Dr Weifeng Chen
Eastern Gateway 202q
- Email: weifeng.chen@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265302
- Innovation and Sustainability
- Brunel Business School
- College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Research area(s)
- Business Model Innovation and Digital Transformation
- AI Strategy and Leadership
- Sustainability and Innovation in Global Value Chains
- Collaborative and Open Innovation Ecosystems
- Socio-technical Change and Digital Adoption
- AI and Corporate Governance and Board Leadership
Research group (s)
Research Institute (s)
Research Interests
My current research explores the impact of digital technologies, such as AI and Blockchain, on business models and the optimisation of sustainable global value chains. I am actively engaged in projects focused on AI adoption and transformation strategies across various industry sectors, including corporate governance, boardroom management, healthcare management, and sustainable construction and maintenance. Additionally, I am deeply interested in contemporary issues surrounding strategic innovation in products, services, and organisational management.
Research grants and projects
Research Projects
Project details
- 2024-2025: Academy of Medical Science, Integrating digital transformation and circular economy for decarbonised construction & demolition waste diversion: enhancing Vietnam and UK’s research & practice (AIRINESS)
- 2022-23: Bruel ICS Funding, Daily activities matter: Post Covid Lifestyle and Mental Wellbeing
- 2022-23: BRIL Digital Living, ‘Natural’ participatory online interactions
- 2021-22: United Nation, The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) , Digital Health Provision through Telemedicine Ecosystem in Sub-Saharan Africa
- 2020-21: BBS Dean Pump-priming fund on the impact of disruptive technology (i.e. AI, Blockchain, IoT, Big Data) adoption on the performance of UK care homes.
- 2020-21: CES funding on DIY Lab within Brunel CBASS
- 2020-21: Research Seminar Series Awards 2020-21 on Digital Futures, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data within Brune:
- 2019-2021: British Council and Indian SPARC (Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Productivity, Employability and Business Models in Health Care Services
- 2018-2019: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (CES), Brunel University London, Is your job going to be Gigified? Envisioning personal exposure to earnings volatility in the age of the gig economy.
- •2017-2020: EU H2020 MSCA RISE, GREENDC: Sustainable Energy Demand Management for Green Data Centres. This research project studies the Energy Consumption and management issues of Data Centres in the UK, Turkey and Bulgaria and investigates their environmental impact and government policies
For collaboration opportunities in AI adoption and transformation, or to discuss cutting-edge strategies in innovation management, feel free to reach out to Dr. Chen at Weifeng.Chen@brunel.ac.uk
Research links
Co-author network
- Prof Ashley Braganza
- Dr David Botchie
- Dr Pantea Foroudi
- Dr Radha Shiwakoti
- Prof David Gallear
- Visualise network
Similar research interests
- Dr Vassilis Charitsis
- Dr Meng-Shan Sharon Wu
- Professor Ashley Braganza
- Dr Ruoyu Jin
- Dr Fabrizio Ceschin
Research group(s)