The mission of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Group at Brunel University London is to conduct world-class research in heat transfer and two-phase flow. The scope of the research covers fundamentals and applications in heat transfer using both experimental and computational methods.

The Group includes the research of like-minded academics in the Departments of Mechanical and Aerospace and Chemical Engineering and it was the result of a natural grouping to facilitate research in single- and two-phase flow, heat transfer and related topics. Additional support is also provided through our visiting professors and industrial partners. The research strengths of the Group include expertise in experimental thermofluid systems as well analytical, modelling and computational fluid dynamics in this area.

The work of the Group is in response to national and international challenges in thermal engineering and related areas, and integrates well with research priorities as expressed by the major funding bodies in the UK and internationally. The main purpose of our research work includes progressing the knowledge and understanding of single- and two-phase fluid flow and heat transfer processes that lead to the design of more efficient thermal systems.

Experiments on and modelling of separation processes and reaction engineering are active areas of research in the Group. Our current research is mostly focused on carbon capture and utilisation processes with emphasis on adsorption-based post-combustion carbon capture systems. The research includes the development of new adsorbents, evaluation of the CO2 adsorption equilibrium and the kinetics of adsorbents via thermogravimetric studies.