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Goodman, C., Davies, SL., Dickinson, A., Gage, H., Froggatt, K., Morbey, H., et al. (2013) 'A study to develop integrated working between primary health care services and care homes'. Available at:


Hubble, N. (2013) 'The Historical Context of Science Fiction', in Hubble, N. and Mousoutzanis, A. (eds.) The Science Fiction Handbook. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 1 - 15. ISBN 13: 978-1-4411-7096-5.

Book chapter

Wayne, M. and O'Neill, D. (2013) 'The condition of the working class: Representation and praxis'. Working USA: the journal of labor and society, 16 (4). pp. 487 - 503. ISSN: 1089-7011 Open Access Link

Journal article

Norris, M., Kilbride, C., Mohagheghi, A. and Victor, C. (2013) 'Exercise instructor-led functional training programme for community dwelling stroke survivors: A qualitative study'. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 20 (12). pp. 597 - 605. ISSN: 1741-1645 Open Access Link

Journal article

Kilbride, C., Norris, M., Theis, N. and Mohagheghi, AA. (2013) 'Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury (ARNI): A pragmatic study of functional training for stroke survivors'. Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1 (2). pp. 40 - 51. ISSN: 2332-1822 Open Access Link

Journal article

Li, W., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Huang, LK., Cosmas, J. and Maple, C. (2013) 'Subspace-based SNR estimator for OFDM system under different channel conditions'.2013 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). Brunel Univ, London, ENGLAND. 1 - 7 June. IEEE. pp. 1 - 5. ISSN: 2155-5044

Conference paper

Malcolm, D. and Mansfield, L. (2013) 'The quest for exciting knowledge: Developments in figurational sociological research on sport and leisure'. Política y Sociedad, 50 (2). pp. 397 - 419. ISSN: 1130-8001

Journal article

Mansfield, L. and Rich, E. (2013) 'Public health pedagogy, border crossings and physical activity at every size'. Critical Public Health, 23 (3). pp. 356 - 370. ISSN: 0958-1596

Journal article

McFadden, A., Fox-Rushby, J., Green, JM., Williams, V., Pokhrel, S., McLeish, J., et al. (2013) 'Understanding the use of vouchers and vitamins (Healthy Start). Final report to Policy Research Programme'. Place of publication: Department of Health.


Le Tertre, A., Henschel, S., Atkinson, R., Analitis, A., Zeka, A., Katsouyanni, K., et al. (2013) 'Impact of legislative changes to reduce the concentrations of Sulphur Dioxide on daily mortality in 20 European cities. (Forthcoming)'. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health.

Journal article

Hubble, N. (2013) 'Major Science Fiction Authors', in Hubble, N. and Mousoutzanis, A. (eds.) The Science Fiction Handbook. London : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 31 - 74. ISBN 13: 978-1-4411-7096-5.

Book chapter

Hubble, N. and Mousoutzanis, A. (2013) 'The Science Fiction Handbook'. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 13: 978-1-4411-7096-5


Inna, D., Lester, JN., Cartmell, E. and Scrimshaw, MD. (2013) 'Speciation and fate of copper in sewage treatment works with and without tertiary treatment: the effect of return flows'. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom). ISSN: 0959-3330

Journal article

Bourton, EC., Plowman, PN., Harvey, AJ., Adam Zahir, S. and Parris, CN. (2013) 'The PARP-1 inhibitor Olaparib causes retention of γ-H2AX foci in BRCA1 heterozygote cells following exposure to gamma radiation'. Journal of Cancer Therapy, 4 (11a). pp. 44 - 52. ISSN: 2151-1934 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hajdu, F., Ansell, N., Robson, E. and Van Blerk, L. (2013) 'Rural young people's opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in globalised southern Africa: The limitations of targeting policies'. International Development Planning Review, 35 (2). pp. 155 - 174. ISSN: 1474-6743 Open Access Link

Journal article

Wayne, M. (2013) 'Transcoding Kant: Kracauer's Weimar Marxism and after'. Historical Materialism: research in critical Marxist theory, 21 (3). pp. 57 - 85. ISSN: 1569-206X Open Access Link

Journal article

Birringer, J. (2013) 'The Sound of Movement Wearables'. [Night of the Experiments, CYNETart 2013 Festival, Dresden/Hellerau, Germany.]


Tempest S., Harries, P., Kilbride, C. and DeSouza, L. (2013) 'Enhanced clarity and holism: the outcome of implementing the ICF with an acute stroke multidisciplinary team in England.'. Disabilty and Rehabilitation.

Journal article

Foster HA., Estrada-Gerona, G., Themis, M., Garimberti, E., Hill, MA., Bridger, JM. and et al. (2013) 'Relative proximity of chromosome territories influences chromosome exchange partners in radiation-induced chromosome rearrangements in primary human bronchial epithelial cells.'. Mutation Research: Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 27 (1). pp. 118 - 119. ISSN: 0267-8357

Journal article

Kostanyan, AE., Ignatova, SN., Sutherland, IA., Hewitson, P., Zakhodjaeva, ZA. and Erastov, AA. (2013) 'Steady-state and non-steady state operation of counter-current chromatography devices'. Journal of Chromatography A, in press. pp. 94 - 105. ISSN: 0021-9673

Journal article

Beatty, A. (2013) 'Current emotion research in anthropology: Reporting the field'. Emotion Review, 5 (4). pp. 414 - 422. ISSN: 1754-0739 Open Access Link

Journal article

Howarth, A. (2013) 'Newspaper campaigning in Britain in the late 1990s', inMedia Interventions. New York : Peter Lang. pp. 37 - 54.

Book chapter

Howarth, A. (2013) 'Participatory politics, environmental journalism and newspaper campaigns', in Bodker, H. and Neverla, I. (eds.) Environmental journalism. Informa UK Limited. , 13. pp. 210 - 225.

Book chapter

Ejaz, A., Nilavalan, R. and Abutarboush, H. (2013) 'Tunable multiband microstrip antenna for 5GHz WLAN'. Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, 13 (2 - F). ISSN: 0975-5861 Open Access Link

Journal article

Harris, T., Kerry, SM., Victor, CR., Shah, SM., Iliffe, S., Ussher, M., et al. (2013) 'PACE-UP (Pedometer and consultation evaluation - UP) – a pedometer-based walking intervention with and without practice nurse support in primary care patients aged 45–75 years: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial'. Trials, 14 (1). pp. 418. ISSN: 1745-6215 Open Access Link

Journal article

Wazir, U., Sharma, AK., Mokbel, K., Ahmed, MH., Bridger, JM., Harvey, A. and et al. (2013) 'The clinicopathological significance of lamin A/C, lamin B1 and lamin B receptor mRNA expression in human breast cancer'. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 18 (4). pp. 1 - 17. ISSN: 1425-8153 Open Access Link

Journal article

Alkenani, A. and Yu, K. (2013) 'Penalized single-index quantile regression'. International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 2 (3). pp. 12 - 30. ISSN: 1927-7032 Open Access Link

Journal article

Hu, J., Wang, Z., Dong, H. and Gao, H. (2013) 'Recent advances on recursive filtering and sliding mode design for networked nonlinear stochastic systems: A survey'. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013. pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 1024-123X Open Access Link

Journal article

Naylor, S., Norris, M. and Williams, A. (2013) 'Does ethnicity, gender or age of physiotherapy students affect performance in the final clinical placements? An exploratory case study'. Physiotherapy (United Kingdom). ISSN: 0031-9406

Journal article

Yu, K., Chen, C., Reed, C. and Dunson, D. (2013) 'Bayesian variable selection in quantile regression'. Statistics and Its Interface.

Journal article

Hills, L. (2013) 'Framework for Evaluating a Participation Legacy.'.


Jaafar, HF., Nandi, AK. and Al-Nuaimy, W. (2013) 'Automated localisation of the optic disc and fovea to assist diabetic retinopathy screenings'. European Signal Processing Conference. ISSN: 2219-5491

Journal article

Gong, L. and Nandi, AK. (2013) 'Clustering by non-negative matrix factorization with independent principal component initialization'. European Signal Processing Conference. ISSN: 2219-5491

Journal article

Fa, R., Abu-Jamous, B. and Nandi, AK. (2013) 'Object based validation algorithm and its application to consensus clustering'.21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). Marrakesh, MOROCCO. 1 - 13 September. IEEE. ISSN: 2219-5491

Conference paper

Sutherland, I., Thickitt, C., Douillet, N., Freebairn, K., Johns, D., Mountain, C., et al. (2013) 'Scalable Technology for the Extraction of Pharmaceutics: Outcomes from a 3 year collaborative industry/academia research programme'. Journal of Chromatography A. ISSN: 0021-9673

Journal article

Louvieris, P., Clewley, N. and Liu, X. (2013) 'Effects-based feature identification for network intrusion detection'. Neurocomputing. ISSN: 0925-2312

Journal article

Haddi, E., Liu, X. and Shi, Y. (2013) 'The role of text pre-processing in sentiment analysis'.1st International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM). Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA. Elsevier BV. pp. 26 - 32. ISSN: 1877-0509 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Tarhini, A., Hone, K. and Liu, X. (2013) 'User acceptance towards web-based learning systems: Investigating the role of social, organizational and individual factors in european higher education'. Procedia Computer Science, 17. pp. 189 - 197. ISSN: 1877-0509 Open Access Link

Journal article

Sacchi, L., Tucker, A., Counsell, S., Swift, S. and Garway-Heath, D. (2013) 'Improving predictive models of glaucoma severity by incorporating quality indicators'. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. ISSN: 0933-3657

Journal article

Dimude, JU. and Amyes, SGB. (2013) 'Molecular diversity associated with the dissemination of CTX-M-15 beta-lactamase gene in blood culture isolates of Escherichia coli from Edinburgh'. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 45 (1). pp. 32 - 37. ISSN: 0036-5548

Journal article

Jahangirian, M. and Taylor, SJE. (2013) 'Profiling e-health projects in Africa: trends and funding patterns'. International Development, 31 (3). pp. 199 - 218. ISSN: 0266-6669

Journal article

Liu, X., Taylor, SJE., Wang, J., Gao, Q., Gilbert, D. and Mustafee, N. (2013) 'Speeding up systems biology simulations of biochemical pathways using condor'. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, Published online (17). pp. 2727 - 2742. ISSN: 1532-0626

Journal article

MacKay, RE., Le, HR., Clark, S. and Williams, JA. (2013) 'Polymer micro-grippers with an integrated force sensor for biological manipulation'. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23 (1). pp. 015005 - 015005. ISSN: 0960-1317

Journal article

Wang, Z., Shen, B., Dong, H. and Hu, J. (2013) 'Nonlinear analysis of dynamical complex networks'. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013. pp. 1 - 3. ISSN: 1085-3375 Open Access Link

Journal article

Ma, L., Wang, Z., Dong, H. and Wei, G. (2013) 'Variance-constrained multiobjective control and filtering for nonlinear stochastic systems: A survey'. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013. pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 1085-3375 Open Access Link

Journal article

Nouman, A., Anagnostou, A. and Taylor, SJE. (2013) 'Developing a distributed agent-based and DES simulation using poRTIco and repast'.2013 IEEE/ACM 17th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT). Delft, NETHERLANDS. 1 - 1 November. IEEE. pp. 97 - 104. ISSN: 1550-6525

Conference paper

Wang, Z., Hu, L., Rahman, I. and Liu, X. (2013) 'A constrained optimization approach to dynamic state estimation for power systems including PMU measurements'. ICAC 2013 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Automation and Computing: Future Energy and Automation. pp. 14 - 19.

Journal article

Shen, B., Ding, SX. and Wang, Z. (2013) 'Finite-Horizon H fault estimation for uncertain linear discrete time-varying systems with known inputs'. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 60 (12). pp. 902 - 906. ISSN: 1549-7747

Journal article

Howarth, A. (2013) 'A "superstorm": when moral panic and new risk discourses converge in the media'. Health, Risk and Society, 15 (6). pp. 681 - 698. ISSN: 1369-8575 Open Access Link

Journal article

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