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van Blerk, L. and Ansell, N. (2007) 'Participatory feedback and dissemination with and for children: reflections from research with young migrants in Southern Africa'. Children’s Geographies, 5 (3). pp. 313 - 324. ISSN: 1473-3285 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hass, U., Scholze, M., Christiansen, S., Dalgaard, M., Vinggaard, AM., Axelstad, M., et al. (2007) 'Combined exposure to anti-androgens exacerbates disruption of sexual differentiation in the rat'. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115 (SUPPL1). pp. 122 - 128. ISSN: 0091-6765 Open Access Link

Journal article

Meng, H., Pears, N. and Bailey, C. (2007) 'A Human Action Recognition System for Embedded Computer Vision Application'.2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE. pp. 1 - 6. ISSN: 1063-6919

Conference paper

Liu, L., Zhang, M., Meng, H., Zhang, L. and Wang, Z. (2007) 'A VLSI implementation of lifting-based forward and inverse wavelet transform'. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 16 (3). pp. 423 - 428. ISSN: 1022-4653

Journal article

Moscone, F., Knapp, M. and Tosetti, T. (2007) 'SUR model with spatial effects: An Application to mental Health Expenditure'. Health Economics. pp. 403 - 408. ISSN: 1057-9230

Journal article

Rudolph, C., Schürer, KA. and Kramer, W. (2007) 'Facing Stalled Replication Forks: The Intricacies of Doing the Right Thing', in Lankenau, D-H. (ed.) Genome Integrity: Facets and Perspectives. Springer. , 1. pp. 105 - 152. ISBN 13: 978-3-540-37531-9.

Book chapter

Ansell, N. and van Blerk, L. (2007) 'Doing and belonging: toward a more-than-representational account of young migrant identities in Lesotho and Malawi', in Panelli, R., Punch, S. and Robson, E. (eds.) Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: young rural lives. London : Routledge. pp. 17 - 28.

Book chapter

Bushin, N., Ansell, N., Adriansen, H., Lähteenmaa, J. and Panelli, R. (2007) 'Further conceptualising context and identity in young rural lives', in Panelli, R., Punch, S. and Robson, E. (eds.) Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: young rural lives. London : Routledge. pp. 69 - 80.

Book chapter

Ansell, N. and van Blerk, L. (2007) 'Caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa: complex strategies for care'. Journal of International Development, 19 (7). pp. 865 - 884.

Journal article

Ansell, N. and Smith, F. (2007) 'Guest Editorial: Emerging Issues in Children’s Geographies'. Children's Geographies: advancing interdisciplinary understanding of younger people's lives, 4 (3). pp. 255 - 257.

Journal article

Heinrich, M., Modarai, M. and Kortenkamp, A. (2007) 'Drug interactions with Echinacea: does it matter how the product is made?'. JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 59. pp. A80 - A80. ISSN: 0022-3573

Journal article

Modarai, M., Wilson, N., Politi, M., Suter, A., Kortenkamp, A. and Heinrich, M. (2007) 'Echinacea liquid formulations - NMR spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis of fractions with CYP3A4 inhibitory activity'. JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 59. pp. A63 - A63. ISSN: 0022-3573

Journal article

Kortenkamp, A., Faust, M., Scholze, M. and Backhaus, T. (2007) 'Low-level exposure to multiple chemicals: Reason for human health concerns?'. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115 (SUPPL1). pp. 106 - 114. ISSN: 0091-6765 Open Access Link

Journal article

Meng, H., Pears, N. and Bailey, C. (2007) 'An FPGA-based system for development of real-time embedded vision applications'. Proceedings of HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing. pp. 33 - 40.

Conference paper

Kortenkamp, A. (2007) 'Ten years of mixing cocktails: A review of combination effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals'. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115 (SUPPL1). pp. 98 - 105. ISSN: 0091-6765 Open Access Link

Journal article

Silva, E., Scholze, M. and Kortenkamp, A. (2007) 'Activity of xenoestrogens at nanomolar concentrations in the E-screen assay'. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115 (SUPPL1). pp. 91 - 97. ISSN: 0091-6765 Open Access Link

Journal article

Scholze, M. and Kortenkamp, A. (2007) 'Statistical power considerations show the endocrine disruptor low-dose issue in a new light'. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115 (SUPPL1). pp. 84 - 90. ISSN: 0091-6765 Open Access Link

Journal article

Kortenkamp, A. (2007) 'Introduction: Endocrine disruptors-exposure assessment, novel end points, and low-dose and mixture effects'. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115 (SUPPL1). pp. 7 - 7. ISSN: 0091-6765 Open Access Link

Journal article

Kitzinger, J., Williams, C. and Henderson, L. (2007) 'Science, media and society: The framing of bioethical debates around embryonic stem cell research between 2000 and 2005', in Glasner, PE., Atkinson, P. and Greenslade, H. (eds.) New genetics, new social formations. Oxon, UK : Routledge. pp. 204 - 252. ISBN 10: 041539323X. ISBN 13: 9780415393232.

Book chapter

Strintzis, MG., Kompatsiaris, Y., Argyropoulos, S., Thomos, N. and Boulgouris, NV. (2007) 'Coding of two-dimensional and three-dimensional color image sequences', in Lukac, R. and Plataniotis, KN. (eds.) Color image processing. CRC. pp. 503 - 524. ISBN 10: 084939774X. ISBN 13: 9780849397745.

Book chapter

Knight, M., Bridger, JM., Ittiprasert, W., Odoemelam, E., Masabanda, J., Miller, A. and et al. (2007) 'Mobile genetic elements in metazoan parasites', in Brindley, PJ. (ed.) Mobile genetic elements in metazoan parasites. Landes Bioscience. ISBN 10: 1587060930. ISBN 13: 9781587060939. Open Access Link

Book chapter

Robson, E., Ansell, N., van Blerk, L., Chipeta, L. and Hajdu, F. (2007) 'AIDS and food insecurity: ‘New variant famine’ in Malawi?'. Malawi Medical Journal, 19 (4). pp. 136 - 137. ISSN: 1995-7262 Open Access Link

Journal article

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Conference paper

Ansell, N., Barker, J. and Smith, F. (2007) 'UNICEF child poverty in perspective report: a view from the UK'. Children's Geographies, 5 (3). pp. 325 - 330. ISSN: 1473-3285 Open Access Link

Journal article

Meng, H., Pears, N. and Bailey, C. (2007) 'Motion information combination for fast human action recognition'.2nd International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications/2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. Barcelona, SPAIN. INSTICC-INST SYST TECHNOLOGIES INFORMATION CONTROL & COMMUNICATION. pp. 21 - 28.

Conference paper

Forster, A., Meng, H. and Abel, E. (2007) 'The application of singularity characteristics to quantitative electromyography'. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 118 (5). pp. 159 - 159.

Journal article

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Conference paper

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Conference paper

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Book chapter

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Conference paper

Birringer, J. (2007) 'Die Welt als virtuelles Environment'. Dresden: Trans-Media Akademie Hellerau. ISSN 10: 3981024737


Meng, H., Pears, N. and Bailey, C. (2007) 'A human action recognition system for embedded computer vision application'.IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Minneapolis, MN. 1 - 22 June. IEEE. pp. 3213. ISSN: 1063-6919

Conference paper

Gouda, H., Fox-Rushby, J., Heald, S., Helman, C., Parker, M., Pokhrel, S., et al. (2007) 'Applied Social Sciences for Public Health (ASSPH) Higher degree training for implementation research on tropical diseases'. Place of publication: Research Capability Strengthening (RCS) unit of the UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR).Open Access Link


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Conference paper

Gan, L. and Ling, C. (2007) 'Computation of the dual frame: Forward and backward Greville formulas'.32nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Honolulu, HI. 1 - 20 April. IEEE. pp. 865. ISSN: 1520-6149

Conference paper

Gan, L. (2007) 'Block compressed sensing of natural images'.15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Cardiff Univ, Cardiff, WALES. 1 - 4 July. IEEE. pp. 403 - 406.

Conference paper

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Conference paper

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Journal article

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Journal article

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Book chapter

Day, P. and Nandi, AK. (2007) 'Robust text-independent speaker verification using genetic programming'. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 15 (1). pp. 285 - 295. ISSN: 1558-7916

Journal article

Domínguez, AR. and Nandi, AK. (2007) 'Improved dynamic-programming-based algorithms for segmentation of masses in mammograms'. Medical Physics, 34 (11). pp. 4256 - 4269. ISSN: 0094-2405

Journal article

Wayne, M. (2007) 'Failing the public: The BBC, The War Game and revisionist history: A reply to James Chapman'. Journal of Contemporary History, 42 (4). pp. 627 - 637. ISSN: 0022-0094

Journal article

Lockyer, S. (2007) 'Book Review of Harm and Offence in Media Content: A Review of the Evidence by A. Millwood Hargrave and S. Livingstone.'. European Journal of Communication, 22 (1). pp. 131 - 132.

Journal article

Lockyer, S. (2007) 'Book Review of Pervasive Perversions: Paedophilia and Child Sexual Abuse in Media/Culture by C.J.P. Lee'. Child Abuse Review, 19 (1). pp. 103 - 106.

Journal article

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Journal article

Correia, AD., Freitas, S., Scholze, M., Gonçalves, J., Booij, P., Lamoree, MH., et al. (2007) 'Mixtures of estrogenic chemicals enhance vitellogenic response in sea bass'. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115 (SUPPL1). pp. 115 - 121. ISSN: 0091-6765 Open Access Link

Journal article

Wang, Z. (2007) 'International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Preface'. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 84 (5). pp. 581 - 583. ISSN: 0020-7160

Journal article

Pash, S., Spooner, J. and Sumpter, JP. (2007) 'Albino common toads (Bufo bufo)'. Herpetological Bulletin. pp. 8 - 11. ISSN: 1473-0928

Journal article

Spooner, J., Pash, S. and Sumpter, JP. (2007) 'Occurrence of an albino newt and albino Common toads (Bufo bufo) in the same garden pond'. Herpetological Bulletin. pp. 11 - 12. ISSN: 1473-0928

Journal article

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