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Kugathas, S., Audouze, K., Ermler, S., Orton, F., Rosivatz, E., Scholze, M. and et al. (2015) 'Effects of common pesticides on prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) inhibition in SC5 mouse sertoli cells, evidence of binding at the cox-2 active site, and implications for endocrine disruption'. Environmental Health Perspectives, 124 (4). pp. 452 - 459. ISSN: 0091-6765 Open Access Link

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Al Wahaibi, A. and Zeka, A. (2015) 'Respiratory and allergic health effects in a young population in proximity of a major industrial park in Oman'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (online first), 70 (2). pp. 174 - 180. ISSN: 1470-2738 Open Access Link

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Iacob, C., Faily, S. and Bell, D. (2015) 'Special section: software quality for mobile apps'. Software Quality Journal, 23 (3). pp. 483 - 484. ISSN: 0963-9314

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Liu, Q., Wang, Z., He, X. and Zhou, DH. (2015) 'Event-Based H Consensus Control of Multi-Agent Systems with Relative Output Feedback: The Finite-Horizon Case'. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60 (9). pp. 2553 - 2558. ISSN: 0018-9286 Open Access Link

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Liu, Q., Wang, Z., He, X. and Zhou, DH. (2015) 'Event-Based Recursive Distributed Filtering over Wireless Sensor Networks'. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60 (9). pp. 2470 - 2475. ISSN: 0018-9286 Open Access Link

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Howarth, A. (2015) 'Genetically Modified Organisms and European Journalism', inGenetically Modified Organisms in Food: Production, Safety, Regulation and Public Health. pp. 257 - 265.

Book chapter

Howarth, A. (2015) 'Exploring a curatorial turn in journalism'. M/C Journal. ISSN: 1441-2616

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Book chapter

Sumption, N., Goodhead, DT. and Anderson, RM. (2015) 'Alpha-Particle-Induced Complex Chromosome Exchanges Transmitted through Extra-Thymic Lymphopoiesis In Vitro Show Evidence of Emerging Genomic Instability.'. PLoS One, 10 (8). pp. e0134046 - e0134046. ISSN: 1932-6203 Open Access Link

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Zhu, Z. and Nandi, AK. (2015) 'Modulation classification in MIMO fading channels via expectation maximization with non-data-aided initialization'.2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). South Brisbane, QLD, Australia. 6 - 24 April. IEEE. pp. 3014 - 3018. ISSN: 1520-6149 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Liu, C., Fa, R., Abu-Jamous, B., Brattico, E. and Nandi, A. (2015) 'Scalable clustering based on enhanced-SMART for large-scale FMRI datasets'.ICASSP 2015 - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. 4 - 24 April. IEEE. pp. 962 - 966. ISSN: 1520-6149

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Fa, R., Abu-Jamous, B., Roberts, DJ. and Nandi, AK. (2015) 'CoCE-SMART: Consensus clustering based on enhanced splitting-merging awareness tactics'.ICASSP 2015 - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. 4 - 24 April. IEEE. pp. 2011 - 2015. ISSN: 1520-6149

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Liu, X., Chen, Y. and Zhang, H. (2015) 'A Maximal Concurrency and Low Latency Distributed Scheduling Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks'. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 11 (8). pp. 603172 - 603172. ISSN: 1550-1477

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Renzi, D., Longo, S., Frison, N., Malamis, S., Katsou, E. and Fatone, F. (Accepted) 'Short-cut enhanced nutrient removal from anaerobic supernatants: Pilot scale results and full scale development of the S.C.E.N.A. process. Chapter 16 in: Sewage Treatment Plants: Economic Evaluation of Innovative Technology for Energy Efficiency. Integrated Environmental Technology Series. K. Stamatelatou, K.P. Tsagarakis (Eds.). IWA Publishing, 2015.', in

Book chapter

Katsou, E., Malamis, S., Cecchi, F. and Fatone, F. (Accepted) 'Fate and removal of trace metals from urban wastewater by membrane bioreactors: pilot and full-scale experiences, Chapter 11 in: Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment: Removal of Toxic Trace Elements, A. Figoli, J. Hoinkis, J. Bundschuh (Eds), Sustainable Water Developments, CRC press (Taylor and Francis Group), 2015.', in

Book chapter

Katsou, E., Malamis, S., Mamais, D., Bolzonella, D. and Fatone, F. (Accepted) 'Occurrence, fate and removal of PAHs and VOCs in WWTPs using activated sludge processes and membrane bioreactors: Results from Italy and Greece. Chapter 6 in: Wastewater Treatment: Occurrence and Fate of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). A. Forsgren (Ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2015', in

Book chapter

Malamis, S., Katsou, E. and Fatone, F. (Accepted) 'Integration of energy efficient processes in carbon and nutrient removal from sewage. Chapter 5 in: Sewage Treatment Plants: Economic Evaluation of Innovative Technology for Energy Efficiency. Integrated Environmental Technology Series. K. Stamatelatou, K.P. Tsagarakis (Eds.). IWA Publishing, 2015.', in

Book chapter

Howarth, A. (2015) 'Hunger Hurts: The Politics of an Austerity Food Blog'. International Journal of E-Politics, 6 (3). pp. 13 - 26. ISSN: 1947-9131 Open Access Link

Journal article

Howarth, A. (2015) 'Preface to Special Issue on the E-Politics of Food: From Online Campaigning to Food Porn'. International Journal of E-Politics, 6 (3).Open Access Link

Journal article

Davies, J., Chen, J., Pink, R., Carter, D., Saunders, N., Bai, B., et al. (2015) 'Orexin receptors exert a neuroprotective effect in Alzheimer's disease (AD) via heterodimerization with GPR103'. Scientific Reports, 5. ISSN: 2045-2322 Open Access Link

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