SN., Douillet, N., Hewitson, P., Thickitt, C., Viliminot, E., Johns, D., et al. (2011) 'API recovery from pharmaceutical waste streams by high performance counter-current chromatography (HPCCC) and intermittent counter-current extraction (ICcE)'.International Symposium, Exhibit and Workshops on Preparative and Process Chromatography (PREP 2011). Boston, USA. 10 - 13 July. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. pp. 236 - 237. ISSN: 0065-7727

Conference paper

Mansfield, L. and Killick, L. (2011) 'The netball superleague in the UK: Franchising, ‘intrapreneuring’ and empowerment in women’s sport development'.International Sociology of Sport Association World Congress: sport and the winds of change – past, present, futures. Havana, Cuba. 10 - 17 July. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Money, A., McIntyre, A., Atwal, A., Spiliotopoulou, G., Elliman, T. and French, T. (2011) 'Bringing the home into the hospital: Assisting the hospital-home discharge process using 3D home visualisation software'.15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International). Orlando, Bonnet Creek, Florida, USA. 9 - 14 July. Springer. pp. 416 - 426. ISSN: 0302-9743

Conference paper

Howarth, A. (2011) 'A Post-Colonial Dilemma: The Polygamy of Jacob Zuma – African Culture or AIDS Scandal'.ECREA Conference on Scandal and Moral Outrage. London School of Economics and Political Science.

Conference paper

Money, AG., McIntyre, A., Atwal, A., Spiliotopoulou, G., Elliman, T. and French, T. (2011) 'Bringing the home into the hospital: Assisting the pre-discharge home visit process using 3D home visualization software'.6th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI 2011). Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. 6 - 14 July. Springer-Verlag. pp. 416 - 426.

Conference paper

Mansfield, L. (2011) 'The London Olympics: What’s in it for women?'.The London Women’s Planning Forum seminar. Queen Mary University, London. 6 [unpublished]

Conference paper

Kilbride, C., Norris, M. and Mohagheghi, A. (2011) 'Multi-age Group for Functional Training Post Stroke: A Feasibility Study'.British Society of Gerontology. Plymouth UK. 5 - 7 July. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Norris, M. and Kilbride, C. (2011) 'Multi-Age Group for Functional Training post Stroke: A Feasibility Study'.Understanding and Promoting the Vlaue of Older Age: British Society of Gerontology.  [unpublished]

Conference paper

Boyland, EJ., Harrold, JA., Kirkham, TC., Corker, C., Cuddy, J., Evans, D., et al. (2011) 'Food commercials increase preference for energy-dense foods, particularly in children who watch more television'. Pediatrics, 128 (1). pp. e93 - e100. ISSN: 0031-4005

Journal article

Sekhar, S., Abd El-Samie, FE., Yu, P., Al-Nuaimy, W. and Nandi, AK. (2011) 'Automated localization of retinal features'. Applied Optics, 50 (19). pp. 3064 - 3075. ISSN: 1559-128X

Journal article

Huda, MSB., Dovey, TM., Wong, SP., English, PJ., Halford, JCG., McCulloch, P., et al. (2011) 'Ghrelin does not orchestrate the metabolic changes seen in fasting but has significant effects on lipid mobilisation and substrate utilisation'. European Journal of Endocrinology, 165 (1). pp. 45 - 55. ISSN: 0804-4643

Journal article

Spasos, M., Nilavalan, R., Tsiakmakis, K., Charalampidis, N. and Cheung, SW. (2011) 'Optimization of a 12.5 GHz microstrip antenna array using Taguchi's method'. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2011. pp. 1 - 9. ISSN: 1687-5869 Open Access Link

Journal article

Li, P., Lam, J., Wang, Z. and Date, P. (2011) 'Positivity-preserving H∞ model reduction for positive systems'. AutomaticaIterative algorithm, 47 (7). pp. 1504 - 1511. ISSN: 0005-1098 Open Access Link

Journal article

Coughlan, J. and Swift, S. (2011) 'Student and tutor perceptions of learning and teaching on a first year study skills module in a university computing department'. Educational Studies, 37 (5). pp. 529 - 539. ISSN: 0305-5698

Journal article

Anagnostou, A., Eatock, J. and Taylor, SJE. (2011) 'Response to Forsberg et al (2011) Managing health care decisions and improvement through simulation modeling: Modeling versus modelling'. Quality Management in Health Care, 20 (3). pp. 246 - 247. ISSN: 1063-8628

Journal article

Abutarboush, HF., Nilavalan, R., Peter, T. and Cheung, SW. (2011) 'Multiband inverted-f antenna with independent bands for small and slim cellular mobile handsets'. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 59 (7). pp. 2636 - 2645. ISSN: 0018-926X Open Access Link

Journal article

Dong, H., Wang, Z., Ho, DWC. and Gao, H. (2011) 'Robust H∞ filtering for markovian jump systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities and sensor saturation: The finite-horizon case'. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59 (7). pp. 3048 - 3057. ISSN: 1053-587X Open Access Link

Journal article

Brian, JV., Beresford, N., Margiotta-Casaluci, L. and Sumpter, JP. (2011) 'Preliminary data on the influence of rearing temperature on the growth and reproductive status of fathead minnows Pimephales promelas'. Journal of Fish Biology, 79 (1). pp. 80 - 88. ISSN: 1095-8649 Open Access Link

Journal article

Zeng, N., Wang, Z., Li, Y., Du, M. and Liu, X. (2011) 'Inference of nonlinear state-space models for sandwich-type lateral flow immunoassay using extended Kalman filtering'. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 58 (7). pp. 1959 - 1966. ISSN: 0018-9294 Open Access Link

Journal article

Green, D., Lingam, R., Mattocks, C., Riddoch, C., Ness, A. and Emond, A. (2011) 'The risk of reduced physical activity in children with probable Developmental Coordination Disorder: A prospective longitudinal study'. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32 (4). pp. 1332 - 1342. ISSN: 0891-4222

Journal article

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